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Posts posted by harold

  1. Man i've never had any luck at apple tree bay, would you use pilchards on a gang hook for salmon there? or in cubes?. The only fish ive caught at apple tree bay are bream and undersized :i

    We catch a few big salmon and we use a triple on a pilchard that floats about 5 metres down. We use a sinker to keep it in position with a leader that is about 40 cms long.

  2. If you just rattle off the names you get Inglis, Cronk, Thurston etc. it really is quite clear why they keep winning. I think we need to clean everyone out and start again. Hopefully some of their super stars will retire soon.

  3. What on earth are you going to do if you catch a big one? Have you looked at the teeth on those fish? Did you know they are coated with an anti coagulant so if you get bitten you just keep bleeding. Good luck with that.

  4. They are ok if you know how to cook them. My wife is from Hong Kong and over there they are called Silver Belt and are regarded as a good eating fish. They have a lot of bones but are tasty.

  5. The wretched things can come on the bite at any time but generally speaking most of the action is over by 10.30pm. Having said that last year we had a good run after mid night at Waratah.

  6. Alright, it's been a busy week but I'm ready to go!

    I fully stripped the boat out, gurnied everything down, put in new deck lights, fixed all the little things that have been bothering me!

    Today, I sorted all my gear, rigged rods, made a list of what to bring! Done!!!

    Now I'm just making a list of what to spend the $500 first prize money on! :)

    I'm so looking forward to a few days fishing with the boys! Let's hope the weather plays ball.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

    Talk about confident!!!!

    We look forward to seeing you there. I have just ordered 50 stubby coolers as give aways on the weekend.

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