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  1. Hey Guys the dredge is working on the mouth so lets hope it fixes things.
  2. Does anyone have any slavko bug deep divers they wish to sell please,would like to get some for my brothers birthday.
  3. Ross let me know when you were thinking for the entrance social as i have a van in the park at the entrance (Dunlieth ) and i can ask them about it. Cheers Terry
  4. Do any member boat fish the Entrance for blackfish if so how do you find the right spots to fish.
  5. We were up the entrance about 2 weeks ago and there are a few flathead around but you need to find them and at the mouth they are catching heaps of blackfish.
  6. Cant we change the date and have it at the entrance its great there.
  7. Yeah what about a sydney social instead of botany, Please,Please,Please
  8. Good one Roberta keep it up,I,m getting withdrawal cant go fishing till 17th December Buggar.
  9. Yeh I'll second and third that,we need more blackie socials absolutely please.
  10. Ya hurry and tell us when ,we cant wait.
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