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Posts posted by jeffb5.8

  1. image.thumb.jpeg.5d108ef0dcb802fb7e118199615c5ded.jpeg

    Hard to get a better photo, but love the 3 hidden dolphins under the ski, we were the only ones there and about 15km from the island and found a Pod of 200 dolphins, they were just having a play and doing tricks, my wife on the back was so excited when they just appeared and followed us around for 30mins

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  2. On 3/4/2024 at 11:18 AM, ZMJ23 said:

    Hi all, new to Deckee. I have a 12ft tinnie with a 2 stroke 5hp on the back as seen in photos attached. Do you think it would be safe for me to take it in Sydney Harbour? I have only ever had it on lakes or in the Hawkesbury river. I would love to get out on the harbour and explore/target kings. Has anyone else taken a 5hp on the harbour, it it safe?

    My daughter has taken her 12ft Tinnie and 15hp, from Rydalmere to Manly, its pretty hairy depending on time going through the Harbour Bridge / Quay area.

    She had no drama as she has been driving boats through there, since she was 12yrs old, going through the heads area is another part where the swell can really pick up, so its a matter of picking you days.

    The biggest issue is the 5hp, not having enough power to get you out of trouble.

    if i was you i would limit my area to just before the harbour bridge as you can keep close to shore and away from all the 40ft cruisers who belt down the river.

  3. Any wheel clamp mentioned above will be fine, make sure its visible from the street to deter opportunity theft, have the tow ball lock fitted and potentially a chain on the house side.

    If its in the front yard its unlikely to get nicked, when on the road they disappear if they look disowned. 

  4. I saw a guy hit a large tree (Bigger than a telegraph pole) in the Hawkesbury River at full speed and it only cracked the housing, i was glad i was following him up the river.

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  5. On 9/28/2023 at 4:04 PM, noelm said:

    It’s kind of funny how some people just have a knack of getting things going, while others might be quite clever, but wouldn’t know how to use a screw driver…….I guess I’m very lucky I have had to fix stuff all my life, from old bikes to outboards and cars, add to that house building and renovations and most things I can play around with and get going.

    I am a bit like you i can usually fix my stuff and i have a mate who couldn't tell you which end of the screwdriver to use, but if you tell him, you have $10k to invest he will boggle your mind with data and spreadsheets and is an awesome financial planner.

    He is my Ying and im his Yang, i fix his stuff or tell him who to see, and he makes me $$$ with the odd spare dollar i have.

    Match made in heaven

  6. I had similar on my Stacer, 

    1. used white Vinegar to kill the mold

    2. Pulled everything out and gave them a vinegar spray and clean,

    3. Then used a carpet cleaner foaming spray from Woollies, like what Frank posted

    4. I hired a Steam cleaner from Woollies, did the kids rooms, then used it on the cars and finally on the boat

    5. Left in the sun to dry out

    I found a Gerni left to much water and takes to long to dry, maybe if you had a aqua vac, then it would be ok.

  7. On 8/14/2023 at 9:18 PM, Bait_drifta said:

    Thanks for all your suggestions guys! 
    I know the cross member is not in the best shape.  I have some what treated the area to get me through a couple more seasons hopefully. 

    I have sprayed them with wd40 and let it soak In . Tried to undo it with sockets but the nut keeps spinning they are to far gone as Noel suggested.

    I have an idea of drilling a hole ( pilot hole first) through  the nut then again at  roughy the same size.  Then grabbing a cold chisel to spilt the nut in half. After that hopefully jimmying the bolt out with a screw drive. I could also cut the bolt head flush try bashing it out like Noel said but not keen on whacking it to hard in fear cause more damage. It’s not a user friendly design I think ( the bolt and nut combo). 
    I don’t have blow touch might have to get one , to help. 


    Can you fit a thick screwdriver or piece of metal to stop the nut spinning?

  8. On 7/21/2023 at 11:11 AM, XD351 said:

    There is at least one of those stoves out at browns mountain - my mate was cooking on a game boat and the stove caught fire , it went over the side along with lunch :074:

     - cold KFC.

    There is also a new Scan Pan in the bay at Taronga Zoo, was cooking the kids Bacon & Eggs when a slight wave made the pan slide straight off the bait board and into the water.

    Happy to say after getting home and washing the boat, i ducked out to the shops and bought another new Scan pan.

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    • Haha 2
  9. On 5/28/2023 at 9:11 PM, BaitDropper said:

    My advice now, would be to find a really really good dermatologist, once you get diagnosed with one of these, the risk factor seems to go up.

    This don't trust a normal GP, i did and it nearly cost me dearly. I had a BCC to the 2nd derma, lucky all sorted now

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  10. My kids tinny with a 15hp yamaha had a genuine connector on the aftermarket fuel tank and aftermarket fitting going to the motor


    I ended up switching them around as it never quite fit correctly and no problems since

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  11. Spent plenty of time at Green Cape light house as we did the refurb of the lighthouse (Concrete repair and replace the channel the lighthouse glass was sitting in and inside / outside the cottages some timber repairs, so replacing the verandah supports and repair / resurfacing the floorboards, including saving every nail which were made by the convicts.

    One of the nicer places my employer sent me, except for the extra-large kangaroo who would stay near the generator and scare the proverbial out of you when you had to go and refuel in the dark of winter once the solar batteries ran out.

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  12. We are a travel family, and it was passed on to me from my parents, told to leave home and go see the world and my wife was travelling when i met her, even though she is a aussie.


    I have cruised 3 times now and the 4th is only weeks away,

    We only cruise with Royal Carribean and prefer to pay a little extra to hopefully avoid the old RSL on water type boats, also from others who have cruised with other brands, RC service is better, less kids, better food and dining options and a great selection of Activities and Bars.

    We like it for fact you're on holidays 1hr after you leave home, no plan trips, long drives and hassle. We have travelled extensively with and without kids, i think last count my wife and i have visited 28 countries for 3 days or more, we don't count just overnighters.

    Cruise 1

    Just us as a family, 3 little kids was great enjoyed the Islands, but said no more unless we have a small group of friend or family to share the trip with

    Cruise 2

    a family joined us, and they had kids the same age, was great as the kids are all respectful and well behaved, no running amuck, but still being kids and having fun

    Cruise 3 

    Same family plus another family came along and had a great time, kids were now ranging from 5yrs up to 13yrs (9 kids in total)

    Next Cruise

    there is 5 families going and 14 kids ranging from 7yrs to 17yrs, will report back.



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  13. On 3/7/2023 at 7:47 PM, Blackfish said:

    There is a Boat ramp at Silverwater just across the river

    Not a great ramp and the wharf is even worse as its fixed, not floating and gets very slimy, then you have a river cat running close by,

    so, if you a going solo you have to time it your launch / retrieve correctly otherwise the wash will hammer your boat while you're getting your trailer.

  14. I have heard of two others doing aimilar

    1. a guy asked his dad to fill the boat while he went to the toilet and then to pay, when he went to the cashier he said pump X and almost died when she said $170 he asked how that could be with a 70ltr tank. Went out to find his boat full of fuel as his dad use the rod holder.

    2. boat at Birkenhead marina did the same this filled his boat with 60ltrs of fuel before realizing. 

  15. After having a read of Fabs (It comes in 3's) story i thought i would share my mishap story.

    Towed the boat down to Huskinson in Sept for a holiday with the family in tow, decided to take a fishing trip to St Georges Basin,

    So pulled up at Old Erowal bay ramp, which looks like a normal street between two houses, but has a nice two-lane ramp.

    It was quiet and i was the only boat there so i backed the boat down close to the ramp and then climbed in the boat to turn the battery on and put up the Bimini and stow my gear on my 539 bowrider,

    Once everything was ready, I decided to hop over the side of the boat to land on the concrete ramp, instead of using the steps on the back or the spare wheel on the front,

    Just as i was about to launch, my brain said, " This could go really bad, you only had an ACL rebuild 14mths ago," 

    Well, it did go bad and could have been really bad, as I leaped over the rear corner of my boat, the leg of my favourite boardshorts became caught on the rear cleat, the cleat ripped through my short and hooked my shorts, which cause me to violently swing headfirst towards the ground.

    As I am falling my right arm is trying to grab the handrail and my left arm was going to stop me from going headfirst into the road, but as I was trying to reach out, it was caught in my loose-fitting T Shirt, thankfully my shorts held, and my head / hat just grazed the concrete as it swung towards the back of the boat.

    Once i got my wits about me, i realized i was stuck hanging upside down, could not get a good enough grip to pull myself up and the best i could do was a handstand pushup, t was trying to jiggle my shorts off the cleat or off my body, that lasted 2 mins before my arms became tired. So i was hanging there wondering how long my shorts can hold 110kg or how long till another boatie comes to help me.

    Just then an old bloke came past with his dog and tilts his head down to mine, "that was one way to get out of a boat",

    He then gave me a hand to get down, just as my mate and his family pulled up. We all were having a laugh, but it was also a bit of a scare as it wouldn't have been pretty going headfirst into the concrete from the top of my boat which is probably 1.5mtrs from the ground.

    Was very lucky that day,


    P.s I still wear the shorts with the rip as I figure i owe them for saving me, although my wife things i should throw them away as they (a) are ripped, (b) tried to make me a quadriplegic by getting hooked on the cleat. 

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  16. On 12/18/2022 at 3:36 PM, noelm said:

    I had a dog, I could pick up dog poop, but if I disturbed it, and got a whiff bbuuuurrrbbbb,

    Kids for me were no problem, well if they were my kids.

    The dog Poo Oh Boy!!!

    The first time i went to pick it up, i got a whiff and up come my BBQ lunch, then i had to keep shooing the dog away as he wanted to eat my brought-up lunch, all the while trying to pick up the poo and dry wrenching at the same time. My wife and kids thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.


    Old bait smells weren't as bad for me, I left Pilchards and prawns along with wet chicken pellets in the burley tube inside the boat for 2 weeks, didn't i get a nice smell when i took the cover off. Took them fishing and let the ocean do it work.

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  17. I launched yesterday at Rydalmere and with the king low it was a little sketchy getting back out,

    i used 4wd just in case as it was the lowest i had ever seen and luckily my boat isn't super heavy.


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