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  1. Correct in thinking that reversing down the ramp that the weight transfer would mean less downward force on towbar than on the flat? Resulting in more chance of loosing traction. And id think a limo diff would be worse as both wheels will spin resulting in maybe going sideways, At least with a single spinner your rear should stay in 1 place a bit better,
  2. So im correct? Or not, Id be throwing a few sandbags in the back of the traytop. Better be safe than sorry Cheers marty
  3. I might be wrong but Bear in mind that going downhill backwards at the boat ramp There probably wouldn't be that much down pressure on the drawbar. All the weight would be transferred to the outboard motor end of the trailer wouldn't it? Thus Especially if its a steep ramp. Cheers marty
  4. Whups no edit button Giberglass= fiberglass Iphone keys too small for big fingers. Sorry Marty
  5. Just a thought Hope it helps. Try get a hold if a few large plastic water tanks, Put in back of ute. Fill with water when need weight in back Using either tap water or bilge pump at waters edge. When finnished just drain tanks. Could double as livebait transporters?? Im a fiberglasser, have been building/repairing boats n custom giberglass things for 30+years . I Have even thought if building a custom water tank that fits into the back of my 308 HZ ute For launch/ retrieves But no need now as bought direct injection turbo diesel landcruiser fits the job with ease. Marty
  6. P.s. Wouldnt wish this sort of pain on worst enemy, Take care near these critters. Also They have a habbit of flicking themselves at you or body parts. Marty
  7. Got pinned by one years ago at the parramatta wheck (Hawksburry) fishing for stud bream. Didnt know how to aleviate the pain. Put finger in ice= did jack s##t Pain traveled from finger down right arm to shoulder and abdominal area. Was a mess but fished on. Takes a lot to put me iff a fishing trip. Found out 7 hrs later ( from an Aboriginal guy, = hottest water you can tolerate neutralises the pain. Took a good 12 months for finger to be near normal again. I dont get within 6 foot of the mongrels now! Marty
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