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Posts posted by Rock&Beach

  1. Hi All, 

    Been so long can't remember my last post. 

    Over Xmas went south to Hobart Beach campground down near Merimbula. What a fantastic place to visit and relax. Pretty basic but that was the plan. 

    Besides being a great place to see lots of wildlife goanna's, snakes, birds,  the fishing off the beach was awesome. 

    Only had the esky so most of the fish we caught went back,  what we did keep made great sashimi, whole fish meals and a very nice fried fish casserole. (If someone 20 years ago had of said that one day I would be sitting around a camp at night eating fresh Australian Salmon sashimi I would have said you were mad)

    Most of the fish we caught were really good size salmon, which the boys loved catching, we also caught a few good sized bream, trevally, rays and banjo sharks. 

    Did catch quite a few fish spinning with metals also off the surf. So that was pretty exciting. Just a different feeling when they smack that metal and you get hookup. 

    Overall a great break away. 

    Hope that you enjoy the story and theIMG_20231224_174113.thumb.jpg.7065dca36bba28def0f543f0b9126b73.jpg photos.

    cheers R&B






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  2. Hi All,

    Has been a while since I posted.

    Have been working a fair bit and doing lots of work around the house and keeping the wife and kids happy. 

    Went to my normal Sydney rock platform early on Sunday morning and found the rising tide a little more than I expected, so geared up and put the life vest on just in case. 

    There were a few people already there but as always there is room for one more just be patient.

    As I arrived another guy turned up and he had been stood up by his mates, poor fella had no bait and no local knowledge, so I have him a handfull of pillies and showed him where not to fish in the conditions.

    Still surprises me how many people don't do their homework on a fishing spot, during the day had to educate a number of people on why certain spots were not good for fishing due to the waves.

    So after spinning, casting,  spinning casting and spinning casting for 3 hours I had nothing to show. I did feel better though as no one else had anything either. Some days it just does not happen, there was plenty of bait in the water. Just no fish.

    I did meet some good people though, they were grateful for the advice and me that they were there to talk to, so I will take that as a win and a good day getting some sun and smelling the sea salt. 

    Stay Safe

    Rock & Beach


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