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Posts posted by costello

  1. Well bugger me if that cold puddle from Broken Bay to Nelson Bay hasn't doubled in size again in 48 hrs.

    Still it's better than it has been and it may have a differential temp affect which is favourable as one game hunter pointed out. And yes there are finally Dolphin Fish at the FADS or so I'm led to believe by a friend who's "seen them" and "caught" a couple.

    Don't know whether I'll get out there tomorrow morning or not yet but I'm sure someone will. So Looking forward to a report or two. Good luck.

    Might head out in the morning if I can get up early enough and stay off the :beersmile: tonight, hmmm or maybe not :biggrin2:



  2. Look for the green water, where the waves are not breaking. Gutters normally run parallel to the beach and you will often see broken waves reforming in the deeper water of the gutter. These waves will then break again on the shoreline.

    Dee Why beach has fished pretty poorly (for me) recently, despite there being some good gutters. Zenman and I have put in the hours for nothing but rays, shovelnoses and banjos. Hope you fare better.

    Humesy, i've had the same problem fishing Dee Why the last few weeks as well. One thing maybe worth noting though, last time I went down I switched from beach worms, which I usually use, to nippers. Bagged 4 keeper Whiting and a couple under-size Bream in a couple of hours of fishing with no trashy throw backs, don't know if this has anything to do with it???



  3. Spot on Greg, I don't even try for Kings up there at the moment it's been so quiet, i've just been chasing the bread and butter fish for a feed. I have heard the odd report of catches out off West Reef but nothing to make you jump in your boat and motor out there in any real hurry.



  4. Mate next to the old Gladesville Bridge on the Drummoyne side there is a rock section where you can climb down and fish off the point (on the left of the old bridge if your facing the water). My bud and I used to catch a bucket of fish down there every time. Bream, Flathead, the odd school Jew, everything. Mind you we didn't even eat them back then because of dioxins levels and that was five years ago, we just fished for fun. There was even a sign saying do not eat fish caught from the area, and that's only a couple hundred metres from the Gladesville Bridge.



  5. It's always been an interesting topic hasn't it. I don't know who to believe and I still haven't caught one yet to try. I find if the fish shop's don't sell it, then it can't be all that good. Although you could miss out on alot of good things with that attitude to :1prop:



  6. Apologie's Majed, a bit of topic I know but i've always been curious guy's,with a name like "The oil wharf" at Kurnell is there any problem with polution that runs off from the site's in the area or is it all pretty well handled? It just sounds a bit dodgy I think you'd agree.



  7. I think you can only keep one over 50cm or something along those lines (differs from different species of Flathead). I prefer them between 40cm-50cm anything over 50cm I tend to let go, as long as I have a couple already in the bag.



  8. Many people use different sprays, I think the one your refering too is INOX, I use Salt-X

    INOX was the one thanks guy's. Do you get it from normal Hardware store's? Feel free to PM me anyone with locations as to keep within site regulations. I'm in the Ryde area but don't mind travelling.



  9. Hi all.

    I remember a post a few months ago about the best spray to use while maintaining your fishing gear but I can't seem to track it down. There was a spray (not WD40) that a few of you Raiders were using that sounded good, I think it was water-proof or something, I can't remember???



  10. Motor is working OK with Oil in, eh. Did you belt the mechanic or just drain his vital fluids?

    Greg, lets just say I had a few choice words with him about his standard of business and told him the only way we'd cross paths again is if my outboard goes out on the blink and what he's going to do about it. As you can imagine mate, that's the censored version of course.

    Hey Costa perhaps you caught my flathead bug....only joking....they'll be jumping into your boat next time. CHeers Kelvin

    Kelvin, I hope your right because there's nothing I like more than a couple fillets of flathead after a day out on the water. I hope you don't get my Kingfish bug or else we're all in trouble!

    JFish, a man's got to have his secrets, but I will say just keep moving around and when you find them just stick to that area and you'll do fine.



  11. G'day Raiders.

    Myself and the GF took my sister and her boyfriend out on the boat for a fish up Pittwater today. Been absolutely on fire with the flathead up there in recent weeks but funny thing today drifting the same grounds we didn't get one flattie for the pan. Dropped three flattie's and bagged 4 Bream, biggest going 32cm and a small Snapper going just legal. To catch a Reddie and not have to throw it back is definately rare in the channel! No pics sorry all but a good day on the water.



  12. Not much at all lately, saw a school of Choppers busting up around Lion Island last week but the moorings and the points have been close to dead. No Kingie's in sight! Have heard the odd report of them being caught out at the reefs.



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