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Everything posted by SickWolf

  1. Hi guys. When I was out at roseville, I bumped into a kid who said he caught australian salmon using live yellowtail off balmoral wharf. He didn't specify exactly how he just told me that. I was wondering if anybody could tell me how to collect yellowtail there and how to use them to catch the aus salmon. Pluswhat kind of rod should I use. I have a 7 foot 2-4 kilo combo which can cast further than a 12 foot surf rod I picked up. Cheers guys, Wolfie
  2. Thanks guys, I would let you know that I found about 5 peeled and headlessbait prawns in his guts. Not mine. I used them whole. Greedy little bugger
  3. Hi guys, first report here so bear with me. I drove down to echo point at about 1:30 targeting leatherjackets with a tactic suggested to me by swordfisherman. I caught nothing so I changed it up with a running ball sinker rig I found on fishraider using a whole prawn. Suddenly I feel a moving weight on my line and a steady pulling. When I haul it up there is a 35cm flounder on the end. Coming home for dinner. Yummo Would put a picture but it says the file is too big. Oh well. Cheers Wolfie
  4. SickWolf


    Hi people, I am new to fishraider and fairly new to this sport as well. Lately I have become "hooked" on fishing as they say and was wondering what to use as bait. I got lots of gear, small hooks, light rods and line and I am targeting bream and leatherjackets. I reckon I can get them but the place is really snaggy. I have pilchards for bait. Is there any way I can prevent snags? And whuch rig should I use? I also picked up some 6lb and some 8lb flourocarbon. Good? Thanks guys. Cheers Wolfie
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