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Posts posted by Laredo

  1. thanks but how do you actually attach line with a bimini twist in it to a swivel?

    you know how after you tie a bimini twist you have a loop, do you just thread the loop through the swivel and then pull the swivel back through as you would put a hook on a dropper loop or am i off here?

    And does that mean you have to use a swivel in rigs that incorporate bimini twists?

  2. On the Tuesday there were about two hundred Kingfish in the baths. They were circling it was quite an amazing sight. I have never seen such a big school. Dont think they were trapped in there just think they made it home for a while. The school was pretty well decimated by Friday, even though I saw about 20 pulled out in the morning. Most were legal, but a lot went in to fight another day. Was a one off event dont think it will be seen again for a while. Even heard one of the doyles was having a go

    yeah i was there on tuesday, there were a quite few, but they wern't trapped they were just passing through they did seem to hang around that general vicinity for a day or two though. i live nearby, they seem to have left now. I stopped by after work and there was a couple of fishos on the wharf soaking baits in the harbourside and said that they had caught a rat or two eariler in the day but none in the bath even though they had tried.

    just spoke to a nieghbour who saw fisheries officers give people fines for fishing in the pool side of the shark bars. bit harsh if you ask me.

  3. gee. I've never heard that catfish were dangerous in any way.

    Thanks for the cautionary tale. sounds pretty darn serious

    do you mind if I ask what they actually did in hospital (treat poison/ fight infection? etc)

  4. post-6083-1201569902_thumb.jpg


    Dear Raiders,

    myself and another Raider friend Ali went out on Sunday to the hawkesbury on Sunday lunch time,, With the :1badmood: wind--not helping we headded inland for cover.. With in 15 mins landed a nice 97cm Flattie,, With in the next 20 min both the 6500b reels started Singing at the same time :thumbup: ,, IT WAS ON!!! they loved the live squid,, in total we landed 5 good size jews,, So one each was enough!!! We had also been BUSTED!!! 4 times during the day,, all reels with 35-40pound line,,, :ranting2: We both think these ones are around the 8kg-10kg,

    how long are the two in the photo?

    did you atke a photo of the flattie?

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