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Everything posted by locodave

  1. Wow this brings back memories haha! Mate go to kurungai. Its pretty wide and secluded there. Berowra is also good but not on weekends. When are you planning on going? Weekend? Or weekday?
  2. I would just call up honda and ask to speak to a technician.
  3. Damn, thanks Huey. might need to drift more
  4. Hey mate, take your boat out a couple of times. During day of course and get used to the environment. See how you find ykur way around. Where abouts will you normally fish? Hawkesbury can get really confusing at first but i know it like the back of my hand now. You might not need a gps with the type of boating you need but only you will know. I have a good sense of direction. If you plan on exploring many inlets etc, then maybe get one. Either way you cant go wrong with a lowrance.
  5. Yea just put that one on hold for now!
  6. Hi, Does anyone fish moon island here? What are you expected to catch around there?
  7. Hey guys, What are the rules for NYE? Are boat ramps packed? Is it worth it or a bit crazy? Never done this before.
  8. haha, mate you won't need one yet with your new boat! That is just good excercise! Wait to you start to upgrade, about 3 boats down and then you will definitely want a winch!
  9. I can't remember where, but I remember reading that drums were not practical for some reason. I will have to find that post. But let me know how you go!
  10. I love that spot. Ive also lost a combo once to a kingy, was way cheaper than ur combo though.
  11. I knlw its bit of a drive but i see a lot of pwoplw fiah off murrays beach boat ramp. Its a nice spot there so worth the drive. Also seen a guy pull a decent flathead in husky at the channel where all the boat tours take off from.
  12. I have seen that but not a fan of it. Anyone have some winches fitted and are happy with? Think on avg you are looking at $1,500.
  13. I use berkley, but the yellow swiss made knife is meant to be really good. Cant remember the brand.
  14. Thanks for the information guys. Can't seem to find Mols Point? Can you provide another nearby location? Thanks!
  15. Hi guys, Might be considering getting one of these. Not sure yet! Any thoughts on these winches, and brands you recommend? Broke my hands over the weekend getting my anchor
  16. This only happen at night? Pelican itch?
  17. Hi guys, I have never fished botany bay, but looks like you can get some good fish there. Generally after the kings. Not knowing the area at all, just wondering if anyone can give some pointers out? Where to get live bait from? What area to fish for Kings. I will be in a boat. Also I think I remember reading that you have to have a GPS on you at all times? Is that correct? And there are some no go zones? Runways, oil tanks etc? Can someone please explain? Thank you.
  18. Good to know http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/20012310/sydney-harbour-opens-up/
  19. Not sure if you guys heard, very sad. Hope she pulls through. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sarah-teelow-champion-water-skier-in-a-critical-condition-after-crash-20131124-2y3xk.html
  20. Hi, Recently bought a new boat and it's a lot bigger than the one I had before. At the ramp when any bit of wind comes, it flys away. It's expected, bigger boat, acts like a sail in my opinion. Question is thought the clears at the front of the boat are not on. If I had them on, and blocked the wind from entering the cabin, do you think it will reduce the amount of movement at the ramp if they are on? Thanks
  21. Hi guys, So I sw my bow eye the other day sticking out. Lucky was just a lose nut from behind. Question is though, how tight do you do these? I'm sure if I go really tight I could crack the fibreglass or am i wrong? Thanks
  22. locodave


    If you look at willy weather for tides, might give you a better indication when it will be high tide in the part you are fishing in.
  23. Happened to me once but i wasnt driving. Let my friend drive it while i was getting the anchor rope and he drove straight over a rope hanging from a buoy. Wrapped around the prop and came to a halt. I had a long gaff with me, solid gaff and allowed me to poke the rope off the prop. Not as bad as your stories though
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