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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. I went and bought some Gamakatsu jig heads which seem strong and very sharp but ran into the same problem with the collar. Being the tight ass that I am I filed the collars down a bit which seems ok, no more splits, and they stay on well. Just a lot of work which is a pain.

  2. Gday Aqua,

    I thought the 540 was an OSPREY not a LANCER? Either way I reckon their not a bad runabout range. I prefer more cover personally and perhaps a 115 hp motor.A bit of extra grunt is better.If you like these style of boats check out the Stacer range of Cuddys as well, they have a bit more cover which I like.

    Good luck with the purchase :D

  3. Iain, mate stay on your soap box ! I think we need people to get the point across in this issue. I agree with everything you and Bombie have said. I think it needs to remain an active topic for a while to get everyone thinking so full support can be rallied.You dont need to be an experienced angler to support the cause, and its great when the more experienced anglers and high profile people on this forum stand up and speak. Hopefully this will educate the inexperienced so they can join in and see the business side of rec. fishing. Keep soapboxing :D:D

    I for one am learning heaps off you guys and you've given me an insight into an area I didnt know alot about, but being an active fisho (like many others) really should know.

    Cheers :beer:

  4. Like a lot of things Swoff its goverment controlled at the end of the day, and the only real way to protect recreational fishing is to support the particular parties saying that they will protect it. Whether they do or not remains to be seen but what else is there ? :confusuion: Ultimately the government of the day is going to make the decisions and weve got to put people in the room to voice the opinion of fisho's.

    I agree fully that its important to check out ALL TFP policies but who else is there ?

    Maybe Jo can give us some insight into what the average fisho can do to protect recreational fishing, other than voting for TFP. It would seem alot of people like the philosify but are hesitant to get too involved in politics which is fair enough.

    My only other suggestion is to partition bad decisions. Let the Fisheries know what you think.Its no good yelling unless someone there to yell at. If someone makes a decision that affects me I write em a friggen letter to let them know what I think.

    Maybe we should use the 'POLL' a bit more hwere and if we dont like something as a group, stand up and let em know.

    Cheers :beer:

  5. Hey Swoff,

    By other ways I mean financial. Its what makes the world at the end of the day. The good thing is you can give as much or as little as you like, whenever you like,theres no inconvenience in doing so, doesnt take up your time and most importantly its 'a contribution'

    The thing is there is NO-ONE else out there fighting to look after fishing. Look at the support and power the Greens now have. Its because enviromentalists are all doing their bit.

    I have never met Jo but I like what he has to say. He seems genuine in his effort to protect fishing. Thats good enough for me.

    I fully understand that supporting the ACTUAL FISHING PARTY by way of finance isnt everyones go and I respect that, infact I support the Libs but dont give them a donation! :ohyeh: I just believe its the easiest way to help.

    I suppose other ways to help are to activelly catch and release, and release spawning females and generally having a 'conserve for the future type' mentality. There is still alot of anglers who keep too much. These people can contribute by taking less. Too easy.

    If your not shy ,have a go at all those idiots you see at public wharves taking home 10 or 20 15cm Bream. Or if you are shy ring the Fisheries and dob em in.They are afer all breaking the law and are PART OF THE PROBLEM.

    Heres another for some - fish with lures and plastics every now and again :ohyeh:

    Its not a matter of one person doing alot, its a matter of a lot of people doing a little.


  6. GDay ALL

    Bassifier I respect your opinion and everyone has the right to give theirs. I also understand the the reasoning for not wanting to get too involved. BUT, anyone who is not willing to become part of the solution is in my mind part of the problem.The reason fishing in general has the potential to be threatened is because everyone wants to take ,but no one wants to give. I still know heaps of people who refuse to get a fishing licence saying "why should I have to pay for that"

    Its like anything that is worthwile, good or usefull, if your going to take from it you have to give something back or it will dissappear. Kinda like your bank account.

    If we wish to keep fishing as easy to do as it is, and also have good fish stocks we MUST give something back. If People like Joe can give up his time to take this on on OUR behalf the least we can do is support him and TFP, otherwise dont use the resorce. Even if your political views are different from TFP you can still support the cause in other ways.

    I think everyone on this site would be getting their fair share of use out of this recource and should be happy to show some kind of support to anyone out their fighting for its survival.

    I was happy to give Jo some financial support because I believe it is a worthwile investment in something that I use regularly, I couldnt give much but ive contibuted and done my bit. Everyone here should do the same. Thats just my opinion.


  7. Jo silly me it was Modern Fishing and it was Nov 03 as well! Geez I didnt realize I picked up an oldie I hadnt read yet.

    Thanks for the input it does sound like a bit of a worry. It sounds like people with no real idea are making decisions when they shouldn't be.

    As for working at a polling booth - well, i'd rather masterbate with a cheese grater ! Seriously time is not on my side for that sort of thing. It does not mean I dont care or support the cause.

    I will however give the fishing party my vote if they can sort that shitfight out. Im more than happy to do that and so should all anglers who want to keep their sport alive.

    I know it seems some people (like me) are all talk and no action but at least ill give support from my vote. Lifestyle and committments just doesnt allow me (and a lot of others) to get heavily involved but please understand the support is there and youve gotta start somewhere.

    Good luck with it youve got my support. :ohyeh:

  8. Dont know much about this really so I thought id ask. There seems to be heaps of different options when it comes to colour. blues, greens flouro, etc.

    What do all these options mean? Does the colour of the line make that big a difference?

    Cheers :D

  9. Wow - mate dont waste any more grinding bits or drills on high tensile. Most screws of that type are harder than any drill is. Can you take the face right off and get to the shaft of the screw? if you can .put a pair of vise grips on it and undo it. If its broken flush with the thread hole -oh dear. How thick is the shaft of the screw?

  10. Did anyone read Steve Starlings article on fising bans in the Fishing Monthy mag?

    He basically said that he believes that the Fisheries Department were trying to impose a 'hook and line' policy which would deem angling to be 'key reason' (or something to that effect) for the depletion of endagered fish stocks in NSW and VIC waterways.

    Basically Steve Starling is concerned that the do gooders are trying to ban recreational fishing saying its the cause of low fish stocks etc. Documents to this affect have already been drafted and Starlo has seen them. He is very concerned - should we be too? He is so concerned that he put the Names and numbers of the appropriate people in the Fishereies Dept and urged people to contact them with their concerns.

    I really dont know how much truth or accuracy is in all of this its just what I read. The Fisheries reckon Starlo is over-reacting and say not to worry. I also dont know if this topic has been posted but I couldnt find it.

    Can anyone shed ant light ? JO do you know anything?

    Cheers :D

  11. Gday

    I never felt so unproud of that Trevor moment, I remember watching it as a kid i didnt know what the hell happened. My old man just started saying things like !@##$% #@#$%%$ #$%%$$%, and the like.

    I actually met Ian Chapple at a function once and of course I had to ask the question " what was that underarm thing all about eh"

    to which he responded "dont f*#king talk to me about it!"


  12. Thanks Buz Ill keep an eye out, although I have just checked out the Explorer and I dont think its what im after. Its more like a conventional tinnie with too much lost space up the front compared to the Sea Jay Barra which at 3.55 has more useable space. I also just checked out the Stacer Proline 3.7 which looks pretty good as well. It has rivited seats which allows for some modification without too much trouble. I wouldnt mind finding a second hand one of those :gleam:


  13. Thanks for input guys, Im definately going to trailer it so 3.85 would be ok. Ill go check out the explorer , the extra width sounds good to me. It doesnt matter if I get a second hand one either in fact id prefer it. If any one hears of anything please let me know.

    Thanks again.

  14. Fishraiders,

    I wish to embark on boat building project in the upcoming year. Im thinking of buying a 3.55 to 3.90 meter v-nose punt or similar, and decking it out fully for estuary and creek application, casting lures etc.Im doing flat floors, swivell seats the whole bit.

    I just wanted some opinions on hull design, im looking at Sea Jay Barra punt 3.55, Stacer Proline 3.70 or maybe Quintrex 3.7 Traveller as some starting options. Has any one got any thoughts on any of these hulls or maybe something else which would fit the bill.

    Thanks :ohyeh:

  15. Ken you might be able to answer this one,

    On the new SX40F lure in your review you mention the use of Owner trebles. I have a couple of other Ecogear floating Bass type similar to this design but could never find out who makes the trebles. Would you know ?

  16. Gday David,

    Good post mate, im proof of your point, check out my early questions in this thread youll see In knew Jack s**t about rods so I asked some probing questions

    A few guys responded and also Alan and totaly changed my view on rods and gave me a much better understanding on the whole topic.

    It certainly makes fishing more enjoyable when you have a better understanding of the basics of the gear.

    There are some gun fishos on this site with heaps of knowledge dont hold back in asking basic questions to get good info.

    Cheers :grogon:

  17. I dont believe an Arlec charger will turn off until its switched off. Like Stevo said there shouldnt be any permanant damage, this will only happen if the battery boils dry below the electrolite plates. If your battery water level can be checked (screw caps in top) make sure the water is covering the plates if not top it up with distilled water. We have a make shift jumper battery in our workshop which is just about permanently on charge. Dont stress about it itl be ok. :D


  18. I hope the 12 grand is enough. Sure they have been caught, but how long have they been doing this prior to getting caught. Its very possible they have made several thousands of dollars out of this practice and 12 grand is only a pipis worth of money to them. Does the punishment fit the crime. The fines for pinching other marine species is a lot more.

    At least they got caught which is good

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