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Posts posted by scratchie_junior619

  1. Well done mate

    There two great flatties to break the bad luck

    I love getting flatties on SP's and especially good size ones

    I get a lot of 40-50cm ones around my local canal but it's a canal so I don't keep them but there great eating

    Well done mate

    Cheers thefisherman6784

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Thx for your comment mate!!
  2. G'day raiders!

    Went out this morning with my dad and the bros and sis for a fish for a mix bag! we started our day with a bit of bad luck so we decided to drift the break wall and again having bad luck we went out the front to get some livies to try chase some jewies! We sat there and waited for a bit but there must of not been any jewies around.

    Dad said we will have a quick flick for some flatties. We arrived at our destination and after a couple of casts my line went off! zzzzzzzzzzzzz I was winding and I thought it was snagged but then it started lifting up and with a great netter I landed a 51cm flatty!!!


    Last casts dad says and so my brother chucks his out (2 casts after dad says last cast) and he was on!!

    His line then got smacked! He was winding and we thought that it was a small wobbegong but we relived it was a massive flatty!! Well netted he landed it! He was measured at 57cm and definetly up there with my brothers best fish!


    All up a great day with most of my fam and gonna be a great feed!!!

  3. Very nice mate! That's a huge eagle ray, well done on fighting it in even if it wasn't the right species! Great little rock area you've got there keen to see what else you guys pull up!



    Thx mate and hope that the fish stay there!


    Cheers scratchie_junior

  4. G'day raidars haven't made a post in a while but I hope you enjoy!

    I finished early from school yesterday and before I had to go to footy training I decided to take some slimies down to the rocks and chuck a fillet out whole.

    I get to my destination and rig up with an unwaited slimy fillet. I was chasing some snapper like I caught the day before which is on my dad scratchies post.

    I chuck out my first bait and within about ten seconds there was a big tug on the line. I wind my line in to find a gigantic squid! Unable to catch it I chuck my line out further and after about 5min, zzzzzzzzzzzz I was on to something big! After my dad joking me and a nice 45min fight on a 6-8kg rod we see colour but all i pulled up was a 40-50kg eagle ray!


    I was a bit disappointed but I was destined to catch another snapper. I chuck my line out and tap tap BANG! I was on again but onto something a little smaller and what I wind up is a nice little bream about 28cm.


    All up nothing else and sore arms!

    Hope you enjoyed

    Cheers scratchie_junior

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