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hucho hucho

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Posts posted by hucho hucho

  1. 42 minutes ago, campr said:

    About the only thing thats good about getting old is that in retirement you don't have to fish on weekends.   I only fish weekdays where possible but will have a go at night on weekends for jewies after the mob have gone home.   Only exception is when fishing comps as unfortunately they are always on weekends.  Only way to beat the ramp issues is to launch early as most yobbos don't seem to want to get out of bed too early.   Hang in there and don't let them spoil your fun.  Ron   

    Absolutely agree 

  2. Went to explore one of my favourite fishing area Cowan Creek yesterday. Came to Apple Tree Bay before 9am. Car park was empty, no cars with trailers. Beautiful day but the water was still muddy, visibility 2-3 feet. I could not locate any live bait so I just used frozen white pilchards, plastic lures, metal vibes, freshwater metal lure and squid lures. In 5 hours I caught one pinkie and 2 undersized breams on pilchards only. Water was very quiet, nearly no fish activity visible. It was incoming tide when I came and it was interesting that I haven't noticed strong water movement at all. Water level was very high all 5-6 hours. Could be still affected by Hawkesbury River floods?





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  3. Carp is very strong fighting fish. You don't need any leader because carps don't have teeth, just running sinker or float with the hook. Any bait will do, bread, worm or insects. Just make small ball from bread and hide the hook inside of it. Small lure will work too. Carp is bottom feeder and eats everything. Your 2-4 shimano should be ok.

    It is so many of them in that pond that it should take just couple of minutes to catch one. Cheers

    • Thanks 1
  4. I agree with everything what was said above, but I would do it slowly one step a time. Remove all the fittings then use the paint stripper, wire brush and sand paper. I would then clean it with the methylated spirits or mineral turpentine. After this I would reinstall the fittings and I would use the boat for 6-12 months to see what is happening with the aluminium and then decide about painting. Aluminium boat doesn’t need any paint protection.


  5. 1 hour ago, Mullatt said:

    Hucho, I've never fished that area. In normal water conditions is it a reasonable ramp and is it a safe area to leave your car and trailer? Would you expect to get the normal type fish up there...flathead, bream, tailor, jewies etc ? 

    Hi Mullatt, it is beautiful area. I’ve been fishing there for 10 years without problems. Typical catch there is bream, flathead, tailor and jewfish as well. Lot of mullet. You can either go upstream from the marina towards Galston and after approximately 1.5 kilometres water becomes very shallow so it is best to fish there at high tide. If you turn left down towards Hawkesbury river you will find many good bays and places with deep water. Close to the main river is Bar Island with very deep water where you can try for jewfish. Boat ramp can handle 3 trailers and is very similar to Apple Tree Bay ramp, Cowan Creek. I was always fishing there during a day and never had any problems with safety. I always reverse my trailer in the bay as deep as possible and never leave anything valuable in the car. But thieves can appear anywhere. It is good place during windy days. Cheers

  6. Hi Raiders,

    I went this afternoon to see post rains situation in Berowra Waters. Water is very dirty and muddy with lot of small debris. Zero visibility. Two damaged submerged boats tied to the handrail in a creek next to the boat ramp. Some people launching their boats. Fishing should be possible with the bait. Lures will not be visible at all.







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