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Posts posted by Muzza416

  1. I just want to clear the air guys ,what I failed to mention in one of those posts about those celebrities was that they are in there batting for us/all rec fishos, and are spending the hours making sure we don't get a raw deal they are doing a lot of work in the industry and hats off to you all,,so I apologies if I have offended anyone it wasn't my intention.


  2. Fragmeister, some fishing celebrities posting stuff on Facebook won't mention names, which are involved in committees with the minister hodgkinson in relations to some sort of squid bans in some parts of the harbour etc etc and also looking into some sort of adjustments from Newcastle down to port hacking....Now I don't know if this is just a beat up or just some propaganda,,so this is why I am concerned about it,,also I agree that us fishos spend millions of dollars yearly in our sport and I get angry when the pollies like to stuff things up for us....cheers

  3. Hi to all, I'm worried about buying a boat in regards to all the talk surrounding marine reserves, lockouts etc etc,,especially in Sydney harbour with squid being targeted and possible banning,,is it worth it,,can someone be so kind to clear this up for me coz I'd like to get back into fishing after having spent a few years away from it.....any info would be appreciated....cheers

  4. All the millions and millions of dollars spent by fishos in fishing and they have the hide to make it difficult to enjoy a past time,, I was thinking about buying a boat but this news has made me think against it..politicians must not have a life to keep coming up with reasons to stop everything that people enjoy doing...next it will be 10 fish to 5 then 5 fish to BANNED!!! I'm sick of it!!! Rant over...

  5. Hi all,went out today fished around some bouys at south head using poppers but no luck, went across to north head for the same result,,,I'm still looking for my first kingfish,,,do they respond well to poppers??, got a williamsons jet popper but had no takers...

  6. Slowly Slowly i believe this will be the start of the end to rec fishing, i am opposed to these rectrictions, has anyone or government dept ever thought about how much money some rec fisho forks out every year to pursue their sport/pastime,,,you have paid for a boat, then you pay for a boat licence, then you pay for a boat rego not to mention the trailers rego, then you need a friggin fishing license which they said would help to pay off the commercial fisherman and this would restock the harbours(this is a con in my opinion) , perhaps you need insurance for boat and trailer,,etc etc i could go on and on, and meanwhile more and more restrictions are placed onto the rec fisho, heaven forbid i should get lucky one time and catch 20 of any species would be a miracle and i only bring home what is legal, but to continually impose restrictions on us for smaller bag limits and bigger fish sizes when anyday of the week you go to the fish shop and you will see who is really rapeing the waters....I think this is very unfair,

  7. Hi all, im after some help please, recently went out towards Sydney heads and i couldnt get my boat started and we were drifting towards rocks, so we quickly threw down the anchor and started to see what could be wrong with it......we finally got it started but the controls going forward was all the way down and we were doing about 4knots all the way back to roseville boat ramp, got the boat home and still had problems starting,, i noticed that the cables that controls the fwd and revs levers on the motor wasnt moving very much...the problem seems to be in the control box....i opened the control box, and springs and washers came flying out plus the cables aswell,,,,does anyone have a manual/diagram of the controls box, coz something is broken and i need the manual to put things back into place and get it fixed so i can get back out there to fish,, also if anyone knows a mariner mechanic that is mobile to come to the Gordon area in Sydney to have a look this problem????,,.....any info would be appreciated.

    Regards Muzza

  8. Well thanks for the info guys, seeing ill be close to south head, ill give south head a go after sow and pigs,,hopefully this Saturday morning if the rain stays away... ill be after my first Kingy.... Cheers, Muzza

  9. Hi to all, just wanted to ask if anyone has had success around sow and pigs in Sydney Harbour and around the wedding cake buoys for King fish, also any dangers to look out for whilst fishing really early in the morning,, any info is appreciated..

  10. Hi to all, went out today in search of some flatties at sugar loaf bay in the Roseville area with the soft plastic,, this is the third attempt and today got nothing on them,, i only got lucky on my first trip out which i think was probably a fluke and caught 2 flatties on the gulps,, but since then havent caught anything!!!!im starting to think it was a fluke.....do i need to be more persistent or just give up????

  11. Hi to all,

    I've just started using Berkley Gulp SP in the turtleback beachworm in the camo, caught a flattie and a flounder on my first attempt at them but you need to be persistent though,that was two weeks ago, went back to the same spot this w/end and only got a nibble saw some colour as it followed the SP back up to the boat,,,i havent had any success with the 3" prawn in the natural colour,,any help with that would be appreciated?????..also want to know how deep can we go with the SP, ive been fishing in about 6mtrs of water or less at a low tide...cheers

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