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Everything posted by groperman

  1. Gday guys, i havent started my engine for coupler weeks. Gave it a good flush over the weekend and when i revved abit high abit of smoke(looked like burnt oil) came out of the exhust and prop from the outboard. But when i just left it in neutral it was fun. Is this just normal proceedings? or should I get it checked? Cheers. Dean
  2. Thanks guys, We're getting the Able 5 star spa houseboat from able hawkesbury river houseboats, has anyone been on that one?
  3. Gday guys, just want your thoughts. Me and some friends we're planning to hire a houseboat at wiseman's ferry and planning to go down to cowan waters or jerusalem bay to moor it there and do some fishing and crabbing. I spoke to the owner of the houseboat he reckons it would take about 9hrs to get down to jerusalem bay from wiseman's ferry going at 10knots. I was amazed, i was wondering do you guys have any idea how long it would take to get down there goin at the speed of 10knots? Cheers!
  4. yeh i put the marks into google earth to double check if its the right place and when i put it in, its about coupler hundred meters difference from what its shown on the map i got. I just want to see what sort of datum google earth uses.
  5. Gday guys, i recently just bought a handheld garmin 72, getting the hang of it. With regarding to the GPS co-ordinates, whats the difference between WGS84 and AUS84 datum? like is the format of the co-ordinates different? and how do i know which type of co-ordinate iam actually using. Also are there any Garmin 72 gurus here? cheers! Finally, i tried putting these co-ordinates i got from a boating map but it doesnt say what type of datum it is. I put it in google earth and it shows the point coupler hundred meters away, what sort of datum is google earth using? cheers!
  6. Hey Dan, what size is your container? ive got the same container but mine is 30L, yours seem alot bigger
  7. you guys have been great! I think Dano's one suits me the best so ill probably just go with that one, thanks guys!
  8. mate if you come down to the south, near maroubra, ill show ya some good spots
  9. everyone has different ideas lol what is the most efficient one? lol
  10. Gday guys, I am making my own live bait tank, just wondering with regarding to where to put the inlet and outlet connections, is it best to have the inlet at the bottom? and outlet at the top so water can circulate? or is it better to have the inlet at the top and the outlet just below it? (thats what the BIAS guy told me to do) Suggestions would be great. Cheers!
  11. yeh just use a tarp, its way better!
  12. whats the recipe for that??? yum yum!
  13. yeh they need clearer signs, some areas might not be shallow in high tide but can be on low tide. Not sure if you guys know the area that well but the breaks off bonnevale can be quite dangerous if you dont know the area, and theres no signs for it.
  14. I was cruising around port hacking yesterday and was facing the sun, couldnt see much...wasnt going too fast, smiles all around the boat, every one enjoying themselves...and then suddenly...i feel the boat slowing down...guess what we're stuck on the sand bar lol lucky i switched off the engine real quick and trimmed it up...just wondering if any sand did get sucked up, would it have caused any damage? cause i gave it a good flush afterwards....cheers guys Dean
  15. sweet, thanks guys. I'll definitly try out all the suggestions
  16. gyro, wouldnt you need to connect the battery charger to a 240V AC power point?
  17. ive got a bosch gold at the moment and ive got an old marine one for back up
  18. what about a voltmeter and multimeter?
  19. if the fuse on the instruments switch is stuffed, will that create a drawing of battery problem?
  20. gday chris, Nah the battery is just flat, i guess its a big difference between dead and flat. Ive got a mariner 125HP 2001 model on the back, i noticed when i tried jump starting it, when i turned the ignition key there was a clicking sound coming from the motor and nothing happened. Someone told me never buy flat jump starters cause apparently you cant charge them anymore? I returned the jump starter to super cheap auto and bought a battery charger instead, so now im going to charge the battery before every trip. I just want to make sure that theres no instruments thats drawing current even though it is not on? Cheers Dean P.s I wish i have a mariner workshop manual...
  21. Gday guys, just want to ask, my battery died on the weekend :Shit: and this has happened twice in the past coupler months, however when the battery wouldnt start the engine all the other accessories still works, eg trim, depth sounder, bilge pump etc. I mean is it common for boat battery to died cause we dont use it as much as a car? Or do i have a problem here? Do you guys charge your battery every time you come home? (i decided to buy one from super cheap auto). I had one of those portable jump starters from super cheap auto and i tried jump starting the motor. When i connected the jumpers everything still works except the trim and the motor wouldnt even tick over? so i was speechless, didnt think jump starter wouldnt work? Also it was weird that the trim was working before i put the jumpers on and after i put it on it stops working. I think the jump starter was faulty because i fully charged it. This battery that died was a new one, so im thinking there must be some sort of device thats drawing it out but i have everything turned off? so is it best to just take the killswitch off so nothing is definitly drawing the battery out? and also charged the battery every week? Any advices would help. Cheers! Dean
  22. so its very hard to find it in the shops?
  23. those ones are actually pretty good, where can i get one from and how much would they be? cheers!
  24. problem with icebox is that its too expensive comparing to a container
  25. im not quite sure what type of container your talking about mate?
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