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Posts posted by rigga

  1. love reading your post on here and sydney jewfish.

    i've only ever caught one jew fish but lost it at the side of the boat so it dosnt really count, you defs know what your doing!

    if you dont mind me asking what boat ramp do you launch at, Picnic point is close to home for me (greenacre)

  2. Hey raiders, hope everyone is doing well.

    Im going to Forster this long weekend and just thought id ask here, not asking for direct secret fishing spots, but just a general idea on where to fish and what advice you could give.

    will be fishing beach fishing which i have never done so pretty excited to hopefully land a fish.


  3. Hey fellow raiders.

    Just thought id ask here for some advice recently my 6 hp johnson motor has been playing up real bad. at first we thought it was a bad ratio of fuel to oil. but the next time we took it out, the same thing happened.

    issue: motor starts fine and runs well for about 10 seconds, then 75% of power is lost and it bursts out on random power levels. i noticed when i slowed down alot of water cameout of the head/cover part of the motor and would run again for another 10 seconds.

    Just wondering if anyone here can give me advice, would really be greatly appreciated,

    Rigga tight lines

  4. Thanks for the id of the fish, ive never tried it so i cant comment on that part :) was only caught on 8lb line so had a good little few runs, then was a typical ray trying to get it off the surface! i think you can tell in the video we were more then happy to let the bugger go! :)

  5. Gday raiders, hope everyone is well!

    Went out for a fish Sunday morning at botany bay, on a friends boat from the football team. Got to the boat ramp by 7am, armed with prawns and whitebait and softplastics as our bait, all which were all successfull!

    Anchored up at first spot, as it was very windy weather in the morning making fishing that much bit harder. got the burly going, and first catch of the morning turns out to be an octopus caught on my handline taking a whitebait. First cast on the soft plastic, mate lands a healthy 42cm flathead. With the next hour or so roughly, we land multiple baby flatheads anywhere from 25cm-35cm mark, tailor and juvenile snapper. shortly after one of the boys manages to catch a 33cm tailor which made awesome jumps in the water! and a flounder was also caught measuring in at 30 cm.

    We finally caught something, very big. call was either a decent flathead or a shark. after a solid 4 minutes of fighting it was that brown colour we all love to see of a flathead, i should of went to specsavers as it was a stupid, shark ray thing.

    started to drift as the wind died down and the weather was beautiful, first cast on the SP a nice 43cm flathead. seconds later 3 way hook up on baby flathead. continuing on from this drift we managed a 30cm whiting and one squid taking chunks out of my white bait, quickly got out a squid jig as we could see 3-4 squids behind. only managed to hook one!

    All in all great day, for winter season and being with great mates. thanks Manny, Vic & Rob






  6. Got to the ramp at about 12pm and fished till 3pm when the rain started to come over. The Water was cold at 15 degrees and all fish were caught whilst drifting in 5-9m of water in the run out tide over some spots which have treated me well.

    Caught 4 flathead in total 30cm, 40cm, 40cm all on prawns and new PB at 51cm on mullet fillet, all released to live and have babies for us to catch.



  7. Gday,

    Went for a fish saturday morning before playing football (soccer), got to the boat ramp around 6:15am, water temperature was 21 degrees. and set off with a good mate. Neither are of us a top quality fisherman but love the rush when the rod bends over and just relax and talk about life.

    We Started to the right of captain cook bridge towards woolooware bay and was in a feeding frenzy of seagulls nose diving into the water for bait fish of yellow tail and tailor busting the surface.

    The fish frenzy lasted about 20 minutes and got fish after fish after fish, consisted of:
    flathead 22cm

    flounder (unmeasured)

    whiting 17/24/28 cm

    snapper baby pinkes with a few just short of 30cm.

    Stopped fishing at 10:50 at the boat ramp by 11pm and had a top fun day. with all the fish back in the water to have millions of babies i hope.




  8. Went fishing on wednesday from about 1-3pm at gladesville only a few nibbles but nothing at all, feels like there is no fish in the ocean.

    some how i did manage a cracker of a snapper, hopefully one day it has babies and becomes a big fat mumma

    Went fishing this morning from about 10-12pm at tom ugly's line wouldnt even hit the bottom and bait would be taken by little tailor and leather jackets. funniest thing was seeing a see bird swoop down and have inbetween its beak a leather jacket.

    post-22393-011185700 1343308314_thumb.jpg

  9. IMO its better to put the bigger fish back. i have read several papers suggesting recreational size limits are favouring smaller animals and therefore over time evolutionary forces will cause fish populations morphological features to become smaller. also life history events are changing causing animals to become fertile at a younger age but lowering their fecundancy. this also relates to nets used in commercial fishing. smaller fish can escape the mesh. interesting concepts i must say.

    Yeah, i can understand where your coming from, im studying marine biology at UTS and my demonstrator was talking about impacts on fishes when they are caught and released pretty interesting, a small fact was at protected estuaries fish were 1.3x size bigger then normal fish and fish population were 3x more abundant. (damn procrastination)

  10. If your eating the fish they to rip it out as gently as possible and if your realizing just cut the line as close to the mouth as possible

    Thanks for the quick reply, thats hat i did cut the line as short as possible, but everything i catch i release :) i just fish for fun and would rather them grow and have plenty of babies!

  11. Gday raiders,

    went for an early morning fish before uni with a mate, arrived around 7am getting in on tide going down. plenty of nibbles but fish would grab on, but through persistance i managed to grab two beautiful beam going around 25-30cm with using chicken breast and parmasen cheese! does anyone have tips to get hooks out of fish when they are deep in there mouth?


  12. That's an awesome story mate. Top effort for fixing the boat and looks like you've done a great job.

    You're dads face tells the story of how much fun you guys had. "Priceless"

    Thanks matey, he really enjoyed it going fishing for the first time in 7 years. looks like we will be going again saturday or sunday more fun times ahead. :)

  13. Hi Raiders, long time reader so i thought i would make a thread sorry about it being to long :)

    Over the past year and a bit i have always been going land-based fishing with a couple of mates as a nice way of relaxing and passing the time while chatting about life and catching a few fish here and there. As Me and my mates really enjoy a fun day of fishing but slowly getting over the land-based fishing purely because they are all under 20cm fish and nothing of huge excitement. (we are hopeless fisherman)


    I decided to fix my grandfathers old 13ft dinghy which hadn't been used over 9 years:) over a period of 3-4 months, having no backgorund in fixing anything related to boats i turned to youtube tutorials and fellow fish raider member "bentstick" to help me fix the boat 100% 'Thanks silvo'. All that was needed to fix the boat was to clean the boat, (finding 9 year old prawns) getting the powerful 6hp motor started again and replace the trailer bearings/seals and buy a new fueltank/fuelines and breather.

    The titanic makes its return



    For me completing this project all by myself was very exciting as today i took the boat out for its first run in 9 years to Thomas ugly bridge and captin cook bridge and i was all smiles as everything worked beautifully and mainly because it was the first time i have been with my dad fishing in 9 years. we were laughing all day and cant wait to go again with him. we ended up getting about 7 tailor the biggest going 28 cm with a massive fish bite on it. a trav going 36cm a 29cm bream and a 28cm whiting.



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