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Everything posted by Swaz

  1. Just to clarify. I am going to Ettalong, between Lion Island and the shore and into either Pittwater or the Hawkesbury. Def not a long way off shore. At most, and looking at the last trip I did this way we were maybe 750m off a shore line at any one time. We are going during daylight hours and the forecast is looking good. I am a very cautious person and I don't like breaking rules. I don't have an EPIRB, because I never go out that far! Got a radio yes and life jackets which we wear. I am a very strong swimmer and my mate is a reasonible swimmer. I am more concerned with being pulled up by RMS and fined than I am of risking my life.
  2. I would take them, if I could buy them before going tomorrow. Have had a look and we will be in limited open waters where it is only considered open waters if the waves are 0.5m high (who determines that!) So, not sure what to do. Might just have to drive to Brooklyn.
  3. Was just doing a safety equipment check before heading out tomorrow for a bit of a sight seeing tour from Davistown (Brisbane Waters) to Pittwater and up into the Hawkesburry. RMS site says I need flares for open waters. Do I need flares? I am not going to be more than 2nm off shore. I can't ever remember having flares on the numerous other trips out there I have made. Hmm, I haven't mounted the compas yet and don't have a fire extinguiser either...
  4. Bream in Terrigal lagoon? Didn't know it harbored fish life
  5. Swaz

    PB Bream

    When you say slow roll you mean just retrieving it slowly rather than jerking the rod?
  6. Thanks guys. Looks as though my current set up is my best set up for all round use
  7. I have got 2 light spin outfits ($70 combo special) 2-4kg Sonic Pro rod and Sienna reel with 12lbs braid and 14lbs leader on one which I am very happy with and have caught salmon up to 2+kg. Would like to go light (not super light) with the 2nd combo. It's got 4lbs mono on there at the moment but there is a massive difference between it and my braid outfit I want braid on both. I was thinking 6lbs braid and 4lbs leader to get flattys, some bream and EP's. Mainly flattys though. Any advice welcome!
  8. Thanks Kizza! I wanna take my yak out there and have a sniff around.
  9. Hi Kizza, I fished Pittwater the oher day for squid and got nothing. Any special sports or pearls of wisdom you could pass on?
  10. This trip has been a long time coming. My brother and I don't often get to spend the day together in the absebse of our wives and kids. So we were free to make our own decisions for once! Launched at the nice Pasley Bay ramp in the Hawksbury. Very easy and spacious ramp and everyone appeared to know the drill of get ready and get your boat in the water. Might be a different story of a weekend I guess. Applogies if I get any of the places wrong, was our maiden voyage into these parts. Headed straight out to Flint and Steel off Barrenjoey to chase whatever was there before the wind got up. There was some swell but only a light NE wind so conditions were perfect. Lesson number one came for the day about 30 mins in when I decided to put out a rig with some bait on it. Head down getting gear and tieing knots= instant sea sickness. Lucily I got onto a Kingy on my soft plastic shortly after. We were about 10-15mtrs off the rocks and I had a Gulp shad on. Was letting it sink and a few twitches... really I had no idea what was there so just mucking around. It put up a giid fight and was my first ever Kingfish so I was a bit chuffed. My GoPro decided to have a hissy fit whilst we were trying to get it strapped to my head and get some footage so we only got a few pics of it before letting it go. Measured 54cm to the fork of the tail. No idea where these are measured to. After about an hour we were feeling quite crook so went into Pittwater to try for squid. We got nothing. Haven't seen a more perfect place for squid with all the reef around. Anyone got any exact locations for them? We tried Joey point inside near the mored boats, near the jetty from Home and Away and along the golf course weed beds. Still nothing. Couldn't find a place out of the wind to try for flatties either so we went back into the river. Not sure of it's name but the little tributary south of rail bridge where the oyster leases are. After getting hooked up on them half a douzen times and dropping a good flatty we moved to the other side of the leases which was a big mistake! Lots of unused oyster rack poles submerged and I managed to get my fav blade hooked on one which took some luck and skill to get back. Thanks for this forums advice. Am hoping we can be more successful in catching fish next time.
  11. Thanks Gazza, only just read your message. I think we stumbled on middle bank when we were out there and saw guys hawling up a few jewies.
  12. https://pirtekfishingchallenge.com.au/
  13. Thanks for the tips folks! Parsley Bay looks like a good place to launch. Hopefully something is biting Scratchie!
  14. My brother and I are hitting the Hawksbury/ Broken Bay area Wednesday for a fish and to sight see. I would like to target: Flatties Bonnito/Tailor Squid The plan at the moment is to launch at the large ramp off the F3 at Brooklyn and head straight to West Head for squid anything else that is there busting up the surface. Then into the river around Dangar Island for some more flatties. Then... My questions are: Can anyone suggest some spots to try please? Brother coming from Western Syd and I from the North. Is Brooklyn a suitable launching spot?
  15. Right, so I have heard squid can be had at the boat ramp either side. However it's all sand there... Is this right?? Can anyone give a descriptive recount on where to go for them please?
  16. OUCH!I would not be happy with that. I saw some divers exit the water at Terrigal Haven last week with a few squid jigs each. Might be a business in that. Like collecting lost golf balls.
  17. Swaz

    Long toms

    Well, I got one!! As true to my current form of catching the young of all fish species I caught one about 20cm long. Foul hooked the poor thing whilst whipping a Halco 5g slug. took me a few mins to free it and got some nips on the finger for my trouble. I wouldnt want to handle a bigger one without gloves. They are a beautiful looking, slender fish. I don't like what they do to my Gulp worms though!
  18. Prospect around the bridge at the entrance and at the mouth of the channel. All depends on the tide. Loads of weed a round at the moment which makes lure fishing a pain
  19. Great info and something I had been wondering myself. Thanks for asking Bmac
  20. Swaz

    Long toms

    Thanks everyone. I have a surface popper and a small Halco 5g slug that might work. I noticed that when they had my SP they only took it on the move, and when they had it I flipped the bail arm up and let them take it. If I can get them to take the hook in their mouth and then turn and swim away from me I might be able to strike and hook them.... hopefully!
  21. Swaz

    Long toms

    The few times I have been fishing in The Entrance channel I have seen a school of 1 foot + Long Toms. They chase my SP's but the hooks are far too large. They went crazy for my Berkley Gulp 3" worm, but again didn't get anywhere near the hook! I would like to see if I can hook one, especially seeing as they seem to be around and willing to bite when nothing else will. Considered a size 12 hook unweighted with a segment of prawn, but haven't had a chance to give this a go yet. How do people usually catch them?
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