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Posts posted by ARC H

  1. 7 minutes ago, tyrone07 said:

    Good flathead drift through there, start at The Green Chanel marker to the main Chanel and work the edges, near the racks off to the left also hold good lizards

    yeah ive had luck with bream and whiting there before

  2. 9 hours ago, LuckyFil said:

    ARC H

    As a matter of interest do you remember what phase of the tide you were fishing? I seem to do better on the flatties on the last part of the run out tide, but that may just be random.


    sorry dont remember the tide but i find the same as you or around the tide change

  3. 9 hours ago, big Neil said:

    I was going to congratulate you on a very artistic top photo until I saw the second one ARC H. Still a nice flattie mate. Is the (phone?) screen broken in the first photo? Cheers, BN

    HAHA thanks nah it wasnt broken

  4. 5 hours ago, DaveTheBoy said:

    At Newcastle?  Drop me a line next time mate & I'll join you if I can!  All the best for your session

    Yeah i was at newcastle 

    only got these and plenty of smaller flatties 


  5. Got these drifting at Hardys bay with Zman grubs

    my brother got a 55cm plus as well

    sorry about pics i let the flatties go straight away so didnt see photos properly :(



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