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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. With whispers of marlin still hanging around it was only fair that we got the Scent Blazer crew together and headed out in search of a possible last marlin for the season.

    A quick look at sea breeze and a reference to BOM we decided to head out, with knowledge of a strong southerly change amongst us we headed east in the search of these what seems like the elusive marlin…

    After a quick call to the guys we decided id meet Peter and Attila down at the boat and then we would pick up the remainder of the crew. The plan was to head to the shelf, drop in a spread of Scent Blazers and work that general area, as after a quick check on the SST’s showed it to be promising.


    The Calm berfor the storm...

    After dropping the ropes and leaving the marina we motored up the harbour to pick up the remainder of the crew at Lavender Bay, North Sydney. With the crew on board we headed over to Rushcutters for a quick fuel up and run through the plan. We also chose and filled our Scent Blazers with Pilchards. We chose to run a range of lures from a Large Slant head Purple Frigate, a Small Green Luminator, a Mini Sardine Pusher Head and a few Prototypes all loaded with Pilchards.


    Blacks and Purples like this Purple Frigates are great on overcast days...

    As we headed towards South head the pressure dropped and the low clouds started to roll in bringing torrential rain, gusty winds from the south east which made it a little bit choppy but we pushed on heading north east to the Sydney Close FAD were we would look and hope to find some dollies. Approaching the FAD the water temp rose to 22.7 and very blue but on our arrival there was absolutely no current and it was void of any fishy life. After a few passes for zeros we decided to head out to the Manly Hydraulics Buoy and see if we could find a few…


    Gloomy weather can be great for Pelagics as they aren't as timid...

    As we trolled north east to the Hydro Buoy the weather quickly turned and became awful, with horizontal rain, stiff wind gusts and choppy seas… as we got closer to the mark the buoy was no where to been seen! We trolled the area but couldn’t find it, we had only got a live reading off it 2 hours earlier… maybe it had moved, maybe it was gone? Who knows, so we continued ENE to the bait station, the weather passed us and headed for the coast but the rain didn’t let up all day.


    It seems to be if there is no current there is no fish... No run, No fun as they say.

    A mile short of the Bait station the long rigger popped and the rod bent over!! The first run was huge, we thought Yellowfin straight away but after a short but spirited fight, up popped a jumbo Stripped Tuna, the best thing was is that it took the prototype!! Fish just cant resist these new Scent Blazers as they match the hate perfectly to the profile of a small baitfish.


    The Scent Blazer prototype is working wonders on these jumbo stripy's...

    With that stripy dispatched we continued north east towards the Bait station, no soon had we reset the gear the sounds of the Tiagra exploding were upon us again, this time it was the Small Green Luminaitor, now we thought it was a good fish as this isn’t a small lure so we quickly cleared the gear but to our amassment it was only a Stripy, now the lure is almost half the size of the fish, they seriously will eat anything and at any size…

    After resetting the spread we continued on about 15 minutes later the weighted lure infront of the Trollpro got hit hard, again a jumbo stripy couldn’t resist the scent of a Scent Blazer and ate an 8’’ lure. This lure in particular was weighted and had an LED in the head of the lure as it was slightly dark and gloomy, it goes to show having lights as well as bait really does make a difference…


    Another big stripy hits the deck on a Scent Blazer loaded with bait and LED's


    Big lures dont always catch big fish, this strpy is half the size of this Scent Blazer but with the added bait in the lures this stripped tuna couldn't resist

    After bleeding the tuna we decided to fill the lures with striped tuna belly and reset the spread, before we had all the lures in the water the long rigger a prototype got smashed, after a short tussle another jumbo stripy was boated.

    We continued to troll south down the self and pick up stripies after stripies, being overcast the sun or should I say light faded to darkness where we brought in the lures and teasers, pointing the boat WSW and headed for home… the water temp was around 22.7-23.7 with the occasional bait school, it seems to be hooting down the hill with no signs of letting up…


    You can see the different lights make in the lures, they enhance the colours of the lures even in the dark of night.

    See the Difference Lights make in your lures in different light intervals

    Check out some of the new lures packs on special now

    Fingers crossed it slows and we get that nice break push up, bringing Barrel Tuna in numbers…

    Until the next bite…

    Tight Lines



  2. Was that this Wednsday the 15th? We cancelled the day as the BOM were talking 25knot NorWesterlies. The only thing worse than the weather lately is the forecasts although I must admit once it has some West in the forecast it often become variable between offshore and coastal.

    that was Tuesday the 14th, wasn't what they predicted, anything with West or South I add up to 20% on what sea breeze predict. The BOM do note that it can be up to 40% stronger than predicted.

  3. Hey all,

    Using lights in your lures can be an effective way to make your lures stand out on those overcast days, early mornings, later afternoons and even at night!!

    The LEDs and glowsticks can also be very effective turing the day to enhance the colours of the skirt.

    Check out this video on how the lures with lights look in different situations during the day, early afternoon and even in the dark.

    These Big Bluefin were caught on Scent Blazers with lights in the heads and at night!





    Have a read on why Scent Blazer lures are the most versatile lure on the market!


    Get your Tuna lures now before the season gets into full swing.



    Remember to add your promotional code to receive 10% off the total purchase!!

    Promotional Code: Sportsfisherman

    Cant wait for these barrels to turn up!!

    Tight Lines



  4. After coming across last weeks temp break and not finding a fish we decided it was only right to head offshore and wide in search of anything fishy!! A quick look at the temp charts and we found that the water was hooting down the hill and warm!! So we headed out and wide in search of anything wanting to take a Scent Blazer…


    Sydney is simply the prettiest city from every angle.

    A quick weather check showed the wind 12knots of SSW and the swell of a meter from the SSE so off we went. Our plan was to run out to the shelf and drop the lures in and head east to find a remote temp change or bait or even fish!

    First stop was to pick up part one of the crew at north Sydney than off to Rushcutters bay for a quick re fuel and than pick up Adam at Sydney Game Fishing Club.


    Many a fish have hung from the gantry of this iconic game fishing building...

    After picking up the crew and re fueling we headed up the harbour and rounded south head were it was very calm due to the West in the wind, a mile off Sydney the conditions changed with a couple of knots hooting down the hill against the wind and swell cause the swell to pick up a little but comfortable to cruise a 20 knots… three miles south east of south head we came across a National Geographic type scene with hundreds of Gannets, dolphins and other sea birds diving on a school of big Slimy Mackerel.


    Gannets circle for their next opportunity to drop out of the sky and into a school of scared baitfish below...

    We slowed down and dragged a few lures around the feeding birds a few times but nothing showed interest in the lures so we picked it up and continued to head east to the shelf where we would drop in the spread and find fish, well that was the plan…

    The further east we traveled the less fishy it became, the water temp stayed on 24.0 the whole afternoon with the only change a very slight 0.1 degree!! After reaching the shelf we dropped in a spread of Scent Blazers that we loaded on our way out with Pilchards and Slimy Mackerel. In the spread we had 3 prototypes, a Nano weighted down and two Small lures, a Purple Frigate and a Green Luminator.


    The green Luminator, a deadly lure with the addition of bait and green LED's.

    With the spread out we headed east and kept our eyes peeled for anything fishy… after trolling for 3 hours and not seeing a thing, no birds no bait and no fish we decided to deploy our new Gopro for the first time. It was amazing to use the wifi feature and watch the camera take off into the sky above the boat and the spread; it really showed how small we are in a big ocean!!

    We were able to watch the spread as we continued to troll in search of fish, now we have cameras above and below the surface.

    The camera worked a treat and we were able to bring it down and change the angle, bringing it in front of the boat around and over the spread, it was amazing.

    By this stage we were 40 nm east of Sydney and not seeing a change in the water or fishing so we decided to turn the boat around and head back towards the shelf. We continued to troll as the sun fell.


    Testing the Scent Blazer Skycam, taking go pros to a new level!


    There really isnt a limit with GoPros, our eyes in the sky...

    Video to come...

    As we were trolling back towards the shelf we came across bait on the sounder and then a few moments later we were on, well by on I mean the lure had caught something and continued to pull it along. It wasn’t even big enough to pull the clip on the rigger or even pull drag!! After a short wind in this little frigate Mackerel came aboard. Now these prototypes seriously catch anything!!


    Everything eats a Scent Blazer!! Even the bait fish are eating Scent Blazers

    The fish was a juvenile little Tunny Tuna and it was to be the only fish we would see as the sun dipped below our city skyline and disappeared leaving only the sharp, cold breeze from that southerly.

    It was a fairly smooth run back in as there were no fish traps, no boats and the moon created a light path back to our home port. There is something special about being out at sea at night, a sense of calm. After dropping the crew back to their pick up points we headed for home.


    Our City Skyline just dipping over the edge...

    Until the next bite…

    Its great to have a range of lures out as you never know what you will encounter, check out this pack. it has a lure for every species:



    Check out this video, All Day Lure Trolling on a Trollpro Gopro

    Tight Lines



  5. Over the last week we have been some work done to the boat so with that all sorted we decided to head east to a temp break that was wide of Sydney!! Our plan was to head to the temp break and find our long Sickle friends, the Yellowfin Tuna…

    With a quick look at the weather and Sea Surface Temp the night before I met peter down at the boat the following morning, we picked up some ice and continued up the harbour where we picked up the last crew member, a quick fuel stop and a tactic revise and we were off!!


    Slight Sou'westers to bring that winter chill


    Truly a beautiful city we have...

    As we rounded south head we were greeted by a lazy long swell and zero wind, the run out to the shelf was great cruising at 20+ knots, on our way out the temperature didn’t move much from 20.6, occasionally going up to 21.0 over a long distance. There was a lot of bird life from the coast to the shelf and beyond! Spirits were high as we set out on our quest to find a possible Yellowfin Tuna or two…

    As we approached the shelf we noticed a lot of bait and Tuna Birds, Stormy Pectorals to be exact… We decided that now would be a great time to put the lures in the water so we quickly loaded a spread of Scent Blazers with pilchards and mackerel, deploying them one by one. We were using a range of different sizes, a Medium Slant Head Skipjack, a Small Slant Head Green Luminator, a Mini Pusher Sardine a Nano and a few Prototypes. Within minutes of setting the spread we were on and hooked up!!


    Getting our Spread ready to deploy


    Birds are a great way to find pelagic fish such as Tuna, keep a close eye on the birds and you might find the Tuna near by!

    This fish took the prototype lure hard and fast, we first thought it was a small YellowFin but after a short tussle and jumbo Stripy came aboard then we looked at each other and said yep the prototype works! After re setting the spread we got out the Troll pro and set it in position, I noticed a current line and headed towards it with only a moment after crossing it we hooked up again but this time it jumped, “A dolphin fish in the cold water” I thought to myself, ah these lures seriously catch everything.


    Big Striped Tuna are common on the search for Yellowfin and are great fun!!


    The Colours on these Striped Tuna are amazing and really look great alongside the boat, Marlin Candy!!

    After a quick fight we brought it on board, it was a nice little surprise, as we didn’t expect it in 20.4 degree water. The best part about this capture is that it fell to the prototype!! This lure is the perfect size as this is what the fish were eating. As we checked the stomach contents of the Dollie we found a bunch of little baitfish, so I guess matching the hatch works!!


    Notice how the fish has been hooked in the top of the mouth, this was assisted by the Hook Lock as it keep the hook facing up!


    Matching the hatch is the best way to catch pelagic species on lures, most times they wont even look at a lure if it isnt the right size.

    We continued east to the marks of the temp change, as we crossed the 500 fathom line we were starting to mark bait, sauries, small baitfish and stripies. The place was alive with the first whale of the season cruising past on our port, a big pod of Pilot whales causally gliding around, it looked fishy…

    As we continued east we marked bait after bait school but nothing on it, the bait was pretty flighty with no pelagics in sight. A boat near by was cubing but they to didn’t turn a reel. In the distance we could see what looked like a current break so we headed over and boy were we right! As I crossed the distinct line the temp jumped from 20.7 to 22.7!! This was the temp break I saw on the computer and boy was it right.


    Big Stripies cant resist lures being pulled past their face, the size of the lure counts!!

    There were birds, bait and a crazy temp change but no predatory fish to be seen. The current ran from 500 fathoms to South East of Heaton’s Hill, some 15nm. We worked the area very hard from where the other boat was cubing to south east of Heaton’s in 2200 Fathoms…the prototype continued to catch jumbo stripy after jumbo stripy as we continued the search for a bigger pelagic. We zig zagged out to 2200 fathoms then turned and zig zagged our way in towards the 500 fathom line.

    We continued to browns where the sun dipped bellow the city skyline and we pulled the gear in and headed home. The run in was pleasant as there wasn’t a wave insight…


    Sunsets like this are worth fishing till dusk, its also a great time to come across tuna!!

    To sum it up, It looked extremely fishy and wont be long before our long Sickle friends show up to our waters and test our angling skills but until then tight lines…

    See why Tuna prefer Scent Blazer Lures.

    Get Scent Blazer Tuna Lures at:



    Scent Blazer Crew


  6. Hey All Game Fishing addicts!!

    I have been asked a number of times "where do we get the LED lights for the lures?"

    Well now Scent Blazer are stocking the Lights/ LEDs, they come in two colours, Green and Red.

    Battery life 8 – 12 hours. Push light head on the battery tip to turn light on.

    These LED lights are great for making your lures more visible to fish on those overcast days, trolling at night or even during the day (brightens skirts and the head of the lure).

    Trolling on dusk and at night can be very effective and making your lures stand out to the fish is a must.

    During the Tuna season the bite often continues into the night so we add LEDs to the lures and continue trolling into the dark with great success!!

    Last season most of our fish came to lures at night containing LEDs and bait in the chamber with two fish over the 100kg mark...




    See how they work and how they better your fishing!!

  7. Hey All,

    We just got some new LED lights that fit in the chamber of your Scent Blazers, use them on those over cast days, at night or even during the day to brighten up your lures!

    They can be used in any other application you want, they are completely water proof, we tow them around in out lures at 8 knots and for 8 hours and they don't miss a beat!!

    I know a few of the guys fishing for squid will like these!!

    They come in two different colours, a green and an orange/red.

    They are super bright and can been seen in the lures from the flybridge!!

    You can also buy replacement batteries for these LEDs.




    See how they work with this quick video!!

  8. Want a free Scent Blazer 12" Tuna coloured Teaser valued at $89.99?



    Every time you spend over $100.oo on the Scent Blazer Website you will receive a free Scent Blazer teaser valued at $89.99!

    Choose one of the many Lure packs from the Scent Blazer specials page and you'll receive a free teaser!

    Marlin Pack- 5 Rigged Lures usually $349.95 now you can pick it up for under $200.oo!!



    This pack will catch anything from Blue Marlin, Blacks and Striped Marlin!!

  9. With all this beautiful weather lately, I knew I had to get out there and with very little swell it gave me the opportunity

    to get out the heads. I purchased a downrigger last year and have yet to use it. So I was keen to see, how one guy in a tinnie with a downrigger and live bait was going to work.

    Went to my usual bait spot and as usual they were there in large numbers. two minutes in a very large bream grabbed the hook intended for the yakka and nearly took my finger off. Bent the hook right back. I knew it was going to be a good day. Armed with about 15 yakkas, I headed off around Rose Bay to check if the downrigger was all working and how I would go - single handedly. I usually have the luxury of being in my mate Chewys boat and many hands make light work.

    Out the heads and turned left.First yakka got hit 10 minutes in , but no hookup. Considered swapping my circle hooks but persevered. Saw lots of activity on my ray marine sounder, big fish. But no luck. Started kicking myself for not targetting squid but just kept skirting along the cliffs in about 30 ft of water. Once again saw 4 large shapes at about 20ft in the water column and as I looked at the rod. I saw the line clip out of the downrigger and the reel began to scream. Moment of panic.... Do I pull the downrigger up?, no Drive out a bit , get his head up. Motored out about 50 meters, pulled up the downrigger and then played the fish. Hadnt considered how I was going to net him, whilst trying to stop my tiller steeer going around in circles. Grabbed my Frabill net which for some reason wouldn't pop out. needed two hands! Had to step on the rod, quickly flip the hiber net out and land this king. I could feel he was a keeper. I saw colour and eventually he came aboard flapping around. He measured in at 67cm. Not the bigggest but he was a keeper. The boat was strewn with crap everywhere to which the King made things worse. Tried for another hour with no luck, but as I came back in the heads I saw some surface action. I flicked a small minnow and bang I was on. A little frigate makeral who gladly fell off by the side of the boat. Saw some fairy penguins out there too. very close to boat, 1o metres away in broad daylight.

    With a few yakkas left I decided to try my luck for some flatties. With all this warm weather I assumed they would be lazing around in the shallows. Dropped my live bait over the side and the whole boat was surrounded by yakkas and small garfish. Within 2 minutes I saw my rod bending and at first I thought it was the live bait trying to join his mates, but Oh no

    grabbed the rod and felt quite a bit of resistance but not a massive fight on 6lb line, but was pleasantly surprized to pull in this John Dory. Two minutes later with another yakka on, my small Penn reel screamed as line got taken at a great rate of knots. I was sure it was a dencent flattie as he headed straight towards the anchor line to which i had to pass the whole rod around twice to untangle him. I could feel head shakes but this was no Flattie it was a Salmon. Didnt do the usual jumps

    but fought like crazy. The salmon were terrorizing the bait fish who were using my boat as cover. Could have scoop netted them......If that was legal !

    Returned home to a great feed of kingfish and John Dory.

    One thing I have noticed and it seems to work for me is,fish on a rising tide when your atleast a couple of days away from a full moon. Never had much luck on a full moon and when the top of the tide is about 11.30 am. I have all ways consistently caught fish. keen to hear from other guys in regards to this. Anyway if you get the chance, get out while the beautiful

    weather is till around.

    Andre ( dredog)


    attachicon.gifjohn dory.jpg

    attachicon.gifsalmon .jpg

    Well done mate, nice feed there!!

  10. Hey Andrew Im guessing its the tuna you caught a few weeks back? Straight up raw is the best bit of soy and wasabi..... Mmmm mouth watering. There should be some fin around by now the waters looking gold

    Hey Mr.e.d,

    Yea they were the fin we caught a few weeks back. your not wrong!! looks great for a few fin. it will only get better from now on!!

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