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Posts posted by Rock&Beach

  1. On 7/12/2021 at 9:07 PM, little fisho said:

    hey mate just up in the central coast, i hear about a few being caught around the rocks and even in the harbour, although they are very few and far between. i got this one by casting a metal vibe into the back of the wash zone

    Yeah good to hear. Will just keep trying off the stones for the Bonnie's.

  2. Hey bad luck about the Kingy, better to be smoked than nothing. 

    Where were you fishing, as never caught Bonnies this time of year in Sydney.

    Took my youngest out off the beach a couple weeks ago and nailed a good bag of salmon. Try them as sashimi they are great. 

    Cheers R&B

  3. Like a few others me and boats did not used to mix well so I was landed based person and mostly beach until I found the courage to fish the rocks.

    My favorite was my first jew off the beach in reality only small at 14kg but so much fun and seeing that big silver side in the moonlight. I will never forget. Can't find the photos of it anymore such a pity. 

    This 82cm snapper off the rocks is my best recent considering I was fishing for bream.


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  4. Welcome Louis!

    I moved to Sydney about 15 years ago and had no idea where to go either. 

    What helped me was this book. If you can find a copy buy it. (Hope that this is ok to add this)

    There is also plenty of info on this website to help you.

    Also make sure you do your homework on the spots you fish, watch the swell and tide combination.  No fish is worth the risk of losing your life. 


  5. 1 hour ago, LuckyFil said:

    Sounds like a gear session.

    Whats a coconut rig?

    Thanks LuckyFil it was a great session.

    So a coconut rig is pretty simple,  the main line onto a swivel then a weighted  float on a section of leader about 3-400mm long, and then a ball sinker. The short piece of leader then goes onto another swivel, then another piece of leader about 2M long attached to a 3/0beak hook. You then put one of those small plastic squid jigs over the hook. 

    The idea is the float acts as a struggling squid so you jerk it through the water slowly causing water to spray up. Hope that this helps



  6. Hey Raiders so has been a while since i have been able to get out but today was the day. It was also my last chance for a few months to have a good rock session so just had to go. 

    So set the alarm for 4am and after a couple long weeks just kept hitting snooze. 

    Finally crawled out of bed around 4.30 and straight into the car. I had packed everything the night before.

    Arrived at the spot around 6 and was fishing straight away. Had pre rigged everything and was using garfish and pilles so was nice and easy.

    Had a couple early hits while still dark and they turned out to be tailor. As the sun started to rise one of the other guys fishing started to get a few hits from bonito.

    I changed to metals and landed one nice bonito but the hits were sparse at best.

    I decided to try a coconut rig for the first time and then things went mental.

    For nearly an hour i was landing a fish for every 2 casts.

    My aim for the day had been kingies so as i had a good feed i changed back to garfish as we had seen something spooking them. I had about 20 casts for nothing so went back to the coconut rig and 2nd cast landed a kingie. Was undersize so he went back. Caught another 2 small rats so they went back as well. 

    I started to pack up as i was done and one of the other guys said that the bonnies were back so had another crack and landed another heap so gave them our to everyone else. 

    Was such a great day with lots of  fish, fresh air and meeting new fishos. Amongst all that i also caught my first Mack Tuna.

    Anyway will convert the catch to some nice sashimi tonight and some meals over the next couple days

    Tight lines R&B


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  7. Yes i mostly run 6kg IGFA mono when beach fishing. Considering that most fish you catch are small that is the best way to go. Even with big salmon or tailor 6kg is heaps.

    With 6kg i have also caught some big rays and sharks just need to take your time and use the wash.

    I agree that i have never had a lot of luck with squid unless close to rocks or weedy areas. Best baits are fresh fish, tailor or salmon slabs, live or dead tommy rough or yakkas.

    I fish one heavier line at nights just in case, normally just at the back of the breakers. This is normally 30 lb with 40lb leader. 

    Tight lines R&B

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  8. Great report Yowie. If it males you feel better i have never done much good at Coral Bay.  That back beach was a great spot to snorkel with plenty of Manta Rays around to watch. Sharks too. One of the bigger ever tailor i have ever seen was pulled out of that beach as well. 

    Plenty of space between the fishing spots though in WA.

    Waiting for the next report Cheers R&B 

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