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Posts posted by tasksta

  1. Hey raiders

    At last after weeks of fishing Jamie park for donuts I headed out to woolies bridge this Arvo and managed two legal bream woo hoo!

    To make it even sweeter these were my first on sp's, also caught a fat toad fish and had multiple hits so was an exciting two hours. Murphy's law saw my phone dead so no pics but all fish were released for next time.

    What a sport that can make a grown man over joyed by catching two fish on a piece of plastic!

    The bream were fat and healthy and awesome on 1kg rod.

    Now if someone could PM me how to get to pipeclay point I would be very appreciative. :)



  2. Hi spooled

    I do a lot of light sp spinning and over the last two months have had nothing but trouble with 6lb pe and fireline. The main issue is with wind knots but have also had my fair share of breakages. I tried under spooling and different leader lengths which did make a difference but far from trouble free.

    I have since switched to 6lb vanish and has been a dream silky smooth, good cast length and no need to tie double unis anymore! I am sure it could have been my setup but what I have learned is not all products work for everyone and there is no one solution. Fireline works great for my mate and he swears by it but I guess we have different styles. And yes I still catch just as many fish!

    Hope this helps as it took me two very stressful and expensive months to get to this point.

    Would be great to hear your solution once you find it.



  3. Hi all

    Heading to Gerringong tomorrow with the old man.

    He is a keen rock fisho but I never had much luck or gave it much time for that matter.

    What is the recommended rig for rock fishing this area?

    Should I aim for bream in the wash or Pelagics on a float?

    Will also be heading to gerrora inlet for a sp session that is more my style!



  4. Hi Doug

    I am no expert, but I have had a LOT of luck with 120mm bloodworm wrigglers on 3/8oz 3/0 jig head.

    So much so that these are all I use for flatties now.

    The weight is on he heavy side but it will gauarantee you remain on the bottom.

    Also if you are worried that the 120mm is too big, i have caught flatties on them smaller than the plastic itself.

    Good luck!



  5. Gulp 3" shrimp in bananna prawn, 1/16 oz TT jig head with 1/0 hook.

    Lighter the better, they will hit in on the drop most times.

    TT jig heads are pricey but yet to miss a hook up with them.

    Nitro are also quite good but never in stock in my local+_+_). :ranting2:

  6. Yes! :thumbup:

    Been to Swansea a few times now and have it sussed.

    Have to say as soon as I reduced the leader my hook ups increased.

    Would defo not use any more than 6lb for bream.

    Got a beautilful 35cm bream, dropped another larger one plus plenty of undersized to keep me busy.

    Was only out for an hour with the MRS, I think an earlier start with better bait would produce some awesome fish.

  7. Great advice!

    I was bream fishing over the weekend and changed to 6lb vanish leader from 14lb I use for flatties, this seemed to help. Also removed a heap of braid and much much better now its underspooled. Still get the odd loop but has been roaring wind EVERY outing lately.

    By the way I'm using 6lb sunline pe on okuma trio 20.

    Hope this helps someone!

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