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Posts posted by Chaos

  1. Yeah Dan,

    My mate and i were dancing around a bit. Don't mind the tangled lines when theres 2-3 fish on. We could stop laughing (after the fish were boated of course).

    Felt sorry for you guys being anchor dragged around when the Kingies were on. Thought you handled it pretty well. If it was me would have been pissed.

    Next time will come over and say hello. See you out there.



  2. Hey chaos!

    What size boat were you in? greg was out today an today for the third day running, brought home another three legal kingys :thumbup::yahoo::thumbup:

    He was in the 4.1M open tinny


    Thanks everyone for the comments. Dan, we were in the Haines Hunter 570 SF near the drum. Were you the guys behind us who had your anchor dragged by one of the other boats?

  3. Gness,

    I recently purchased the symmetre 2500 with the raider bream rod and I very happy with it. Use it for squidding and plastics and the action is very smooth. For a bit of fun threw it out last Sunday and ended up on a 60cm Kingy and the combo handled it perfectly, I was amazed at the bend in the rod. best combo I've purchased so far.



  4. This is my first post since recently joining, so hope its not to long.

    Headed off late (8am) from Roseville with a hangover (our girlfriends not happy being woken up either). Went to the Spit to try and catch a squid, have been trying a few times with no luck. This time my mate catches a nice size Southern and we were feeling good. Tried for a few more with no luck, so head over to Cobbity Beach for a try. Only stayed for 5 -10 mins with no luck and decided to head off to Wedding Cakes to try for some yakka’s. At that time of the morning the old fella’s are out in all their glory and we couldn’t take it anymore. Around 10.30 am by this stage and no yakka’s to be found. Confidence started to drop. Strange that when we catch yakka’s, we can’t catch a squid. Catch a squid and we can’t catch yakka’s.

    My mate says lets go over to Clifton Gardens and try for Kingies. I wanted to go out to Bluefish Point and try there. Decided to go to Clifton and try first, so we head over and drop a line. Ten minutes later with 2 rods out the back and us stuffing around at the front of the boat we hear zzzzzrrrrr. We haven’t caught a decent harbour king for a while so we are both jumping over each other to get to the rod. My mate was on with the live squid. A just legal King.

    Now I was excited and rig up another rod. While rigging up my rod goes off and I’m onto a decent fight and a 65cm King. It was like this for the next few hours. At one stage I had a double hook up with 3 kingies still at the back of the boat flopping around. I think the key was the 1 squid we caught which turned the others on.

    At the end I was fishing on 4lb braid with 6lb leader on a 2500 shimano symmetre and 3-5kg raider rod. Can't beat the zzzzzr of the reel and the 10 minute fight. By the end we had bagged out at 10 Kingies and decided to call it a day.

    After a drought last year, this was the best day fishing yet and the look on everyone's face when we came home with the esky full was priceless. Doubly sweet after all the ribbing we were getting after fishless outings.

    Not superstitious but hopefully we have broken the drought



  5. Know how you feel manama,

    Bought a boat with a mate last year with very little fish caught. The laughs and smarmy comments from eveyone gets on your nerves after a while. Even went out with a charter guide in the harbour caught zip.

    But all is forgotten after last Sunday when we went to Clifton and bagged out at 10 kingies. At one stage we had a double hook up and 3 kingies at the back of the boat flopping around. I think the key was the 1 squid we caught which turned the others on. Best day fishing yet and the look on everyone's face when we came home with the esky full was priceless.

    Not superstitious but hopefully we have brocken the drought. Mate, just keep at it and soon enough you'll have a day that will make it all worthwhile. Also I agree with Davo's suggestion about going lighter. At the end I was fishing on 4lb braid with 6lb leader on a 2500 shimano symmetre and 3-5kg raider rod. Can't beat the zzzzzr of the reel and the 10 minute fight.



  6. Hi raiders- I went out fishing today with a charter operator who is also kind of my mentor when it comes to kingfish in Sydney harbour. He guided me to my first kingy in Middle Harbour. The main aim of today was to seek out the kings . As you know I have been pretty successful with the kings but for the social I wanted a good feel for the rest of the harbour. What better than to go with a mate who is also a guide!

    The day started early at Roseville. The water temps have been playing up lately so things have been a bit erratic outside but the harbour has been a steady 20C plus. The action was on straight away with kings on the surface. We cast stick baits to the kings for consistent hook ups. My 6 year old son was with me and he was onto the kings immediately. There were tailer and bonito mixed with them. The kings were not large but were great fun. We released all of them.

    Kings are very fast moving creatures and they were busting up here and there. After catching a few, we decided to try for some flathead. I have been after some flathead for a while. Changed to weighted soft plastics to work the bottom. Guess what, I got a few strikes but missed. Then WHAM! a fish hits my son's lure! The reel screams and we land yet another king. Can't manage a flattie!

    Deciding that flathead are a waste of time we went searching for more kings on the surface. They were spread out but were basically everywhere. :thumbup::yahoo: There is also a bream comp that is held here in Sydney at the moment and there were guys everywhere casting for bream. We had some kings busting up around a boat chasing bream. They were oblivious to the kings but when we hooked up, the screaming reels kind of made them notice!!!

    By now the sun was up but the kings were still up on the surface along with tailer. I can't remember a time when the kings were so active on the surface for so long. It wasn't till about 11am that the action died down.

    The next tactic was to bait fish for kings with squid. So it was to the squidding grounds. When the sun is up the squid are a bit shy. However, I had my box of yozuris and my squid spray. We decided an experiment was in order. To cut a long story short, I caught ALL the squid. Point made!!!

    We went into middle harbour and found everyone fishing there. Not catching much at all. So we decided to try one of the wrecks. I downrig here with great success but we decided to anchor and fish as most people in the social won't have downriggers. Using cut squid ( which is what most people wil do in the social ) we sent the bait to the bottom and then pulled them up a few meters. Within a few minutes we get our first hit. I land the king and set the baits out again. The action is continuous and another fish is boated but is accompanied by another kingie. This fish was burlyed up with squid pieces and my 6 year old son hooks him. The fish makes it to the wreck but somehow my son gets him out. We land this fish and call it a day.

    I kept 3 fish for friends and released the rest.


    A happy angler. Fish this size are EVERYWHERE at the moment so it is looking real good for the social. Cheers Kelvin

    I am off to Perth tomorrow morning...no phones, computers...just Rand R!

    The kings at this time of the year are very prolific but are not in the areas that most people expect so this little recon of the kings in the harbour has given me a good feel. It would be great if all the participants in the social catch atleast 1 kingie even if it is a rat and at the moment this is looking REAL good. Cheers Kelvin


    Another great report. You are the kingy king. I'm in the office and now all I can think about are Kings.

    Who did you go out with as I'm looking at going out with a guide to get some help and advice.



  7. Kelvin never uses snap swivels on lures for 2 reasons:

    - takes away from the action

    - due to the snap being so close to the fish's mouth it might well open up

    would you like to add anything Kelvin? :1prop:

    Thanks R_Zee

    Is there an easier way to change lures than having to tie onto the main line everytime? It's frustrating when I have to steer the boat and change lures while my mate gets to have fun out the back when the surface is chopping up.



  8. Those wave worms are good and they are available from a lot of tackle outlets. My local tackle store has them.But they are no better than any other stick baits for kings. Stick baits are the best lures for kings in most stiuations but kings are funny things and will switch on and off from certain lures.

    I love the softies stick baits as they are tough and work well in the water. I have caught several bonito, half a dozen salmon and some 5 kings on a single softies stick bait. This is unbelieveable for a soft platic! But with lures try different types as they all will produce at some stage. Cheers Kelvin


    Do you use a snap swivel to the lure?

  9. Hey Stewy,I seem to see alot of questions being asked about rigs for specific fish or how to rig certain baits.This could be a start or how to rig some lures as I wonder sometimes how people get the lures down so deep.By all means keen to see new products and thier applications also.

    I don't know how keen some are or sponsers are but maybe table a meet each or every second month?I guess it would depened also on roll up.Would mid week evenings be better for most people?

    How long would it take to organize?

    I am off from 3rd Feb 07 for three weeks and planning on fishing so I am still keen.

    Keep me posted.


    Suffo :1fishing1:


    I'm also new to the site and would be keen for an organised night.



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