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Posts posted by Adsy91

  1. +1 for the spiked booties, they seem to last between 2 and 3× longer if you rinse them thoroughly after every use...I put them in the shower when I get home and obviously shower before bed after a fish so it's a bit easier to remember!

  2. It does happen, generally I bring a 10lb rod for a bit of fun inbetween runs (for the likes of bonito and small pelagics) but my heavy outfit is not all that heavy....I run an 8-12kg 9ft penn rod with a Daiwa surf basia (12kg max) and generally don't go above 40lb braid 80lb leader. A lot of blokes are running straight 50lb mono to 80lb fluro on the bigger reels.

  3. Metal slugs are the go when you can see them feeding on top, as you can cast further with them.

    if trolling, I find deap diving Rapala CD9s best for bonnies trolled at a fast walking pace. I have recently retired an old orange and gold CD9 that just can't be patched any more right to swim that I recon must have caught 100 bonnies from Jibbon and Botany Heads over the years.

    Spot on and if you change out the treble hooks for two singles you will frequently get double hook ups on the one lure. Same deal goes for the big vibes, if you can't keep a metal slug under and it keeps breaching the surface switch to a vibe, it will cast a mile and very easy to keep under the surface.
  4. I fished South Avoca rocks for many years, starting in the 70's. Standard was 18 or 20lb line (on a Seascape reel) and braid nor flurocarbon had never been invented in those days and we we didn't lose too many fish. I would just say, don't make it too complicated. With Kings, the harder you fight them, the harder they fight back. At Avoca there are very few reefs or rough bottom - gently, gently does the trick. Steve

    Well said. To back up your point about the bottom around there, if anyone wants to check it out for themselves there are several videos on youtube posted from divers working their way along the wall...always helps to have a physical image in your head of what the bottom looks like =)
  5. Wait for the water to clear up a bit and the NE winds to really start coming through. End of January is usually a good time to start checking the headlands....terrigal haven has been a famous sight casting spot for Bonito, watsons leaping Bonito and also the leddies (frigate mackeral). If you have a boat there has been large schools all over broken bay but as mentioned earlier lion island is a gun spot

  6. Kingies don't mind the dirty water either. It is without a doubt the best time to fish for jewies. Reports around brisbane waters in the last week have entailed good numbers of large jews.

    In my experience E.p's completely shut down after a good rain.

  7. G'day all, hope you've all been getting out there to make the most of this break in the weather.

    I begin a long journey to my new home in Brisbane tomorrow but I have decided to make the most of the opportunity and make some fishing stops along the way. I would be happy to have a crack at anything thats firing along the way but I'm wondering how the pelagics are fishing up at Coffs at the moment?

    Unfortunately my options are land based as my kayak has already made the journey without me.

    Cheers in advance for any help!


  8. Mate don't get a 3000 if your ever considering a king or any other hard hitting pelagic for that matter, 4000 is a good sized light offshore real. I have the older silver daiwa caldia rigged up to the new 2015 shimano raider snapper heavy (5-10kg - 7ft) and this works a treat. If you're still not convinced I would still stick to a 4000 size reel and just go for one of the high speed model reels (they usually say 4000h or 4000sha as a code). The extra line is well worth it and to be honest my next purchase is a 5000h reel for kings in NSW and tuna up in Brisbane. Little out of your price range but the daiwa saltist hyper rods are amazing. Im looking at the 792h model personally.

  9. I generally don't have issues with two pieces but try to stick to the one pieces for a more even bend in the rod right down to the butt end. The one thing I have noticed on the cheaper two pieces is that if the second piece becomes stuck in the base end it is extremely easy to bend/break the cheaper guides that come with them. Just pay attention to how hard you push the tip in and where you are grabbing it to pull it out and you should avoid it.

  10. Hi there, I'm the same as you. I have more control with my dominant hand (right), so i cast and play fish with that one, and reel with the left.

    I took a charter once and the guy had to change all the reels round for me!

    This is the way the Americans fish and is apparently the "correct way"....i cast with my right then pass it back to my left for the retrieve

  11. Just wanted to clarify that "goofy" thing...I'm a snowboard instructor myself and goofy is not putting your dominant foot forward. ..you will always put whatever foot is dominant forward, if this is your left foot you are natural if it is your right you are goofy...

    The Americans all generally fish with the opposite hands to you which I only found out last year but to be honest I am with you and it works better for me this way!! Maybe one day I will persevere and train myself to cast and reel with the opposite hands.

  12. To be honest guys tying swivels and clips into your rigs is just creating one more knot to snap off later and yes it does affect the action as well as the bite sensitivity. Easiest set up to use for a beginner (i still use this for everything but kings and jews) is a simple double uni knot and make sure you lubricate your knots before you pull them tight!!! Youtube will sort you out if you're not familiar with it.

    Goodluck! Very exciting way to fish.

  13. Hey mate, I use blades and soft vibes pretty religiously for jews and flatties. Most success has been dark coloured blades for dark water and something with some beige and red for clearer days (brisbane waters is the system)

    Let them drop straight to the bottom, make sure you leave enough slack while it is sinking as to not affect the drop (80% of my fish are hooked this way). Once its on the bottom leave it 3-5 seconds then one long slow lift just enough to feel the vibrations on the way up and repeat all the way back.

    My two go to lures of choice are the ecogear vx35-445 and 428

    Good luck!

  14. Got my first two legal jews and countless duskies and bream on the samaki 60mm soft vibes, particularly the pearl shrimp and white bait colours....highly recommended switching the trebbles for single non curved owners though for a number of reasons.

  15. I'm no expert on kings but there are a bunch of factures that make any predatorial fish a bit picky. I've caught plenty of kings off the rocks with heavy leader one day then found they wouldn't take anything other than live squid the next day. Local bait sources, pressure, currents...it all plays a part but have you thought about changing around rod lengths? I've been landing kings up to about

    60cm on 14lb fluorocarbon off the rocks at Avoca just using a longer rod than I usually would to get the tip right out away from the ledges etc..


    Just a thought anyway!

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