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Posts posted by pmak

  1. Ha Ha Hodgey - a slow day for you is usually a pretty good day for some of us mere mortals.

    Those are really good looking bass there.

    You must be itching for the topwater action to start eh? Have you got some of the new lures to try out from Berkley this time as well? Look forward to reports in future ...

  2. Thanks for all the comments guys.

    Poddy Trapper - we did joke about it being a mini GT or a little kingy before we got to see what it was. As for registering him on the site - will do so in time when he's a little bit older methinks. The FOTM prize is looking very attractive I must say ...

    IVZ350 - my biggest trev is 46cm. No. 1 son holds the record for flattie and now trevally as well. It fought really hard and we were fishing 1-3kg rods with 4lb line.

    Blackfishfishing - we did not keep the big one. All fish that No. 1 son caught were released - that's his 'thing' and he believes that's what allows him to catch bigger fish than me.

    Breambucket - the weather was beautiful on Sunday. The fish were quite dispersed actually and it took a while to locate the school and then they moved on pretty quickly as well.

    Swordie - it's pretty clear that my fishing is about my family eh? Not the same without them around to share in the ups and downs. My next goal is to get my wife into the action as well. Look out for future posts ...

  3. Bassboy,

    Congrats on finishing your HSC. Hope you get the results you're aiming for. Can fully understand your anticipation to go fishing again. It's an itch you've gotta scratch right?

    Friday and Saturday were quite wet and windy. Sunday was beautiful in the morning before the winds picked up.

    Looks like you guys have the EP pattern worked out. One of them seems to have lost the top part of its tail! I've yet to target them in the system - spending too much time off Towra and Kurnell. Pike can be a nuisance sometimes if they're around. Sometimes I'll target them if nothing else is biting - they're not bad eating actually.

    Sorry about the Minn Kota - hope that gets fixed soon.

  4. Just a quick report before I crash for the night. Took the boys out early today since they missed out on the last few outings due to the unpredictable weather. I had been doing alright with trevally recently and the boys were dying to get into the action. So, as it typically happens, No 1 son takes a nap on the boat and says 'wake me up when you start catching fish, Dad.' Took a while to find the school but when I did, No. 1 son wakes up, gets his rod, makes a few casts and lands a few. No. 2 son did not manage to catch one on his own but I let him reel one in for fun anyway.

    On one of the many drifts we did, No. 1 son gets one that goes beserk! I though he had loosened the drag on his reel so I checked it - found it was okay and tightened it some more. This trevally did all the usual tricks, doing circles around the boat and zooming off each time it saw the net. It was a monster and when it was finally in the net, we all jumped for joy.

    post-3388-046730600 1289126189_thumb.jpg

    It turned out to be 52cm in length and after a few quick photos, was put back in the water, revived and released.

    Hope everyone else had a good day on the water. The winds picked up later in the morning so we packed up and headed home.

  5. Hey Mate - sounds like a great session.

    Went out Saturday morning before the forecast rain and southerly change. Sunday wasn't looking good so I had to go solo as the kids had their Saturday activities lined up.

    My session was quite different - only managed one bream because all my offerings were taken by trevally or pike! The fish were hungry and were holding in the area (sensing the southerly change?). Tried some poppers and surface walkers near the mangroves at high tide but there was nothing. I left fish to find no fish so it was back to the weed beds again. I even got to experiment with 3 different rods to compare their fighting action. Most trevally were in the 30-32cm range with some 35cm. Pulled in a 45cm one towards the end of my session. Kept some and released many. Had a great time. Sad because my kids were'nt with me ...

    May see you out on the water one day eh?

  6. Hey breambucket

    Sorry you missed coming in man. Conditions were difficult for sure. We were in Woollooware Bay for a while but we could'nt get a proper drift going. Did see a decent bream chasing my 3" grub. Should'nt be long before the surface bite comes on.

    You're right - my youngest was so happy he got a prize. Gives him motivation to fish harder now. These socials are great fun and prizes are given out in good spirit. Food was good too ... Maybe next time eh?

  7. Many thanks to Stewie, Donna, the rest of the admin team, helpers and the sponsors for putting together another great event.

    We had high hopes of great fishing but as these things turn out, it was not to be. My youngest scored his flattie on his first cast of the day about 200m from the beach on a 100mm squidy fish. Many thanks to the admin team for awarding him a prize anyway. He's stoked and I'm of course very happy for him. We tried the beach, Woolooware Bay and Towra Point and picked up small flatties and a small bream but were getting blown all over the place. We were on our way to my trevally spot at Kurnell but the conditions worsened with white caps everywhere so we pulled the plug early and headed in.

    Must say thank you to Davemmm and friend for helping us pull the boat out when the tide went out and left our tinnie high on the beach and Dogtooth and friend for helping us launch the boat in choppy conditions. Many thanks also the the kind gentleman who brought a stack of old mags to give out to fellow raiders. I took a copy and am enjoying reading it very much.

    It was good to catch up with other fellow raiders again and some new ones I had not met before.

    I'm already missing the event and am looking forward to next year's already.

  8. Hey great session there - looks like you had an absolute ball of a time with the EPs and flatties.

    How did you unhook the numb ray? I got one on a squidgy fish before and got a series of mild jolts when I used my stainless steel pliers to try to get my jighead back. Had not come across them before. Maybe the first jolt got to my brains first so I could'nt figure out what was happening ...

  9. Breambucket,

    Keep us posted on your thoughts on this subject. Am in a similar position, looking to upgrade my boat as well. Have looked at the Anglapro Outlaw as a good value boat but I don't know how it handles Botany Bay chop. The Anglapro Bandit may be more flexible being a different hull design with higher sides and centre console but I don't know how it will perform as a bream/bass boat. Have you given thought to the electronics and electric motor for your boat?


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