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Posts posted by wttmrwolf

  1. Heading out landbased for a Jew session in the hacking tonight (Tues). I'll be at Lilli Pilly Baths or Wally's wharf.

    If you are thinking of going for a fish there will be a fellow jewraider down there. Might go for some bream to pass the time. Last Thursday a guy caught 24 keeper bream in 4 hours.

    I can check this thread on the jetty...

    later :1fishing1:

    edit: Winds WSW so I'll be at Wally's Wharf

  2. Ludrick angler said Hungry Point, that was the place I mean when I say Salmon Haul Bay.

    I saw the big schools running between Ganamatta Bay and the weed beds in Salmon Haul Bay 1 hour before the high tide.

    I had weed dangling infront of them on 4lbs leader and the bastards were swimming around my hook. No takers. Still a lot to learn. It was my first go ;)

  3. I'm keen to join the team. I'll be in the hacking land based most probably but I might be able to get the boat out. If I am stuck on land I'm open to the idea of some boaties herding the fish up towards me ;)

    I think there should be a short list of preferred dates that take into account a good tide thats not at some crazy hour like 4am.

  4. Just want to know where i can target these fish speciffically round the Hacking way.

    Possibly landbased areas as do not have access to a boat yet.



    Salmon Haul Bay is teaming with Blackies at the moment. End of Nicolson (sp?) parade. I was fishing for bream last week and schools in the 100+ range were cruzing back and forth.

  5. Why the entrance? Still seems to be plenty of bream and bait up towards lilli lilly. Still haven't found the elusive Jew. Will they be near bass and flinders? I thought it was a bit shallow.

  6. Hi Folks,

    Here is my report as promised on our attempt to catch a Jew on the Hawkesbury over the weekend.

    Unfortunately we didn't land the big Jew but we are almost certain we got smoked by 1 Jew.

    Fished flatrock near Brooklyn on Thursday and Saturday night (thanks for the location tip Jewgaffer).

    On thursday the wind was howling and the current was a force to be reckoned with. Anchored just outside the current downstream of flatrock near the Brooklyn boat ramp. Spent the first couple of hours catching pesky eels.

    Then around 1am one of the rods with a muttet fillet got hit hard. The fish went straight out into the main current and we finally had our chance to land a Jew. 100 meters of line gone and still no sign of it slowing.

    Thats when we realised the line had run up the anchor rope and was sliding underneath the metal prow (whatever that thing is that holds the anchorline out the front). As my mate tried to climb over the windshield, rod in hand, SNAP. Bye bye Jew. We have haunted by what we did wrong for days now. Kicking ourselves for anchoring in a place where the wind blew the stern of the boat in the opposite direction to the current.

    Bumped into a fellow Fishraider. Great seeing a few of us out on the water so late. Hope he had more success.

    No more Jew bites and Saturday was dead quiet. Not a breath of wind so perfect to be on the water but the fish had shut down.

    Caught a mixed bag off the wharf at Milson's passage. 2 flathead, 1 flounder, 1 big bream and 1 giant 80cm+ flathead that snapped us off as we tried to net it.

    Overall a fun trip, must admit the hawkesbury is a tricky river. The tidal currents are insane! The amount of debris in the water and snags keeps you on your toes. Very impressed with the amount of fish it contains. There was no end to the live bait we could catch off our own jetty; tailor, yakka, mullet.

    We will be back!


  7. try the rectangular 3 or 4lt juice bottles but only cut a hole in the top. they seem to like ones they can swim over and in.

    I totally agree. I use a 2ltr milk bottle with a hole in the top. Sprinkle some burley in the bottom.

  8. I'm headed out tomorrow (Thursday 26th) plan to arrive around 10pm, for an overnighter ........plan on hanging around Juno/Brooklyn. It's my first chance to test the 'Air pressure Drop theory'. any tips? anyone else going out in same area thursday nite/Friday Morn?

    I'll be out there Thur night and/or Fri morning. I've just PM'ed you.

  9. Thanks for the update and well done. Yes the right plug in any engine makes the world of differnece. We see it alot and your engine does need to run the QL78YC plugs that it was designed for.

    Also do yourself a favour and run either XD-50 or xD-100 in her and you will be amazed at the difference if you are using "cheap" oil at present.



    I have been running XD-50 for the last 2 oil top ups. Definately makes a lot of difference. I think the plug our mechanic installed was QL76YC and I switched them out for the QL78YC. Minute difference but enough to cause the stalling issues.


  10. Problem solved! I thought you might like to hear why the engine was stalling.

    So I bought the engine service manual. Read all the troubleshooting guides in the electrical and fuel system chapters. Started to develop a theory that is was something to do with the electrical timing being slightly off.

    Checked the spark plugs and they looked fine. Compared the spark plug serial against the suggest spark plug in the service manual.

    WTF!!!! :mad3:

    Wrong spark plugs. Mechanic put plugs that had a tiny difference in the gap.

    Replaced plugs with EXACT model suggested in service manual. Started first go and never stalled.

    I was mighty pissed but just thankful it didn't damage the engine.


  11. Hi Jewgaffer,

    I'm getting closer I feel ;) Lets see if this picture paints a better picture. I found that red marker near parsley bay.

    See my little picture from google earth.

    I'll definately give you a buzz on your number when we get up there. Thursday to Sunday this weekend is when we will be staying up in Milson's passage.



  12. Hi Jewgaffer and Pete,

    Thanks for telling me where flatrock is located. I was looking at the wrong end of long island. I like your plan to stop off for a burger before those late night Jewfishing session ;)

    The hawksbury is a big water system and it seems a bit daunting going up there for the first time to try and catch a Jew. I'm going to thank you for all this help by posting an entertaining fish report when we get back on the 29th March. 4 days on the water is bound to result in something eventful happening.

    Here is a photo of flatrock (Assuming I got the right spot).

    Thanks again.

    PS there are plenty of Jew in the hacking. Met a guy on lilli pilly wharf that has caught 4 this year all off the wharf.


  13. I've been inspired to write a little post dedicated to Jewgaffer and his amazing contributions he makes to this forum. I hope your hand op was a success gaffer, wishing you a speedy recovery.

    I'm glad to say the secrets of the Hacking are starting to reveal themselves. I've been catching bream and whiting consistently after extensive study into the theory behind catching these critters. The biggest change has just been the confidence to stick at it.

    I now almost exclusively fish at night. One thing have found works is fishing up on the flats after making a mess when the tide is down (credit - Jewgaffer). I've been catching nippers and can bag a few whiting if I cast back onto the area where I pumped. The Barometric pressure also has a massive impact on my fish catching (full credit you you Jewgaffer with your barometric posts).

    With all the recent storms around sydney I have been waiting for small breaks in the weather and I run down at all sorts of ungodly hours. Several nights I have been down at Lilly Pilly baths at 2am on the first calm night after 5 days of rain.

    Thanks Jewgaffer for pointing me in the right direction. I'm well on my thanks to you.

    A mate and I just booked a holiday place on the water in Broken Bay up near Brooklyn. We have been inspired to try and catch a Jewfish and if we spend a few nights on the water hopefully we can increase our chances.

    Jewgaffer - I've just been reading all your amazing posts and I came across this little tip:

    "Location Tip -

    If you launch at Brooklyn and happen to be running late like I was a few times, or if it's too choppy to fish just wide of Juno near the Walker Point end to fish the whole of the run in tide, just warm up the motor and plough your boat just around the point near flatrock and fish off the red marker before the inlet to Long island and fish three hours each side of the top of the tide."

    I've got some marine charts and it appears there are lots of red markers at the end of the island. Would you be so kind as to point me towards a good spot to fish for jew in the Hawkesbury. I've attached some charts to help. Your efforts to add information on jew fishing is only matched by the dedication some jew fisherman get when they pull off all night fishing trips.

    Also feel free to tell me half the fun is finding the spots and to sod off :tease:



  14. Hey those pinkies are really annoying but never on the left off the wharf if u chuck out a strip off squid and bump it on the weed beds at night you'll get onto some nice bream but usuall when there is heaps off pinkies theres heaps of squid


    Thanks for the tip, I've never tried the weed beds to the left. I'll report back any success.

  15. Lilly Pilly wharf from 11:30pm to 2:30am 16/2

    Lots of action although only small pinky snapper and rays. All in the 5-20cm range.

    Peeled green prawns on no. 6 hooks.

    Just as I was cleaning up a large worm swam past. Hooked him up and caught one of the bigger snapper.

    10 x snapper

    1 x ray

    The ray had me fooled since I had 2 hooks on the line and at the same time I caught the ray I caught a small snapper. The combination of twitching from the snapper and reel spooling from the ray had me convinced it was a massive bream ;( See photos of double hook up. :wacko:

    The wind was terrible, I was trying my luck at fishing a break in the weather. No such break ever appeared.

    Need a plan to get past the little pesky snapper.

    If anyone has any tips on how to get past the pesky small snapper I'm all ears.

    Bigger hooks just resulted in lost bait.

    Someone offline suggested I try squid on a larger hook to give the bigger fish a shot at the bait.



  16. I would take the boat. Honeymoon bay goes off for squid, drift about 30m off the shore, the water is so clear you won't be able to miss the weed beds.

    Then take those squid to longnose point, there are always boats lined up along the underwater ridge so again you shouldn't need the sounder. Lots of kings at longnose. I was out there in Jan and the boats in my immediate vicinity must have pulled in 50+ kings mostly legal.

    Also witnessed guys catching one king after another using jigs, SP's and lead lines.

    go nuts or go home ;)

  17. I hope that using LJ's for bream bait catches on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hold on guys, don't go using these little cute leather jackets for bait :)

    Pigmy Leatherjackets are all over Sydney and they are too cute to kill. Nothing like the big leather jackets.

    I spot them all the time diving and if you held one there is no way you could put a hook through it.

    Do you think it was a pigmy that it had eaten?


  18. 1 more thing. I have been checking out the maps and see lots of "No anchoring" zones. Murrays Beach is definitely in the no anchoring zone, but I remember seeing a few sailing boats moored in the area.

    I spoke with a ranger last week about the no anchoring near murrays beach. They overlook this rule if you are 100% clear of the weed beds. They prefer people anchoring 10 meters off murray's to people dragging their boat up onto the beach and squashing little kids when the wind blows the boat around ;)

  19. Hmmmmm, doesnt sound too promising. Might take the wakeboard as well the rods .....

    Thanks for the replies.


    We were fishing every day from 27th Dec to the 4th Jan. On the 28th we had an epic day. Got up at 4am, caught a few squid in honeymoon bay. Headed out to longnose point by 7am.

    Like something out of this world. 30 boats, everyone had a different trick for catching kings. You had dad and son cruzing around in a tinny with long line, sinker every foot big hook at the end (kind of makeshift downrigger), pulling up 70cm kings hand over hand. 3 mates in a tinny flicking soft plastics and on hookup the driver gunned it for deeper water. Old folks with yakka getting triple hook ups and high fiving. Must have seen about 50 kings pulled in less than 1 hour.

    Oh and then there was us catching nothing on frozen pilchards (hadn't located the yakka grounds yet ;)

    Action died back around 8:30am and we let the wind blow us back to murrays picking up 3 flatties on the way.

    Asked around and got some points for yakka.

    * NW side of island - about 100m from shore there is a drop off, lots of slimy and yakka (burley up)

    * N of longnose point there is a little beach, anchor hard up against the rock wall 10m from the rocks and yakka on the reef.

    We went to the second spot. Caught 3 yakka in 1 hour (not brilliant), didn't seem to be on the bite and stripeys keeps getting hooked. Everyone was back fishing for kings. ZIP, ZERO NILCHE!

    Maybe 3 caught by other boats. Bay completely shut down.

    Fished every day and nothing. We caught between 2 and 4 squid every day at honeymoon bay but that was all.

    An italian friend who has been fishing every good day for 10 years said he has never seen everything shutdown like that before. He claims to catch 20+ squid every day.

    Oh well. I'm just glad we witnessed 1 epic day even if we didn't catch anything.


    PS if you are wondering why we didn't use squid for live bait, ask my italian father in law. He would use me as bait before a squid ;)

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