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Everything posted by mrmoshe

  1. Added to the Slinky crew Brett. See you there..The kingy social is one of the best IMHO. Looking forward to seeing as many Raiders as possible this year. Cheers, Pete.
  2. Did it have a chainsaw in it's hand and was it a cheeky bugger? That would make it a Murray cod. Sorry Stumpy...couldn't resist Pete.
  3. Wow Matt...That's a shocking story. They must have some serious toxins in them to do that. That pic of your swolen foot looks extremely painful. I'd say you've landed your last catfish. Glad you are fully recovered now, but a good lesson for all of us. Hope you feel better now, Cheers, Pete.
  4. One of the best fishing gags going that. I still get a chuckle from it. Seems particularly appropriate on days like today. Cheers, Pete.
  5. Good man Penguin, Thank you for the offerings...all added to the shopping list as well as your crew to the attendees. Cheers, Pete.
  6. All four added Oz, Cheers, Pete.
  7. Blitz on lax boat owners A SAFETY blitz on Yorke Peninsula has sparked concern over the "complacent" attitude of some boat owners. During the week-long operation, more than 700 boats at six ramps were checked for compliance with marine safety regulations. Department for Transport officers cautioned 101 boat owners and issued 24 expiation notices for various breaches. The officers also stopped 45 boats from launching because they did not have the required safety equipment. Several boats checked while on the water by mobile patrols were also escorted back to shore for similar breaches. Department head of safety regulation Brian Hemming said the operation had exposed a "complacent" attitude to marine safety among some boat owners. "To have that number of breaches is a concern," he said. "In some cases, it appears boat owners are more concerned about equipment used for catching fish than that to ensure the safety of those on board." The five-day operation concentrated on marine safety education and enforcement, reminding boat owners of their responsibilities. "This included carrying appropriate safety equipment in their boats, which was a major focus of the operation, operating boats safely and ensuring boats carried on trailers are done so in a safe manner," Mr Hemming said. "It's important to remember, the further distance you travel from shore, the more safety equipment you need. "This includes flares and smoke signals, a compass, fresh water, a working marine radio and an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon." A number of expiation notices were also issued to jet ski operators for various offences including speeding, not wearing a personal flotation device, operating unlicensed and operating in a restricted area. The operation also paid attention to boat trailers – particularly for compliance to recently introduced regulations relating to brakes. Another operation is being planned for the same area, but officers are expected to show less leniency for any detected breaches. The multi-agency operation included the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, the Department for Primary Industries and Resources South Australia and local police.
  8. Yeah Cath...just bring 'em over to me...I'll have them filleted (and eaten) in about a week. I just cut mine into cutlets...worked just as well. Others may have a filleting secret they may like to share. Bring on the report and pics!! Cheers, Pete.
  9. Gotcha both added. See you there. Cheers, Pete.
  10. Li'l Slinky added as well Slinky. Cheers, Pete.
  11. Thank you Mako...you are added and we are grateful for the eggs. Cheers, Pete.
  12. Great session and excellent vids too. Good on ya too for putting a kingy virgin on to his first kingy. Oh what a feeling!! I still vividly remember last year's kingy social when Terry (Kingy) put me on to my first..truly a great experience. Boy..you were sure crowded out by boats eh? Cheers, Pete.
  13. Great news!! Please add your names to this thread if you want to attend the kingfish social and we will place you on the attendees list.. Also indicate if you will be landbased or boat and the number of deckies you will have if any. If any boaters have deckie spots available, please add that info as well. Looking forward to the premier social event of the year...Watch out kingies!! Cheers, Pete.
  14. Good on ya Glenn and congratulations. Cheers, Pete.
  15. It is illegal to foul hook a fish according to the DPI Rules...See Here While it sometimes happens purely accidently..it is still an illegal method of fishing, and should be returned to the drink. Cheers, Pete.
  16. Yes, they are found all down the East Coast of Oz. The old grinner question is a perennial on Fishraider. Take a look at the previous posts asking the same question Here Cheers, Pete
  17. Fish pest fear for the Gulf It's feared the pest fish species tilapia could infest the Gulf of Carpentaria,", after it was found for the first time in the headwaters of the Mitchell River. Tilapia are very aggressive and considered an environmental pest, much like the cane toad, with two species of the fish already choking waterways along the Queensland east coast. Malcolm Pearce, a biologist with the Queensland Department of Fisheries, says eight small fish have been found at this stage. "This is a huge finding and very disappointing from our point of view", he says. "We've put a lot of effort into communicating and educating people not only where tilapia are, but where they aren't. "Being in that spot if they do spread from there, then potentially they can go through all of the Gulf region, across Kakadu into the Northern Territory and across into Western Australia".
  18. Yep...you guys are right again...banjo. Shovelnose has a more pointy nose. Pete.
  19. A shovelnose by the looks of it. Better luck next time. Cheers, Pete.
  20. Well done Ross and Brett taking Lisa out for some tuition. Glad she at least got a fish..albiet a tiny bugger and too bad Brett got crook. Get well mate. Good on ya for the tow of that "ship" back to the ramp..must have tested the Etec towing that weight. Hope you gave 'em Sea-Tow's details for future trips LOL. Looked like a nice day on the water in any case. Cheers, Pete.
  21. For those interested in chasing jewies at Narra Beach. Here's a couple of pics of Narrabeen Beach today..taken at 12 noon, one and a half hours before the high tide at 1:26pm. You can see the gutters forming near the pines and to the south of them. Good luck whoever is going to go after them either tonight, tomorrow..or the best bet looks to be thursday night. Cheers, Pete.
  22. Nice load of slimeys there and some good table fish too. to the forums Jim. Cheers, Pete.
  23. Men killed in high-speed boat crash TWO men were killed then their runabaout hit an unlit channel marker at high speed. Police said the crash happened before 12.30am (AEDT) at Cunningham's Arm at Lakes Entrance in Victoria's southeast . The Coastguard had seen the 5.4m boat circling after the accident. Rural Ambulance Victoria (RAV) spokesman John Mullen said the boat was going around in circles and two men appeared to be sleeping or unconscious on board. "One of our paramedics got on board and found that the men were dead," he said. The men aged 35 and 36 were well-known in the area but their names were yet to released, police said. They said the boat slammed head-on into the channel marker. Police Sergeant Geoff Burnett believed the pair died on impact. "The impact has punched a big hole in the bow, and the vessel was taking on water and doing circles under its own throttle," Sgt Burnett said. The men would have known where the channel markers were and it was a mystery why they crashed into one. "The markers are not required to be lit," Sgt Burnett said. "But they are marked on all marine maps and boating maps for the Gippsland Lakes, and being locals, the men concerned would have known about them."
  24. Man bitten by shark off Gold Coast A rescue helicopter is responding to reports a man has been bitten by a shark off the Gold Coast. It was believed he had been reeling the shark aboard a fishing boat more than 100 nautical miles off Coolangatta on Sunday. A spokesman for the RACQ CareFlight helicopter said crews were expected to reach the man about 10.30am (AEST) and he would be taken to Gold Coast Hospital. More info: Qld: Shark attacks fisherman off Gold Coast A shark's jaws had latched so tightly onto a fisherman's leg that its head had to be severed on a tuna boat off the Gold Coast today. A 20-year-old man from Sydney was attacked by the three metre mako shark .. at about 7.30am (AEST) on a boat more than 100 nautical miles off Coolangatta. The man had stepped on the shark's tail before the 90kg creature whipped around and bit him on the right calf. A spokesman for RACQ Careflight says deck-hands couldn't release the shark from the man's leg and had to cut off its head. The man was airlifted to Gold Coast Hospital in a stable condition .. he'll undergo emergency surgery. Paramedic DARRIN HATCHMAN has told ABC Radio .. the man's lucky to be alive .. with the bite narrowly missing major blood vessels and arteries at the back of the knee.
  25. Snort what they thought it was Scores of Sydneysiders woke to the sight of thick white smoke coming from a Collins-class submarine off Sydney's northern beaches this morning, but their fears of a fire were unfounded - it was just the ageing sub's batteries recharging. Water police were inundated with calls from concerned residents shortly after 7am when thick diesel smoke was seen coming from the vessel off the coast of Broken Bay. But a Defence Department spokeswoman said the smoke was not the result of a fire or terrorist attack, but a standard procedure called surface snorting. "Surface snorting is a standard operation," the spokeswoman told smh.com.au. "When the vessel charges its batteries an amount of diesel exhaust is released." She said the procedure was carried out by the vessel, along with another sub, the Rankin, as part of a move from Jervis Bay to the navy's eastern suburb's base.
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