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Everything posted by RexSenior

  1. Hey Mate I've only been successful in catching them a few times and it was by mistake. Fishing in Newcastle I have caught strays (single sea mullet swimming outside the pack) whilst fishing for blackfish with green weed off the breakwall. I'm not sure what they eat normally however I have also caught a couple on the 50/50 weed and dough mixture below a float. I've thrown it into the schools without a touch however it's the ones away from the pack that will feed. As for fishing off the beach you would need to keep your bait near the surface and the sea mullet tend to sit just past the break so not sure how you would cast a float & the baits I've suggested that far....
  2. Hey Mate Can't help you about the fish shrinking, mine always grow. One bream I caught when I was 7 has grown that much it's now legal. Regarding the bait fish, could be hardy-head, if so an OK bait for flathead tailor but not big enough for kings etc. Otherwise I'm not sure, way too narrow for herring and tailor.
  3. That's an awesome effort! Good on you for taking the young fella out too, how stoked is he with that massive whiting!
  4. I entered last month with my best result ever, 2 jew over 1m (first time breaking the meter mark) however Dom and Scratchie came in with that stonker Kingy! I'll have another go at it soon but it will need to be a pretty awesome catch to keep up with what's being caught on this forum!! Great incentive to wet a line more often and the Frogleys pack looks awesome.
  5. Cheers Mate. Not sure what it is but those whiting over the last couple of years (Lake Macquarie & surrounding beaches) have been thumpers and are in larger numbers. Possibly the system catching up after banning trawlers in the lake, if so then I'm happy to pay double my fishing licence fee!!
  6. Well done on the bream and even better on passing them on to those who may not be able to get out and catch a feed! Definitely had times where I've come home empty handed again and again. I love the idea of increasing your chances by documenting all the details of good and bad catches year after year so eventually you could have a good chance at finding fish all year round - it's a lot of work though, maybe 2017 I'll start Haha!
  7. +2 I'm with you guys - Allen will have a fan page soon! Hahaha
  8. Challenge accepted mrsswordfisherman! I'm taking next week off work (excess annual leave) so I'll be taking my cans out in search for the monster!
  9. Yeah all on worms. People have been getting them on fresh strip baits and whole squid however I can't even get a squid to eat lately let alone get enough to fish with!
  10. Cheers Guys If you don't mind me asking how old roughly is Scratchie Jnr? He's got one hell of a start on the rest of us that's awesome!!!
  11. Thanks Brando Keep that enthusiasm up with your old man and I'm sure you will be on to some Jew soon too! P.S. Thanks for the soft plastic tips a year ago when you got those ripper flathead!
  12. Great work. What size was it? I've been fishing Newy for 25 years and only just started to get Jew!
  13. Cheers, work was nothing short of ordinary today after getting home well after midnight yet I had a smile all day! Thanks Mate, yeah the jew have been loving the worms over the last couple of months. There is a lot of by-catch but I'm not complaining.
  14. Definitely possible.... I'm no expert by any means but if I caught a 39kg Kingy I would be very surprised if my brother working in Hong Kong hadn't seen the pic/article that day! These tiny snippets of info are at the editors discretion and are limitless to exaggeration as no one can prove or disprove the info. For me anything without a pic in this day in age is taken with a grain of salt - If you care enough to share it yet can't make the effort to prove it then there's something fishy going on! (with the exception of "Mature" fisho's without mobiles).
  15. Well done on that monster! My catch phrase when fishing is "If I get one bream over 40 I'm Happy". This happens about one in every twenty fishing trips when targeting them for me hahaha! Enjoy the feed mate nothing beat's sitting down to a well earned monster bream!
  16. That's a ripper!! Well done Jacob that photo will last forever! There have been a few posts about if there are any quality fish in Narrabeen Lakes - you have settled that argument!
  17. ABCfisho you are a legend! I was half and half about going fishing last night and taking your attitude on board I went out to the local beach despite the howling southerly and cleaned up! I also caught a shovel nose (which I thought in the dark was a nice jew), I've heard they are OK eating - threw mine back but have you tried them?
  18. Hey Mate. I lost a a couple last night that were just playing with the bait, landed 2 (just posted in reports). Not any where near the size you had but the reason I'm posting is that both jew I caught were hooked in the lip, and I lost 2-3 as the rod buckled over because the hook was not set properly - A massive positive for you is that you set the hook and had a decent fight and off the beach that's a big part of the work done! Don't be disheartened and be proud of hooking such a fish! Well done.
  19. Hi Raiders A report from Blacksmiths Beach last night with a mate who is getting the fishing bug back and new to fishraider, Tizzy (Dennis). It was a worrying start with the southerly kicking in right when we went worming however we got enough for bait. Headed out to Blackies Beach around 6pm and the fish were biting from the get-go despite it being 5 hours til high tide. We landed a few chunky whiting (one around 42cm) and some bream just on dark. Conditions were pretty rubbish with a strong sweep, southerly and a heap of weed in the gutter from the recent storm swell. That being said the hits were thick and fast so plenty of fish between the re-rigging. The dream was kept alive when this young Jew was landed.... Around 50cm however no where near legal these day so happy to let him go to fight another day. Just before high tide (11pm on a weeknight with work in the morning!) I landed an 85cm Jew - just had a cutlet for dinner and was pretty bloody good!! Great nights fishing with a great mate - can't beat that! Cheers, James
  20. Both, night fishes well if you can get there on high tide but they are still around during the day, again high tide (1hr either side) is your best bet.
  21. Hey Mate I haven't fished there in a couple of months however my friends are into the Jew again on the harbour side after all the rain. Mostly between 60-90cm - the bigger ones are being hooked but not much chance of getting them up in the deep water once they run to the rocks. You can get livies (Yakkas) from the beach side with bread berley and jigs / pilchard baits.
  22. Very common in Newcastle Ryder, however there is not as many fisho's here so most of us can get along & share the space (with the exception of a few hotspots which I don't even bother with anymore). My pet hate is people leaving rods / lines unattended for long periods and sometimes even leaving and coming back - this is illegal (think they call it set-lining) and I see it a fair bit with lines tied to trees / jetties etc. I often fish with two or even three rods off the beach, the difference is I am CONSTANTLY watching them, to the point I have a sore neck and jelly legs from running in between them. The reason I do this is that most of the beaches I fish are very scarce of both people and fish. I started with one rod with the best live bait and light tackle however you can go a full day without a hit. Having the extra line out increases the catch rate however I agree they need to be kept within the legal limits and attended to so the impact to the environment is reduced. Great conversation to have we often forget or fail to learn what impact discarded gear has on the waterway and that's where a lot of unattended lines end up!
  23. That's a ripper of a bream on 80lb leader! Gotta be happy with that! What were the other fish caught? Nothing better than sitting down and enjoying a nice monster bream after a fish!
  24. My rods go on the wall but it depends if you have space... As for rod holders, have a look at the set up on the rod display next time your at the tackle shop, very easy to knock up. If you don't have the tools to ct the recesses in the timber for the rod to sit in, just cut sections of PVC pipe and halve them creating a cradle, same set up as used for pool cues
  25. I haven't had any dramas with Platypus line, there are a couple of brands I won't touch again but Platypus has been OK. I went to BCF through the week with Chrissy vouchers and there were so many new brands popping up, it's hard to try them all and some are very pricey. I use Berkley Triline now, the reason is mostly being value for money as I'm fishing lighter than ever and change line regularly due to fishing around rocks & oysters. Not sure how it goes on Alveys but as mentioned above the tension is probably the issue not the line. I have heard of the Alveys crushing under pressure, just remember on the final retrieve for the day to be careful with the tension and if you can run the line loosely through a rag this will get rid of the salt so it doesn't damage the line in storage (if you're not washing your gear down. What some people may do is fight a big fish / shark and lose it at the end of the fight, pack up and go home with the sh#!'s - not thinking about the building tension on the line.
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