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Posts posted by justinp

  1. Greg

    I just ordered a SEED GT BOSS blank.

    $560 bucks just for the blank!! :(

    I have heard great things about the Fisherman Rods. Apparently, they are indestructible.

    Make sure you post some piccies when you get them. :biggrin2:

    Chris I think you had better order one that floats, :1prop:

  2. Id just about kill to get my hands on some weed like that, Ive been everywhere I can think of near Gladesville and nothing to report on the weed front yet, it looks alot like parra weed, the dark green stuff that is, well done on locating some, cheers Justin.

  3. Gday Toby, I recently took a trip to Melville island, I will tell you about my experience, the group I went with consisted of non-fishos, mainly family and because of that I decided not to take any of my gear, did not really want to be the only one having to lug the stuff all the way there, (mistake). Many reasons why, when you buy a new rod and reel, you spend a little while getting used to it, now if you are fishing creeks for Barra, you really dont want to spend the initial hour getting comfortable using it, ie: finding your range, accccuracy, best lure weight ect, so it is important that you take your own rod and reel with you, also if you are going to be taking a baitcaster, make sure you are competent at using it, some of the creek terrain you will most likely fish will require super accurate casts, trust me its the difference between fish and no fish, if you feel that the baitcaster is not your go then perhaps take a 4-6kilo spinstick with a quality 3000 sized spinreel loaded with 20pnd, we fished hardbodies 95% of the time and I really wish that Id taken some big plastics with me, Barra fishing is so tide dependant with the low being prime as it flushes them out the litttle feeder creeks, on the high I felt at the time a big plastic rigged snagless sunk right down into the snags may have been more productive, thats just my opinion, its not as inportant when out on the reef to take your own gear as most of it will probably be bottom bashing or maybe trolling, depends on the guide, but again I wished Id taken my own, things such as leader, hooks, ect IMO are not really necessary unless you really like to be self sufficient, so if I had to make a list of whet I would take next time here goes, quality baitcaster rod 4-6 kilo and a quality reel to suit, big range of larger plastics, 4-9inch, assorted jigheads, 1/8 and up, between 5-10 well known large hardbodies with quality trebles, camera, sufficient uv clothing, sunscreen, bushmans, hat, polarised sunnies, stubby cooler, gloves, pliers, braid scissors, comfortable footwear, and if luggage weight permitted I would also take the other two outfits previously mentioned by Greg and Slinky, and if you are not really proficient at baitcasting then get in the backyard and practice, practice, practice, cheers Justin.

  4. mmm 46 packs

    In the life of a addicted tournement angler we usually buy plastics in outers. Outers from people like Berkley have 6 packs in each. Plastics like the good old 6" camo worm we were ordering 50 packs at a time! :wacko:

    We use to always have stock of near every plastic we threw, our worst comp we went threw 72 packs in 4 days of fishing, I'd hate to run out of a hot color in the middle of a bite.

    Biggest lot in one type were the 3" watermelon Hawg when they got discontinued, I think we got the last 260 packs at the time!

    At the moment I have 3 storage tubs in the garage full plus 2 shopping baskets full in the boat, Yes I have a problem, few months of bream fishing to go and at least 500 packs to get threw!

    Oh well, yakkas on custom Millers and Exists will be fun!


    Aaaah I was wondering when u were going to enter into this post, I have seen the collection 1st hand and I reckon erring on the side of caution that Greg has a real problem, his collection is massive, at its peak he probably had 800 to 1000 packets of various plastics, and if you think that is incredible, we wont even talk about the hardbodies, crankbaits, blades, poppers, pencils, leader, braid, reels, rods, boats, outboards, nets, hooks, sinkers, swivels, ect, ect, ect, ect, ect, however, Ive never met abloke that loves his fishing the way he does, so good on you mate, keep collecting and most of all enjoy.

  5. At the northern end of Treachery beach you can usually russle up a few fish, you will need to 4wd up there, check with the new reegulations however as some of the areas have been closed, you can get bait at the local general store, (only frozen though), take everything you need with you as supplies are pretty minimal, you can spin for pelagics off the point in between the island, there is a guy called Browny who works at Treachery camp, he is a local and usually very helpfull as to where the fish are as he spears regulary, failing that hit some of the lakes to the north 40min drive for flathead ect, cheers Justin.

  6. Had a thought the other day, as I have an unused pond at my place at the moment and has any raiders ever tried to grow their own blackfish weed, I think that is I transport some to the pond with enough water from my local estuary and have is semi-submerged and open to partial sunlight with slow water trickle over it, any thoughts or suggestions appreciated, cheers Justin.

  7. I was just reading a news letter for an Adventure fishing trip. There are 2 spots available for a trip that's the first week out at a far reef in the Coral Sea.

    Anyone that has read any of the Australian fishing mags would know the trips I'm talking about.

    I'm looking at booking one of the seats, anyone else keen?

    I was ment to go end of last year but family commitments stopped me from going....... :(


    Sure mate, one question though, what do you reckon my wifes worth? :1prop:

  8. G'day Justin,

    What brand 3mm wetsuit bottoms do you have. I haven't seen any 2-piece wetsuits around but that sounds like something I could use in mine.



    Gday mate, I have not got a 3mm lower suit yet, they are available, alot of water skiers and wakeboarders use them, added advantage is alot of them have bouyancy inbuilt into them.

  9. Thanks Marty looks great

    Another question, what winter clothing do you use on the kayak

    I have had a look and some gear looks bloody exspensive

    Any tips


    Gday Jamie, winter can be a bit of a trade off, last winter I wore the lower half of 5mm diving wetsuit, this works great espescially when u have no choice but to get wet when launching, and on top a long sleeved tshirt, however when the bib and brace section of the wettie combined with a pfd can be really bulky, combine that with heat from paddling and it can be a problem, this year I will get 3mm waist down wetsuit only, combine that with long sleeve rashy and pfd, I found that I only really got cold when the wind was up or if my feet got cold, so I wear dive boots and even extra socks when its cold, cheers Justin.

  10. Dont let him fish Justin :1prop: just make sure he puts you in the prime spots with the leccy :thumbup:

    Cheers Stewy

    He does Stewy, the problem is my casting accuracy needs a bit of work, this is how it usually goes, spot a good spot, open bail arm, fire in a cast trying to skip plastic under marina, skips beautifully straight over marina arm and then gets stuck on some inconsiderate boaties berthing rope, fair dinkum why would you park your boat right where I need to cast, back to practising in the backyard :1prop:

  11. Yeah Greg the by-catch or should I say by-hook is amazing.

    I hooked a 80+cm king in Lane Cove on Sunday arvo! Two of em came screaming out from under a wharf. Amazing to see them that big that far up river. Chasing all that bait that's up there I suspect.

    Saw heaps of frigates I suspect zipping around the tailor schools to.

    Gulp's rigged on 1/12th jigheads and Ecogear VX40's hopped along the bottom under boats in deep water (20-35ft) did the trick. Just watch the slack line for any taps and strike at everything or any bit of weight on the line. The bites were very soft with plenty of fish just holding onto the tails.

    3-4lb long leaders definately increased the bites but of coarse you do lose alot more of the bigger ones.

    The surface fishing has now slowed down. No more days of the cicardas screaming and bream sluping them off the top as they fall into the water from the crows chasing them out of the trees :(

    The Pink grub is still getting a few fish but usually on the drop but where's the real fun in that?

    Back to plastics and vibs fished deep to hook the bigger fish....



    It is always a pleasure to fish with u Greg, word of advice though, can u pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeee stop outfishing me every time we go out, I think you may have stolen my mojo, not that youve lost yours, if I dont catch a biggen soon Im going to leave the bung out :1prop: cheers Justin.

  12. Well not long to go now, 3 days guided fishing the run off hopefully and stayling at Clearwater Island Lodge, chasing Barra and all the other sensational fish that abound these waters, starting to get a little anxious, will definatly take camera and hopefully get some good shots of me with some good fish and some good stories as well, cheers wish me luck Justin.

  13. Hi Guys

    Whats the water colour like now?

    Has it cleared from the rains yet?

    I was in the mind of bassin yesterday but after a sleep in I went breaming instead as it's so much more local for me.

    Jewgaffer's comment about the wind change. The bream went nut's!!

    Most prob the best bream session of the year so far and I had it ALL to myself :yahoo:

    Top water only and now my rod forearm is killing me!

    Fishing pain, the best pain to have.......

    Ever seen a 43cm bream shadow a top water lure for a few metres before nailing it next to the boat?

    Bloody cracker fishing I tell ya's!

    Only let down I was alone and had noone to share it with but I'll get over it once I go again! ;)


    I wondered what u would have been up to yesterday, did you get the grubs out, or just poppers and pencils, tank is just about ready, we will have to fill it soon, cheers Justin.

  14. With an exisit being 35gm lighter on the larger spool models and up to 45gm lighter on the shallow spools, the exist's balance out my outfits so much better.

    If your use to fishing heavy lesser outfits you'll be right :074:

    Plus I would rather spend my time fishing than undoing wind knots!!!! :biggrin2:

    Totally agree mate having used your exists and also owning a stella 1000fa, although the stella is quite a nice bit of kit, having to wack out a long cast and wind it back in with tension every ten casts or so is a pain in the butt, the exist completely sh1ts on the stella IMO, not starting a daiwa vs shimano war here, just my 1.5 cents worth as its probably not worth 2, cheers Justin, p.s if you can afford to buy good gear then go for it.

  15. it was the NW pencil seems like it has a better hookup rate on bream than the sammy, also slightly smaller

    you are right the second one was taken in a secret location

    I understand trying to keep your secret spot a secret, maybe just post it as spotx next time like all of us do and not try to decieve all with your post bout being at figtree when clearly you were some where else, anyway good work and maybe Ill bump into you at Figtree oneday, theirs a couple of us that fish it reasonably often, usually walking the flats at lowtide, Ill be the one wearing the Lowrance hat, come over and say hello cheers Justin.

  16. Jez makes you want to out and buy poppers.

    What type of poppers are we talking about??



    River 2 sea buggi pop, bubble pop, Mebepen Mebaru, smith towadi, ecogear px45, luckycraft sammy65, daiwa td zero, stiffy, surecatch, all these work on a given day, Just follow what Greg said fish the conditions and make sure that when you fire in a cast get it as close to the structure your fishing, if you aint getting snagged you aint getting close enough, cheers Justin.

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