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Posts posted by Methodman

  1. Thanks mate.

    I edited on a mac ussing Final Cut Pro and exported as a self contained quicktime file.

    It does have a compresion programe with it.

    The other way i thought may work is to drop the quicktime files into the crapy programe that comes with a mac called Imovie. There is a 'export for web' option on that.

    Just dont want the footage to fall apart and make it hard to watch.

    Thanks for ya help tho. Ill have a play with it tonight.. and then work on the movie hahaha


  2. Every year a crew of 4 of us head up to Southwest Rocks for a week in February.

    2006 and 2007 we recorded our trip and I made a dvd for each of those years for us boys to have a laugh and for us to keep forever. Now the problem is im sick of burning copies for everyone. I think i spent aliitle too much time in the production of these and now everyone wants a copy.

    So insted of me burning 100s of copies i thought id release it via Youtube.

    The prob is im not sure how to use youtube. im sure if i had a look id work it out, but i thought some one on here would know abit about it.

    The dvd is broken up into sequences from 1 - 12. Its been a while since ive looked but each sequence is fairly big in size. The whole movie runs for close to 50mins.


    • How much quality will it lose when uploading to Youtube?

    • What size files wwill youtube be able to handle?

    • and Will there be dramas with bad language? After all it is a fishing trip!!!

    Thanks for ya help.


  3. I know some friends are registered with the Shoalhaven Coastguard and they had to mail in personal details such as car rego, phone numbers, home address etc, kind of like a membership.

    Please!!!! i hope your not thinking we are now friends. Come on man, weve spoken a few times on the phone.. i dont class that as friends. Ive got plenty of friends i dont need anymore.. ok!

    love u!!!!


  4. WARNIE ... how ya going mate?

    Yeah good call. Am sort of in need of one now hahaha

    Goin away this weekend.

    Thanks mate.

    So if anyone knows anywhere in the Penrith area that would be great.


  5. I bought a 60ltr round container from Petbarn a few years ago for a bait tank.

    Now they dont sell them anymore.

    Does any one know where to find them?

    60ltr round with screw on lid.



  6. Hey Warnie.

    Mate sounds like it ay.

    The feed back i have gotten all point me in the right direction.

    Its either battery or fuel pump. Like you said a layover.. which was over 6 months down the coast (near Saltwater). I noticed the terminals last night they were green and shitty looking.

    So i can safley say my batteries were in VERY POOR condition.

    You wouldnt believe it.. we are on the eve of SWR too.

    Supposed to go Saturday, no where near ready to go.

    Too much attention on this bloody problem.

    So if this doesnt work tonight we are going to head to JB for the week.

    I can use the old mans boat down there.

    Sounds like the fishing is dead up there anyway.. might be a blessing!

    Anyway mate.. thanks for ya in-put.

    Nearly beer time for us ay???

    Ill hit ya up after my holiday to where?? who knows hahaha.


  7. Didnt really tell me what the compression was. Just told me it was alittle lower than normal.

    He did all his testing in a water bin. I took it for a run in the river and it was worse that before I took it to him. But i noticed the switch was now on both batteries rather than the No.1 Batt i use all the time. And as batt 2 being dead.. id say thats why it ran alot worse. Like i said ...the wire on battery ONE in the lug had come lose, couldt see any sign of it being soldered either. Just like it was crimped and forgoten about. The wire fell out soon as i touched the wire. I know you need a strong fitting conection or it will be as good as useless.

    Other than it being the Fuel pump... Im hoping this is the prob. Be alot easier fix than $600-$800 fuel pump replacement.

  8. Thanks mate.

    The merc machanic said the psi was down alittle. But that would be because of the power flow you would think?

    Plus that lose conection would prob be causing some dramas? It actualy fell out of the lug when i touched it.

    Thanks again mate.

  9. Thinking my 115hp Merc 4 Stroke had fuel probs, i took it in to get it looked at, thinking it was fuel related.

    Without replacing the fuel pump they said there was no probs they could see. they even ran their own fuel lines on their own tank.

    Until i got home and relized one of my batteries was almost dead and the other had a lose conection on the lug where the solder had let go plus a fair bit of corrosion. I could start the boat no probs and it idoled fine but when i tryed to get some revs on the water it stuttered and wouldnt give me any revs so id have to crawl back to the ramp.

    My settup is a switch, allowing me to use Battery ONE or Battery TWO or Both Batteries. Batteries are linked through an earth wire.

    I would always use battery ONE.

    I noticed it ran alot worse when the switch was on BOTH Batteries

    Battery Two is basicaly dead.

    I tryed to recharge battery Two and it never re charged.

    my question is... Altho i have enough power to start on battery One, Will the EFI struggle to get enough power to keep it running under power, due to battery two being dead and the lose lug on battery one???

    Would the flow of power be haulted by the dead battery?

    The fact that it ran alot worse on both batteries has got me asking this question.

    Im currently recharging battery One now but I thought id ask some of you first.



  10. Thanks boys.

    One thing i forgot to mention is that ive just had a 100hr service a week before.

    So if it was something to do with the fuel pump you would think it would of showed up on their testing???

    Ill check the filters and then run a seperate tank and lines and see if that makes it perform.

    Ill keep you guys posted.



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