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Posts posted by fishguts

  1. bored at work this morning... had half a dozen more shots at it and came up with a new benchmark



    half a dozen shots of what ....bourbon, tequila, or scotch!....or a six pack of ale! :074:

    bored at work this morning... had half a dozen more shots at it and came up with a new benchmark



    those windows one's look like the real deal, unlike them javascript one's

    take note! you cannot trust anything java!..be warned!..


  2. I have a new(second hand) boat with a 30hp 2 stroke motor on it and the first time I took it out the motor was starting all day no problems.

    Took it out this weekend got to the boat ramp and the thing wouldn't start up, so back home I went pulled the plugs out and cleaned em up a bit and the motor cranked over.

    Got on the water now and motor worked fine, stopped and fished for a while, the motor would not start again, couldn't get it going for the life of me.

    Tried cleaning the plugs no go, left it for a while and the motor started.

    Then it was starting all day no drama, but there was quite a bit of smoke each time it started.

    I am using a fuel to oil ration of 50:1, could these be the cause?, to much oil on the spark plugs? each time I pulled them out there was a bit on em.

    Any advice appreciated..


    hi! what make, model, and year is it,..or just ask huey!...


  3. a short history of medicine!

    Quote DR Gary Mitchell (norfolk island!)

    "Doctor i have an ear ache."

    2000 BC- " here eat this root ."

    1000 BC- "that root is heathen, say this prayer."

    1850 AD- "that prayer is superstition, drink this potion"

    1940 AD- "that potion is snake oil, swallow this pill "

    1985 AD- "that pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic"

    2000 AD- "that antibiotic is artificial. here, eat this root!"

    ..TO TRUE!..


  4. I was told that the larger displacement of the CV gives it more low down torque, the twin carbie in the nmh gives it smoother idle and acceleration. The cv is more a working motor suited to heavy loads.


    hi! i own a cv 30 and understand the idle biz, it has been a faultless engine so far having

    done only 40 hrs although i have done a 50 service, just because! drawback is it takes a while

    to warm up and occationally seems to run on one cylinder, sounds like it anyway when at trolling

    speed but have been assured that this normal, maybe like you said this is because of single carby

    other than that gets out of holes quick and hasn't let me down.. i say this because apparently

    the 30 is just a jetted 25..just my blurb!


  5. G'day All ,

    Only 4 weeks to go !! We already have 61 members attending , if you are interested in cominng along its not too late to get your name added to the list !!

    I will be putting a " Shopping List " of things we will need for the Social , if you are able to donate anything , we will mark it off that list.

    To kick things off , I will be providing the snags !! :wacko:


    hi ross! i will bring esky's, ice, and soft drinks! and my own hard drink! :tease:


  6. Damn! i was looking forward to seein the secret star wars programn

    in action, and sucking down a box of resches pils and going into

    an alchohol induced coma? ahh well, :beersmile:

    i might just have to go fishin! :1fishing1::beersmile:

    ..cheers!..stevo!.. :beersmile::beersmile::tease:

  7. actually mate i think you will find that ebay has just introduced a policy whereby all bidders names are not disclosed to you unless you are the actual seller. You will only be able to see your own name when you check it. This may only come into effect once the item reaches a certain price but that is what happens, not because they are dodgy bids....

    that is spot on!

    but if you smell a rat bidding on his own stuff, (shill bidding) let him have it he is paying the fee :074:

    measure twice and cut once!


  8. hi all! sitting up thinking about user name, all blank as someone said looked down

    and my daughter was feeding her cat (mr tibbles) aka catguts tin salmon grrrr :ranting2:

    not the cheap stuff but $8.00 red stuff i thougth thanks CG i'll be FG!

    and im a bit of a fishguts myself.



  9. I did this experiment last year in Science, year 10.

    The results were that the nail in the salt water rusted a lot less in 7 days than did the nail that was dipped in salt water at day intervals (both test tubes were sealed).

    The reactions are easier to take place out of the water because H2O is a very stable substance.


    i did think so, but im still keen on kjd results on the hooks, and will always stand corrected.


  10. Hey Ben,

    Just got back from Hamilton Island , went fishing with rengade charters , cost me $160 great blokes awsome boat , a new 38ft steber ,we caught 3 4kg coral trout ant a 15kg spanish mackeral it was really good, land base not much around I herd! :beersmile:

    yeah how good is jason's new boat, all we got was smelly cuda and undersize emp! ah well.

    so you did good well done.bfore. ben give renegade a go you will be impressed

    skip even lets you bring your own rod. they have handlines for the reef stuff

    but 10kg rods for an hour long troll in 100mtrs + here's some pics!

    skipper jason holding cuda!

    ..cheers!..stevo!.. (p.s enjoy your trip and hook into em!)

    marina farthest east at night has sweetlip, mowie and trout but only tourists can get away with it SHHHHHHHH!





  11. very well done! caught on bread, then ends up between a couple of slices of bread

    with a bit of mayo, salt & cracked black pepper..............yummmm!

    king filet 'o' fish! too good fella's! even maccas is envious!


  12. post-2889-1181391008_thumb.jpg




    Great pic

    Quite a few wharfs have there resident grouper up in QLD

    Where is that one?

    One I remember is Cuddles the resident grouper at 1770 marina wharf

    hey folks! back on line after 40 hrs without power! shower was sensationalllll! others

    aren't so lucky yet! ( our thougths are with ya! )

    george is a resident of a purpose built sanctuary 20km N/E of hammo isle ( coral sea reef)

    reef tours do a high speed cat run for $200 incl. snorkeling , sub and a serious

    banquet lunch .anyway a week before we were there george caused a riot by smashing

    an 80cm GT and there is several others missing pec fins, those buggers were cam shy?

    on the runout tide the reef forms this mad waterfall that is just magic to watch..

    last pic is of a huge resident maori wrasse!

    this is george's domain!


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