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Posts posted by mushtaka

  1. Thanks Tangles, i will give it a go. Sounds like you know the place well.

    The kingy and snapper spot sounds good....

    Is fingal spit the sand bar at the end of the beach that you can use to walk to the island/headland? Where abouts along that strip is best? I have not been up there since i was a kid..........

    Thanks for your help..

  2. Hey guys, im heading to fingal bay in Nov and wondering if anyone has fished there. Is there anywhere to get livies/squid? Where is the best place to fish? I am not taking the boat up so im land base? has anyone caught any jewfish there? i would love your help...

    thanks everyone....

  3. Hi Raiders, Just wanted to know if anyone has ever caught squid in Narrabeen lake? I know a lot of raiders fish there and wanted to see if anyone has actually tried going for squid? i have seen some nice weedy spots but i might be wasting my time. If not in the lake where is the next best spot?


  4. Hi Fishlick99, Sounds like great fun out on the reef!!! it would be great to see some pics of the snapper.

    I wish somthing could be done about that ramp. I long to take my boat out there on quick little arvo missions but im always worried that i wont be able to lift my boat off the sand. (5m quintrex seabreez) Its a shame because so many little missions could be had. Anyone got any tips for long reef?

  5. I have picked up some great deals on ebay. tld25, tld20, 6500baitrunner. all great working reels. the key is to chech the sellers feed back page. i never buy off any one with less than 50 feed back points. you can check what other people have said about the seller and see if they riped them off or not. but then again its not 100% perfect there are risks.

  6. Hi guys i have been trying for the last three years!!! Still nothin. im sure i have been useing the right bait and going the right times. countless nights have been spent of the beach with no result. Live mullet, slimmy slabs, salmon slabs all fresh but still nothin. i think im going crazy!!!!!

  7. congratulations

    a great fish, definitely makes the trip to browns worth while,

    incidently can you tell me how big is your boat and do you go to browns often, how does it handle

    the conditions.

    also how long did it take you to land the yellow fin, thanks


    hi ilk, we have a 5m quintrex sea breeze. we head out only if the weather is looking good!!! we look for the swell and make sure that its low (around the 1m) and we never go out if there is a westerly blowing. we don’t rush it and it does take time to get out there and of course we take all the safety equipment. if your not sure its best to go with someone whos been out i reckon.


  8. Hey Mushtaka well done !!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is a B E A S T !!!

    Much bigger than the stuff we were catchiong in the narra lagoon the night Dan01 and myself met you!

    cheers mate


    hook'm hey mate. thanks for the squid that night mate! If your up my way soon send me a message and i will give you some Tuna.

    inhlanzi: mate the gear i was useing was a 24kg shimano back bone with TLD25 loaded with 24kg line. the fish was caught on a circle hook 6/0. hope this helps to get you one.

  9. Hi raiders, first i would like to say I love reading all your fishing reports. I log on each day to see where the action is, LOVE IT!!! Today me and one of my mates headed out to browns. first we got some livies in the harbor and the headed the long way out. The wind was stronger than forecasted so there was a lot of chop on top, which made the ride even longer. by the time we got out there we both felt a little sick but that was not going to stop us. we started off trying for blue eye but failed. soon we moved on to what we came out for YFT!!! we cubed for about five minuets and then my rod went off!!!!!! The fish went for the horizon, i thought i was going to be spooled so I pumped up the drag. After a while it stated to go deep and as i started to bring it up i could see the colour and after a few more minuets the size.

    For me it was the second YFT I have ever caught and it was the biggest. 40kg!!!!!

    After we brought it in my mate had a crack for a while but nothing happened.

    I’m still waiting on the pics from my mate so will post them soon.

    Here ya go guys. Thanks for the support!!!!!


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