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Posts posted by pmak

  1. Hey Basscatcher. Some good fish there. What HBs were you using? Not many WB reports this summer I've noticed.

    I've not hit WB much this year as well and have found little surface action in the bay so far. A bit disappointing as last year was quite fun with surface walkers.

    I'm going to try again this weekend and see how I go.

  2. iMick,

    Can't imagine the chill you must have felt when you saw the fin breaking the surface. I've also read through some of the shark reports and stories in another post in this forum.

    I bumped into an old-timer while chucking some lures at Chippo at the end of Hollywood Drive. Can't vouch for the authenticity of the story but according to him, apparently Chipping Norton Lakes used to be a bit of a recreational hot spot in the early 1900s and the area at the end of Hollywood Drive used to have fun fairs, etc. Quite glamorous apparently (hence the name Hollywood Drive). And, shark attacks in the area did happen as there were a lot of people swimming in the lake but we don't hear of them anymore because very few people go swimming there now ...

  3. Donna, Stewie and the rest of the moderator team,

    Thanks for putting this 'example' up. Most of us never see the behind the scenes work you guys put in to make this site honest, real and free of rubbish!


  4. Hi Fellow Raiders - stumbled on a promo for the new Downscan Fishfinder from Lowrance. Used to be an add-on to a HDS unit but this looks like an integrated unit in a lower price range - approx $450 for the B&W (Mark-5x DSI) and $800 for the colour (Elite-5x DSI). Hope a fellow Raider puts up a review or some feedback on these units. I so want one of these ...

    post-3388-095825800 1295054707_thumb.jpg

  5. Kelvin,

    Have not seen any reports from you of late. Was wondering what you were up to - very clearly doing lots of fishing!

    Your catch rate shows the depth of understanding you have for the all aspects of the fishing game, from location, time, technique, rigs, etc. Very grateful for the reports you've shared over the years.


  6. Basscatcher - congrats on the topwaters in the Georges. WB has been quite of late - methinks the season for topwaters there is a little later due to the colder weather we've been having (or that I'm a lousy fisho)

    That i-pilot is amazing and is on the top of my list if I get a new boat - imagine spot lock when it's blowing a gale and you're not busy trying to avoid crashing into the snag you're casting to

  7. Pete,

    Great to see your topwater success. Those reddies are pretty decent too! I've just got back to the office and am catching up on all the reports.

    Hope you've got your boat issues sorted out.

    Have seem to lost my mojo and could not muster up any trevally at the usual haunts lately. Maybe the season has passed. Have been to preoccupied with crabbing lately to give topwater luring a go.

  8. Whoa monster whiting you've got there. Have pulled a similar sized one before in Kogarah Bay which I thought was a small jewie!

    I have a feeling you might have been busted off by tailor or snook. Have had it happen to me before - good fight and then line goes limp! Both tailor and snook love flickbaits.

    It was definitely you I saw a couple of weekends back off Kurnell - recognise the flash Skeeter top. Was making a beeline back to the ramp when conditions got a bit choppy. Will definitely stop for a chat next time...

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