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Posts posted by Jocler

  1. A mate and I used to fish the rocks from Cape Solander to the stink pipe for blackfish after school. We made our own cleats in metal work class and bolted them onto the soles of pair of sandshoes. We were taught by the old fisherman who were pretty strict, they had a couple of rules you had to follow like know the tides, watch the waves (look out for the 7th wave), always wear cleats, have a rock "hold" for emergencies (this was usually a rope tied around a rock outcrop or through a eye bolt put into the cliff face) and never fish alone. They would kick you off the rocks if they ever saw you not following the rules.

    I would never let my kids do it nowadays and there is no way I would tell someone else kid to do it. My advise, if you really want to do it, is find a mentor to teach you over time, in lots of different seas and weather and never think you know it all.


  2. Silver Beach runs the full length of Prince Charles Parade and up to Bonna Point. As far as I know, and its been years since we went prawning up there, it is a bit early yet. We always went Dec/Jan when chasing prawns and that was up at the sand spit with the weed beds running down each side whilst using prawn nets...not a drag net. Look out for sand crabs and numby rays.


  3. So, you have already taught him some bad habits, his dental bill alone will cost him a pretty penny. On the good side though, he caught a good size fish..... well done Dennis and welcome to the southern hemisphere, try to talk Stewie into taking you with him to catch something you can eat.


  4. The one and only time I've had my catch inspected in Sydney was by water police in botany bay, they asked me to hold up my catches from the esky, then one leaned over and had a peak in to see if I wasn't forgetting to hold up any and they moved on after a quick license check (boat and fishing). They also asked me if the sarsaparilla in my drink holder was a beer but were happy not to pull out the breatho when I showed them the label :)

    And here is me thinking I am the only one who drinks that stuff......are you also an ex Queenslander?

    I have also been pulled over and inspected in Botany Bay. They checked every bit of safety gear to make sure it was compliant and being carried. They watched me drop my partner off as on the wharf not 10 minutes before and I was waiting for them to come back but still told me I had to many rods rigged (6) so I had to cut the hooks off, while they watched. I was sitting about 50m out from the wharf fishing while I waited.

    I don't have an issue with water police or inspectors but I do have an issue with inconsistency in their determinations.


  5. There is also a bouy just near the Georges River 16' sailing club I am told you can use for 24 hours. Also there are usually boats moored along the beach at Towra Point most weekends


  6. There is something very exciting about being caught up in a fish boil. The rapid changing of lures, the numerous casts and the hopes of a hookup. It is something your 8 year old will remember for many years to come and the thought that he was out there with his Dad in amongst it all.

    You had a great day on the water.


  7. Can only support what everyone else has been saying. Great night, great company, great speakers, great sponsors, great organization. I learned a lot, met and chatted to like minded friendly people, there is little else you could ask for.

    Special mention must go to Stewie on the barbeque and Donna for organizing...the snags were really nice.


  8. Beautiful photos. Green patch, the camping area at Jervis Bay was also a great place to get mobbed by parrots. I would always take international tourists there just to see the expressions on their faces at so many incredibly coloured parrots hanging off them, They couldnt believe how they would simply come out of the trees and sit on their shoulder.


  9. On Friday, going home in the car, there was a big bust up going on behind the swimming enclosure at the end of Bay Street. The baitfish must be hanging around the area.


  10. Looking at the top pic, those look like the nylon blocks you can buy from a certain boating shop but I am sure you can buy them from anywhere as trailer parts and cut them to length. They just push the nose onto the self centering rollers along the trailer and then as you move forward they shuffle the hull across to make it sit straight.


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