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Posts posted by james3210

  1. My stradic 1000 holds over 200 metres of 4 lb fireline... About 100 metres of 6 lb mono though.

    Mine is 2500. spool with 100m 6pound green braid and 100m+ 8pound yellow braid. If it is not then i got cheated by the tackle store. i start seeing my green braid that's why i said the fish took around 100m+ of line.

  2. Have a quick flick this afternoon during lunch break at sydney harbour. Target species is bream. Normally I like to do single or double hop every 10-15 seconds when targetting bream. But today i choose to do the single hop every 3-5 seconds due to time constraint to cover more area. Was using 8 pound braid and 4 pound flurocarbon leader. Soft plastic was squidgies wriggler 3 inch. After the 10 casts or so, I felt something hit the lure but miss the hook up. Let it sink down and another hop

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....Oh my god, love those sound so much. It took maybe 50m of line for first run and then it stops. At this time, I thought I'm so lucky the fish is still at the end of the line (4 pound leader). Start to put some pressure and then this fish must have some energy drink when it stops as the second run it keeps going and going. At this point, i told myself f*** this, i need my braid line back so i put some pressure and ping...the 4 pound line broke. At first thought was jew or big flathead but no headshake? just keep going and going. the sound still playing in my brain. no fight but so happy to hook up to something that can took that amount of line :sun:

  3. Arrive at 2pm to watch the swell and after 10 minutes decided not worth the risk :nono:

    Saw one guy spinning on the north side, looks very dangerous to me especially

    with the incoming tide and he was alone. Hope he stays safe. Just before I get down to the ledge, two guys from Melbourne

    were spinning for kingfish with no result.

  4. Livebaiting from Tomaree headland is the gun place to fish there. You will have to be on the rocks by 4am at the latest to secure the nice high platform which can easily handle 3 live baits at any given time.

    To access this place,drive and park for Zenith Beach. You will have to locate the walking track that starts at the gabian walls just inside the hospital. The track leads up several hundred metres and goes around the right hand side of Tonaree Headland. this track takes you to the front and down an easy approach to the two platforms that are there.it takes about 20 minutes to walk from the carpark.

    Live bait is usually pretty easy to find by using bait jigs with a small snapper lead and cast as far as posible. you will soon fill your bait bucket/pool with slimies or yakkas. you can expect anything from Cobia, any form of Tuna, to Shark. Good luck all the same, and i usually fish 10kg and up for here.

    Thanks heaps for the advice bro. I hope sharks are having a day off when I'm there coz Im chasing a feed :)

  5. Hi All,

    Just a few quick question for all the expert out there:

    1) Good charter for kingfish in Port Stephens?

    2) Good landbase spots for squids and yakkas in Port Stephens?

    3) Good spots for live baiting off the rocks?

    Will be heading there in one month time.

    Thank you all.


  6. Thanks guys for the advice. It looks like i catch more fish everytime i change to new leader. I don't know why. Exactly the same brand and size of leader.

    Maybe the fish can see or smell something wrong with the old leader? Scratching me head now...

  7. Hi All,

    Been out on maroubra beach last 2 nights,caught 5 Australia salmon around 60cm.I have been going between 8pm till 11.30pm using pillies and gang hooks.If you hit the right spot in the gutter there on very quick,fun to catch not to good to eat as II don't like salmon.There is a good gutter right in the middle of north and south end if you turn around from looking at the beach and you can see the kiosk behind you ,that's the spot.Not sure if tides and swell might change that before weekend.

    Hope this helps

    Thanks for the info mate. Really appreciate it . Hope to catch something this weekend :)

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