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Posts posted by Byron

  1. It has been awhile since I posted a report so i thought I would share with you my results from a session in the harbour on Sunday.

    Thinking that the conditions would be ideal for a journey out to Long reef my mate Roland and I put the Quinnie Fishraider in at Little Manly and after filling the bait tank with yakkas near Cannae point we headed out into an already building Northerly wind. Making a quick executive decision that it would be a rather wet and uncomfortable trip out wide, we headed back inside the harbour after trolling minnows around the front for no result.

    Rocked into Shack beach and scored a few squid on the micro Yamashita in pink and started sounding out around the Dobroyd bommie. Anchored up on the edge of the reef and got a nice berley trail going before deploying a selection of tasty baits both surface and bottom rigs.

    Over the next few hours we managed a couple of rat kings (just under legal as per freakin usual!! :( ), at least a dozen blurters from a lovely 50cm model, down to little 20cm versions, a couple of undersized pinkies, and a rock cod. Unfortunately no pics were taken as it was very much a recreational boater mentality for us both on the day :yahoo:

    Just nice to go out and catch a lovely fresh feed of fish for a change. Relaxing at anchor on a piece of productive ground, and enjoying a few signature chicken shnitzel wraps, and a beer whilst catching those spirited little performers the trevally was great fun. They went down a treat on the plate as well, having been immediately bled and placed in an ice slurry. Nice to have a few leftover squid as well.



  2. :1welcomeani: Jewie Hunter.

    Nice intro into the Fishraider boards mate. You will find there are many keen jewie anglers on the site who will be eager to pick your brains on the techniques that you find successful.

    I expect a few will also be keen to know where exactly you are getting them!! :thumbup::thumbup:

  3. Hello all,

    I am heading back to Port Stephens to catch another Marlin on Easter Monday with Ross Hunter on Broadbill.

    There is one spot remaining on the boat for the day. Cost is approx $230 I think.

    If you are interested and can be at Soldiers Point Marina at 6.30am on Monday 28th march, please give me a call on 0414 384 969.

    Regards and Happy Easter to all,


  4. Excellent report Simon,

    Hope Grant is doing ok now.....those spikeys are a pain in the arse to handle!!

    Shame you didn't manage a cobe, but at the size you describe I would say they would be close to unstoppable as you found yourself.

    I expect SWR will see a fair number of Fishraiders on its visitors books next season. I am certainly going to be planning a pilgrimage.

    Great stuff!!


  5. Details from an owner:

    The 445F seems to be getting more expensive on the second hand market as more people

    realise how good a boat they are. I saw another one in south coast

    trading post last week for 14k neg (see above details), i think it had a 50hp mariner and

    15hp aux. One of my mates is also looking for one, but not for 14-17k!

    Tell your mate if he sees a good one to get in super quick because they

    don't last long.

    Mate, i cannot say enough about them as a boat and just love em (had 3

    now over the years).

    Pretty big wraps, and in my experience there is no other small boat hull that has quite the same ability.

    Apparently Formula are making a copy 445 using the old Haines moulds.....I am trying to track down the website and will post it when I find it.



  6. My mate Nick Brown at Port Stephens of monster kingie and marlin fame, has one and I must say it plays well out of its league on the bluewater front.

    These boats are simply awesome fishing machines for their size.

    Will try and get a photo to post

  7. does anyone know an easy way to remove old stickers from glass boats? they have faded badly and lost all color (original brand decals).

    i'm getting the boat ready to cut and polish, I nearly fell over when i got a quote of $550 to cut and polish the outside only so i'm going to have a go at it myself.


    Give Eucalyptus oil a shot Wombat.......that has previously worked for me with old stickers. better check it doesn't affect the glass first, but I am pretty sure it will be ok.


  8. G'day all,

    Just received an update from my good buddy Nick at Port Stephens.

    He and a mate took advantage of the benign sea conditions to punch wide in Sushi Bar, Nick's 445F Haines CC.

    First stop was a few slimeys from the Tomarree Heads area and then onwards to the FAD for a crack at a decent dollie. A few boats had already taken up residence but a big yakka did the trick and the boated a nice fish for dinner.

    Next stop was the Continental Shelf, specifically a spot called "The CarPark" where they found themselves dwarfed by the big boats in town for the Inter-Club later this month; Broadbill, Iona, Calypso, amongst others.

    Despite the lack of size, the little Haines is an awesome sea boat and set-up with everything in its place making it an extremely user-friendly fishing unit. So with the battle wagons circling, Nick set a spread and began trolling.

    After no luck but seeing other boats hooked up Nick made a decision to fish a few liveys down deep in the patchy bait schools that could be seen on the sounder. 2 baits hit the water and swam for the depths to join their brethren. Immediately, both baits became extremely agitated and Nick made the ominous prediction that a billfish was giving them the evil eye.

    No sooner had these words excaped his lips, than a very tentative bite was felt and line slowly started to peel off the 24kg TLD. After a few seconds hesitation Nick pushed the drag up to strike at hit the fish, only to find nothing. Winding furiously to pick up the slack and with no more than 10 or so metres of line out the back, Nick finally came tight and all hell broke loose!!!

    A 100kg (estimated) Black marlin jumped almost clear of the water only metres from the boat :1yikes: To say the guys were a little surprised is an understatemen, but in the spirit of this family site I will refrain from elaborating.

    A dogged fight ensued, with Nick gimballed up, but without harness, fishing a solid 8kg of drag and getting pulled from one gunwhale to another as the mighty fish did its best to rid itself of the hook. Apparently it played every trick in the book, galloping at a sprint across the surface and then slugging it out deep. Eventually though the pressure told and after a little over an hour, a conservative estimated 100kg Black marlin was traced alonside the boat.

    Both angler and fish were absolutely knackered, but after 15 minutes of swimming the fish alongside whilst holding the bill, the fish kicked strongly and was let go to provide another lucky angler with the fight of a lifetime.

    I take my hat off to Nick for this effort, as having been onboard Sushi Bar on more than one occasion, I realise what fighting such a big fish would be like on such a small boat..... let alone without a harness!!! I am reliably informed that Nick is still hurting, and in the market for a decent 2nd hand harness!!

    Hope you enjoyed the tale and here are 3 photos that Swoffa kindly re--sized for me to post.




  9. G'day Demmo and great report mate.

    I am really keen to know the sort of rigs that Greg uses at Flint and Steel?? I am a regular on the Hawkesbury and find myself avoiding F&S mostly these days due to crowds.

    Considering your results I may have to re-evaluate.

    Please let me know the rigging and baiting details if you can mate. Also, does he fish with the reels in strike drag or allow them to take line unrestricted before striking??

    Cheers mate


  10. G'day Shaun,

    Good to see you are still persisting at Patonga mate, despite the poor results.

    I was there on Sunday fishing with Dad, and apart from 12 or so sub-legal to 38cm flatties it was pretty ordinary. Didn't keep a single fish as even the legal fish were all just too small to bother with.

    I think that the fish have been hit pretty hard over the holidays and would expect things to pick up after school goes back. I am sure the fish are there, it is just a matter of finding them in the right mood.

    That said, only a few weeks back I hooked and landed 7 consecutive legal flathead on a pink squidgie fish in the creek. It was good stuff with half of them being legal and 2 nudging 40cm. Maybe it was the stealth approach of the Polycraft that made the difference!! :thumbup:

    One thing though mate, what do you do to catch the poddies??? I am keen to give these shot in a few of the good holes in the creek.



    P.S. might be up there on the weekend if you are around mate

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