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Posts posted by anthman

  1. Also, one of the most enjoyable ways of fishing "off a beach" is:

    * 2-4kg 7' graphite rod

    * Yabbie pump

    * Fishing a drop off from a sand flat at low tide.

    1. Pump yabbies at low tide (1-1.5hrs before absolute low tide)

    2. Fish using fresh and live bait, no need to cast a mile since you can walk right up to the drop off.

    3. Catch bream and whiting! 


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  2. I wouldn't go straight to the ocean if you haven't had extensive experience with the yaks. 

    You're right, 2.65m is short for "ocean" ventures (even on good days - boat wakes can cause you trouble).

    My advice is to gather experience in calm waters such as bays - you can still catch a tonne of fish but with the benefit of:

    * Being close to shore on case something goes wrong

    * Still have exposure to boat wakes as well as general weather conditions

    That way you can learn the limits of yourself and what a 10knt wind, 1.5m swell means for you on the water (extending that forecast for worse conditions if you venture out of the bay. ALSO, you can test your limits by slowly venturing further and further out.

    Make sure you get all the safety gear you need and take care! Go out with an experienced yakker - I don't want to come off as fear mongering, but a lot can go wrong very quickly if you're not prepared.


    Take care and enjoy! Make sure the other yakker also gets experience!

  3. On 11/23/2019 at 7:28 AM, DerekD said:

    Hi Fishii,

    Shimano Raider snapper 762 (5-8kg) 15 to 45 gm lure weight. Should be able to pick it up for $100-$110 with some careful shopping. Try Dinga.

    The other one I have been looking at recently is the ArrowZ range of rods. In this case I'd suggest picking up the AAS-270H DPSM 7ft 2 piece Spin 14 - 30lb 10 - 50g. Should be able to find it for under $140. I don't own one yet as I didn't want to stop using the Raider Snapper but I've bought a couple of other rods in their line up and am happy with those.



    PS. What reel are you thinking of matching it with? I'm running Shimano 4000 (Stradics or a Sedona) with 10 to 15lb line on mine. It balances pretty well.

    Cant go won't with the raider snapper rod - I have two of them 🤣

  4. 25 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

    Out of curiosity, and only if you don't mind sharing your top secrets, could you describe the rig and technique you used to land that bewdy?

    Cheers Z

    In the true FishRaider spirit, im more than happy to. It's heavily thought out and considered method, so I hope it brings you the same return as it did for me;

    1. Drive around for ages, looking for bustups

    2. Throw lure of your choice into the activity, catch a pelagic.

    3. Whilst trying to unhook caught pelagic, observe for any fish ejected from the thrashing mouth of said pelagic.

    4. Carefully pick up an ejected fish that is mostly in original form and place on nearest bait board.

    5. Finally, zoom in and take photo.


    Tip: in performing step 3, ensure you do not step on ejected fish. If you have, repeat steps 1. and 2.

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    • Haha 4
  5. Hi all, another brief report.

    Went out to the middle harbour spot featured in JYL's YouTube channel for a chance at a king - Saturday morning was windy and warm.  Got a Yakka, sent it down whilst soaking a variety of other baits (pilchard, squid and my favourite, yabbies). No luck on any of the baits and Yakka - only managed to catch my other lines with the trouble the wind was causing! Three hours later we moved onto the moorings around the spit area - dropped the Yakka down and after a while it got smoked but alas, leader knot failure! Apologies to the local residents for my brief but intense bout of profanities.

    Packed up and just about to drive back to the ramp we spot a few bust ups on the surface - for the next 20min there were tailor busting up all around us (small patches appearing, disappearing and appearing again). Managed to land one, lost three - during which time we saw overcast cloudy weather, high winds with heavy downpour then intense sunshine, strange weather!

    Not much in the way of taking home a feed but I thought I would share this photo of a nice catch to remind us all of what's out there (and to match the hatch) - about 4cm.

    Bonus report: headed out on the water on Sunday on a no-fishing drive - saw about 50birds flocking a massive bustup at no other than right under the harbour bridge about 8am - squarely in the no stopping channel.



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  6. Hey guys, am organising a fishing trip for my mates bucks - to go on a one day trip to chase GT. 

    I have no idea where to start re: charter but from my many hours of YouTube I gather QLD is good for GT but really have no clue.

    Would be in March and one full day available - around 7 people.

    Any suggestions or tips would be very appreciated!

  7. Hi all, brief report here. Went out just past between north and south head. Lots of tiny bait fish getting busted by slimies. They were moving mainly between the north head half of the space between north and south head. Some real stonkers caught on 20g slow jigs and 21 g halco Twistys. No bonito , Tailor or kingies amongst them (that I could catch/see!) . Hung around Balmoral jetty for an hour or so, no big kingies insight (maybe Ive been fooled? ). Finished with lots of slimies which will be filleted and salted for bait and a nice tailor for dinner.


    Not the best day, not the worst day. But either way, still a day on the water (and not working!).



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  8. On 11/19/2019 at 10:05 PM, Hateanchors said:

    Massive schools of huge kings (over 1m) busting just off Balmoral beach near the wharf every morning last 2 weeks. Approx 1- 3hrs after sunrise. Can’t miss them they are taking metals too. 

    Edit. Don’t bother unless you are using ultra heavy gear!!

    How exciting, what type of metal and how heavy gear?

  9. 18 minutes ago, kingie chaser said:

    I think its just one of those things that is open to interpretation, from what the OP is saying he is skipping a surface lure on the surface hence 'top water' even if it is in 18 inches of water.

    Anyway whatever you want to call it, it worked 😁


    Good luck to him 😉

    Topwater in shallow water, top water in deep water :P

    I think it comes down to the lure and technique, if it's predominantly on the surface of the water, then it's topwater, regardless of depth. 

  10. 21 hours ago, Volitan said:

    Fresh live nippers for kingfish? First I’ve heard of that. Can you elaborate on how you fish them ?


    As you would a piece of fresh squid - running sinker rig set at the depth the kingies are moving through - mid water for me. Put in rod holder and wait. Size 2/0 or 3/0 circle hook to avoid gut hooks (needs big yabbies).

    Dead also works, but needs to be firm!

    • Thanks 1
  11. Could work but I think there might better ways of increasing your chances at your first king (I presume you mean it's your first ever or perhaps first for the season?).


    Some other ways include:

    * Sluggos and minnow sps

    * Slow pitch jigs

    * Surface walkers when they are busting the surface

    * Catch and use fresh squid baits

    * Fresh/Live nippers (my personal favourite from last year)


    Good luck mate!


  12. 7 hours ago, Vara said:

    Sounds fun. I have tried many things to get these fish when fishing bust ups in the heads. But nothing worked like an old lure my old mans mate showed me twenty years ago.

    get a bit of clear bike tube. Cut it to around an inch long. Cut three strips about a cm long each up the strip from one end. Get a big clip swivel and force it from the back. Call it habit I always use the gold ones. Connect a single hook from the back. 

    when you troll it it creates a very small air bubble behind the lure. 

    for some reason the salmon live it. I have been out with mates and they tried lures, small metals everything in syd Dy heads. This was the only thing that worked consistently outperforming all other lutes 5 to 1. 

    Cool, sounds like a 3piece/2jointed swimbait!

  13. Hi all, a quick one for those who might be heading out tomorrow. 

    Went to check out the heads today - did not get past them because at around 9:30am we came across a fairly sizable field of baitfish getting smashed (has been a long time since I've come across a good bustup! Bring on more!). The kind of bustup where the splashing was audible over the engine running (and excited shouting).

    We tried a variety of lures (soft plastics, and metals), but what did the damage consistently in the end was a surface Walker about 10cm to match the "hatch" of chaotic splashing, you could say.

    We ended up landing 3 fat salmon, lost about 5 due to various reasons. 

    The baitfish eventually moved out and around north head, hugging close to the rocks.

    Goodluck to anyone heading out tomorrow, hopefully this helps a fellow raider!

    (Any other raiders out there this morning? I was in the small black and white stabi)

    • Like 6
  14. I use left hand wind and work rod with right hand because I feel I have more strength, reaction and control with my right hand (I'm right handed) and that left hand is just for winding. On my heavy setups on overhead reels - I don't mind right hand wind as I'm using both hands to lift the rod anyway.

    On my overhead jigging reels, from Asia, the left hand wind makes sense and feels natural to me for the slow/fast jigging action .

    • Like 2
  15. Related concept - I find more whiting (and fish in general) are caught on a decent length of leader (~50cm) attached to a running sinker rig when compared to a short leader that is short due to laziness (<20cm). For clarity , I'm referring to the leader that goes from swivel to hook.

  16. On 9/25/2019 at 12:48 PM, frankS said:

    Are you talking about cutting and re shaping bow rails to suit and making quick release brackets etc, OR are you talking a simple platform to sit a electric motor on. There is quick easy jobs OR there is complicated time consuming jobs. What have you been quoted on The quick job OR the complicated job.

    I could make a bracket to sit electric on for under $500 fitted but I don't do painting any longer, I was a spray painter in my younger days but my lungs have collapsed so I can't go anywhere near paint fumes these days.


    Fair point -  would include cutting bit of the rail and welding a platform for the quickrelease bracket to be screwed/bolted into.


    On 9/30/2019 at 4:37 PM, campr said:

     Dont know what front of stabi is like, but there is a fabricated platform on ebay to suit most alloy boats for about  $130.  My mate got one and only cost another  $100 to have it welded on.  He then painted it himself.  I'm thinking of going the same way.  Ron 

    good idea - i think id have to ask around to see if the machine shops are willing to weld on and paint using a pre-fabricated platform provided by me (i would think the risks around fit, making it work etc... might come into play)..

  17. 27 minutes ago, JamoDamo said:

    Might get a little electric motor as well and mount it on the side to get around quicker or to troll lures

    Mate if you're going to do that, you are starting to add up to the $1600 mark.


    I.e. $500 for kayak

    + $150 for kayak trolling motor

    + $150-200 for a 12v battery (not even looking at lifepo4 or similar lightweight batteries)

    + $50 for wiring, accessories, case/mount etc.. to install and fit

    I've had both cheap China rotomoulded kayaks that you can see everywhere on gumtree for around the $300 mark and my Hobie outback (bought second hand).

    The difference is HUGE - not saying yiu must get a Hobie, but as people above are suggesting, get a decent second hand. The tracking will be reliable (the cheap kayak was incredibly frustrating in this regard , not what you want whilst on the water).

    The only use case I can see for the cheap China kayaks was paddling out in calm bays , dropping anchor and soaking baits/fishing whilst stationary.

    If there is anyway you can save for a pedal kayak, I'd do it - the hands-free freedom makes for an entirely different and superior fishing experience.

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