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Posts posted by harold

  1. I spoke to a few of the boat owners at our marina on Saturday afternoon and they were all saying the same. Three of them had been out and said the water is filled with logs, branches etc. Last night I noted there is a fairly big log stuck under the stern of my boat in the berth. Guess i might be going for a swim at Bobbin Head, cant wait as i am sure the water is clean and warm.

  2. The water, whilst not clean, is looking a little better this afternoon at bobbin head.

    Heard today they are catching Hairtail in Smiths creek. That surprises me because smiths creek seems to be mostly a dead patch for most fish. After years of fishing there we have only caught one good sized bream, a zillion medium sized whiting, a lot of blue swimmers and a whole lot of squid. Plus 10,000 undersized reddies.

  3. The water at Bobbin Head is still foul. Went down there this afternoon. Very few boats went out as we all had the same concerns re dirt in the cooling systems.

    Stewie, I think we have a 20 litre water urn at work that is unused these days. Do you want it for the house boat for hot water for everyone? Having said that I think last year you told me there was no gen set. Hmmm then how is it we had hot tea at breakfast? My head hurts from thinking too much.

  4. It looks like it is going to be another big one. Who can forget Stewie going around and around the boats laughing like a maniac (so was I). Can't wait but the water down there is going to have to clear up in a hurry. I went down to bobbin head this evening and it is liquid mud after the rains. I won't be taking the boat out this weekend because I reckon that slush could get into the heat exchangers and suddenly there is a heating problem.

    Bring it on I say.

  5. Went to check the boat this morning. Bobbin head marina is without power so turned off all electrics and cleaned out the freezer and fridge. I have had the power go off twice before and lost everything, and doesn't it stink when that happens.

    I couldn't believe the collection of rubbish, sticks, logs and general rubbish that has collected in the berths that face the open water.

    The water there is so dirty I wouldn't put the gen set on as the liquid mud will simply clog up the gen sets cooling system.

    Hope the water cleans up for the long weekend.

  6. Was staring at my favourite rods last weekend and it dawned on me the rods and reels are literally 40 years old. What is even more scary is that the line is equally as old. Question, does fishing line have a life expectancy or do you guys just keep it until it is no more?

  7. I was heart broken when I saw the story and to be honest, I can't bring myself to read it. The parents must be at their wits end undoubtedly blaming themselves and that will last forever.

    Rest in peace little one.

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