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Posts posted by Gatte

  1. I'd take your word for that, I only took a guess at saying it was a pike, caught another one last night, pushing the 50cm mark and since I'd never caught either of these fish before I took a guess.

    Didn't have the famous pike stench which threw me a bit...


  2. Hi raiders,

    Been out for the last few night trying for a Jewie on soft plastics with no luck to report. I'll be at it again tonight and will be heading to woy woy bridge on the central coast. I fished it last night on the top of the tide and got hits from pike on 6 inch lures and tailor on 3 inch minnows.

    The tides have a 1.8m variance with the low reported to be 0.1m and the high at 1.9m. Logically this should be ideal for Jews I think? There's bait at the bridge as evident by my findings last night seeing some squid working, bream being caught by a guy near me and even some big long toms on the hunt in the light.

    My plan is to try the same bridge at the bottom of the tide, near dusk, and then move to another spot for the run in at 1am which I have caught plenty of fish (perch, bream, tailor, estuary perch) and seen mullet, prawns, eels, rays and even mud crabs hanging about.

    Will the water be too low on the run out? And will I be better off focusing on the 1 location?

    Still learning the ropes when it comes to jewies so any tips will go a long way to me finally bagging my first.


  3. Tonight is a fillet and down under the bridge in woy woy with 5 and 7 inch shads and 6 inch squid lures. Just waiting for the tide to turn should be another 30 mins before it starts firing.

    Tea gardens looks like an amazing place to fish. Will defiantly save up buy a boat and make the trip there one of these days

  4. Yeah i will be wary of how I rig it up and will hopefully find some more that I can use as live baits. If not I'll be dropping a bait in about 30 mins before the tide as all reports seem to have jewies striking in slack water


  5. That was the an to send mr pike Back out for a swim but but the dame thing was about 40cm long! Going to take it out tonight as a fresh bait butterfly cut or filleted and aim to finish the trifecta haha

  6. Hi everyone,

    Heading off for a fish last night around Brisbane water, idea was to grab some live baits as the sun set and get after the dream Jewie on the rising tide in the evening. Sadly the plan didn't go as well but still had a decent night. Started off in kincumber and was getting my bait hacked by blue swimmers. Would of loved a feed from them but only saw 2 come to the surface and drop the bait once they came up :(

    Managed to grab a couple of pike (first time I've caught any before) on soft plastics before pulling the pin as the mossies were making a meal out of me.


    Headed off to the likely Jew spot and started having a flick for some flat head while waiting for the tide to turn. Managed one that went for 60 odd cm before hooking onto a completely different fight. Wasn't sure what to expect but managed to net my first EP


    Managed to bring in another one a short time after as I was noticing them breaking the surface was was casting in the general area.

    Slack water approached and I performed a quick switch of lures using a 6 inch gulp squid vicious for that big Jewie. Sadly the Trifecta of first wasn't complete though I did get a bit of interest in the lure. Got a couple of hits but nothing substantial.

    Good night non the less and had fun catching some new fish.


  7. Hi all,

    Just wanted to grab some advice for the most effective retrieve with jerk shad soft plastics. I've recently purchased the 7 inch variety from gulp and am targeting mulloway but without any hits with them.

    Other lures ive used at the same time are 4 inch swimmerz and 3 inch grub minnows which are quite popular having caught me flathead, taylor, bream, estuary perch and even long toms but the shads seem to be ignored.

    So I know there are fish in the area but as well as the showers of bait fish with what appears to be something with some size breaking the surface. It may well be that the shads don't match the area but I have seen mullet and Taylor similar size in the area so would like to know the best retrieve and action to maximize my chances.

    Thanks everyone,


  8. Thanks mate! Ill definatly chrck these knots out. I've been using 40lb mono leader on 20lb braid. The knot I have been tying a double surgeons knot. Do I really need 1+ meters of leader when throwing a soft plastic around?

  9. All these reports from raiders about their awesome jewfish catches over the last few weeks has got me even more determined to find the buggers! All signs point to the right time to try as well so I'll be out there tonight with baits and lures!

    Anyone recommend the best knot for braid-mono leader, having trouble getting a nice flat leader knot that doesn't hit the guides on the road when casting. I've been advised to used a good 1 or 2 meters of leader...


  10. G'day everyone hope you've all had a great long week end.

    I'm heading out tonight to persist with the jewfish efforts and I'm having trouble deciding whether to go to a few good spots up the estuaries or try off the beach.

    The high tides are about 2 hours different with the beaches being earlier in the evening, just wondering if anyone would recommend one way or the other based on experience and mulloway behaviour. Do they stick around and head out to more open water after the tide or will they already be out there?


  11. Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for some pointers on squidding from the shores around the central coast. I think I've mapped out a couple of likely spots and have the right gear but stuffed if I know how to use it?

    Had a try tonight with a 4 and 6 inch jig but didn't have any sort of luck.

    If anyone goes out for some squid around the central coast and wouldn't mind some extra company please let me know.

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