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  1. Thanks for the info IratusEst and Krispy! I think maybe I have just been unlucky. I usually run 2-3kg of drag on my medium rock combo and I have landed plenty of rats, but the few times I have hooked very big fish (assumed kings) they have taken tons of line and reefed me within seconds. Sounds like next time this is happening I should open the bail arm? Recipe tips sound great, can't wait to try!
  2. Nice work mate. No idea how you land them on that gear. Whenever I hook a 70cm+ king land-based on my 30lb gear it seems to dive straight down and reef me within seconds. Only seem to land them on my game gear. An another note, how do you cook them? Great sashimi but I find them dry and not much flavour when cooked.
  3. I've got the Symetre 2500 and it's a great reel though I did have to get it repaired after I accidentally hooked a legal kingie and it fried the drag (still landed it though!) I also have a Stradic FK in a different size and if I bought another 2500 it'd be a Stradic FK. Phenomenal reel for the price... So if you can stretch the budget get a Stradic but if not then the Symetre is a great little budget reel.
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