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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. Well checked out the dam again on Sunday and tried some different baits. Scored a couple of Murray Cod on chicken gut which I was happy about. Have to say the fish go quiet once the sun gets high and early morning is easily the best. Other guys were going well on the Perch with yep you guessed it, friggen cat food pellets ! Heres a pic of a smallish cod.

    Swoffa I spoke to the guy up there who said a group day is no probs, can also give us a discount depending on numbers. It can get a bit crowded on the Sunday so he said if we have enough numbers he will open up for us on a Saturday morning as early as 6.30 when the fishing is at its best. Probably need at least 15 blokes to do the saturday thing. If Saturday is out he can also open early for us Sunday as we.

    Here are the details

    Paul Kelly ( not the singer ) :1prop:

    Ph /Fax 43233887

    Mob 0412046969

    Email MPGFish@bigpond.com ( love the big pond address )

    Cheers :thumbup:

  2. I havent had a good run latley I wont bore you with all my worries but prior to that my father in law died and we lost a baby I geusse some people have all the luck eh. I know it sounds unbeliveable but Im not kidding.


    Condolences Phil, sorry to hear that.

    Cheer yourself up by spending time hear mate, read some of my stupid posts and dumb questions, that will make anyone laugh.

  3. The report of the year goes to..................

    Thanks for the report Phil, glad your ok. A good realty check for all boaties. She may have had some unseen rot in the transom mate. They tend to crack down low and fall apart quick.

    Good to see the quick response of the chopper. :thumbup:

    Geez your next post is going to be a bit of an anti climax :1prop:

  4. I'm not saying that you're a gumbie... just that I'm sure I have a plastic that will more closely resemble what the fish are fed.


    :biggrin2::biggrin2: Yeah I know that mate :thumbup:I wasnt trying to be smart, its true. I think this place needs a bit of finesse which I aint got yet. A more experienced fisho can hopefully show the way. They smash earth worms so if there is a sp that looks like one it might go ok. :thumbup:

  5. GDay Swoff

    There's Murray Cod, Silver Perch, Yellow Belly I think thats it. Actually the guy there did mention someone did ok on fly but still not that good. :thumbup:


    You can take your own gear no probs. Also take your own bait although he has a supply of worms.

    Its all catch and release only

  6. Sure mate,

    Come up the hill from Gosford into Kariong stay on Pacific Hwy, go through the first set of lights ( Woy Woy Rd ) then turn right into Mt Penang Gardens off the Pacific Hwy opposite Shell servo at next lights.

    Follow this road into the gardens and head towards the Cafe out the back and the dam is there.

    Can only be fished on a sunday. Let me know if this does not make sense.

    Cheers :biggrin2:

  7. An unweighted bass minnow might work and a real lite flurocarbon leader might get into some fish. Its a wonder theyre arent eating lures


    GDay Tyrone,

    Never tried an unwighted plastic. Was using 1/32 jig and 4 pd Flouro leader about 2 meters. They were smashing the surface so unweighted might be the go.

  8. Hey Brian,

    Il throw one more in. If you right up the coast say Lake Maquarie. The ramp at Mannering Point is very good for one person, has a good jetty right next to the ramp while you park.


  9. GDay Mystic,

    Ive mentioned this on other threads, and seeing no one else has commented, ill go again. :1prop:

    Overall good value for money, but like everything you get what you pay for. The reason they are cheaper than some others is cause the hull is a slightly inferior design and not as strong. Wont go into the details unless you want me too. Ally Craft is just cheaper to build therefore cheaper to buy.

    Doesnt mean they wont do the job though. Just that some hulls are better built than others. Like cars I suppose. Depends what you want and can afford.

    Also compare the fit out to other more expensive brands and you may also see some slight quality differences.

    Many people own them and are very happy. Horses for courses. :thumbup:

  10. Well I thought id give the dam a go since its only ten minutes away from home. Went there with the understanding that the fish there arent to keen on lures of any kind. That didnt really worry me and I wanted to see for myself.

    Got there paid my 12 bucks, the guy said I had virtualy no chance on sp or hb, he wasnt sure why but they just are not interested and never have been. Anyway throwed every type of plastic known to man, grubs, hawgs, grass minnows etc,etc, surface poppers, deep divers, everything. Not a touch. Threw out a handfull of cat food pellets and the fish were smashing the surface for them right in front of me. :1yikes:

    Even with this feeding frenzy you could throw anything in the middle of this and it wont get touched.Could not believe it, The rumors are true. :hitsfan:

    Two old blokes fishing ten meters away caught over 30 fish in two hours using worms and even cat pellets jammed on a hook. Even saw a kid land a 65cm Murray Cod, great to watch he was stoked.

    Anyway it could have easily switched to bait but wanted to persist just for the exercise but it was fruitless. Il have a go with bait next time, but its a pity they are not into the lures. Of course its possible they are I suppose, it could just be me :1prop: But I doubt it. He has only ever seen a couple of fish taked on lures there since last August and since people are catching 30 fish at a time thats not good for lures.

    Any ideas why these fish are so un interested in lures ?

  11. thanks GrantM,

    When you praise Suzuki, are you including the older motors like the one I'm looking at (mid 80's) ?



    Suzuki have always made good motors - even the old ones. BUT that doesnt neccessarily mean yours will be good. You need to check the service history if you can, and get it thoroughly checked and serviced. Even motors with a good reputation can have dramas if they have been mistreated. If a Suzi motor has been well looked after and serviced properly it 'should' be good.

    Most jap built engines are good. In fact most outboards if looked after are pretty good really, with the exception of Chrysler, they are crap and always were. They changed their name to Force and were of course still crap.

    Cheers :thumbup:

  12. Gday again Martin,

    Im a bit sus on the motor too. Second hand donks with no history and current faults dont fill me with confidence. Id leave it off if the deal is right, and if its still cost effective to fit a new one, go that way.

  13. Thanks Wacko,

    Went out yesterday and stocked up with some goodies including 6 pd flouro vanish, couldnt find any 4 pd flouro anywhere but have some 4 pd mono which I will try in Wyong on the weekend as an alternative.

    Just got to get out and get some lighter jigheads tommorrow, I like the look of those HWS ones on the other thread of Swoffas.

    Cheers :thumbup:

  14. Hi Martin,

    Wouldnt mind just posting another view on engines. If you do consider uprgrading, go to a dealer that sell both 4 strokes and new generation 2 strokes. Some places that only sell the 4 strokes and conventional 2 stroke engines tend to forget the new 2 strokes exist and wont compare them, therefore push the 4 stroke.

    People who sell both have a more balanced view and can better advise whats right for you.

    Just my opinion but on a heavy boat a 4 stroke will be working its ass off at planing speed compared to a 2 stroke. Its common to think its the other way around just cause they are quieter. They use less fuel because there is less power strokes therefore it works harder - thats the theory.

    The idea of engines like ETEC (Suzuki, Tohatsu, Yamaha also make new gen 2 stroke) is that you get the responsivenes that 2 stroke gives while being very fuel efficient and quiet.

    For normal use my new ETEC will only need the 2 stroke oil filled once per year.

    I suppose my point is get some opinions from experts who sell both types. 4 stroke is way ahead of conventional 2 stroke overall but the new ones are worth looking at. Hopefully your current motor is perfect and you wont have to do anything at all. :thumbup:

    Sound like the Whaler is a good boat mate from all the posts, good luck with it.

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