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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. Straight in front of rocks 50  60 mtrs south as you leave channel on south side  also in the gap between the island an middle bommie   

    sometimes the bait is right up north end of blackys reef

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  2. Had wednsday off work and decided to go trout fishing  thurs was my bday so took off 4 am  got to my fave river 7.30  first creek crossing could see trout in the shallows  so looked like a good start  once i got to my spot the water was a good level  little bit of cloudiness but vould see bottom in 3ft so was reasonably clear  not as many fish as last trip but had an entertaing day catching trout in fast runs and pools  4 redfin in the mix  and trout up to 38 cm  16 trout and quite pleased with my day out   some pools had no fish at all  so im assuming others have been taking a fair few fish  boot marks on the banks and rubbish are a dead giveaway    il try and squeeze in one more trip before closed season




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  3. The original texas is in 55 ftm  the grounds known as perch grounds in 90 ftm  get called texas wrongly  the wide one is good for kings  the shallower is good for reds n trag

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