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Nathan L

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Everything posted by Nathan L

  1. hey frank, the one the red herrring gave ya is bout the best one that's free. the main subscription service is this one http://www.seasurface.com/ its pretty neat. and u can check out old data to get a feel for how the whole thing works. it is pricey, but i think if ur part of a club its cheaper. nonetheless, it'll save u a heap of time trolling around for the right spot to cube, and thats always a bonus
  2. thanks for the info Tony i'm a bit busy studying atm so it might be a few weeks before i call u to suss out this whole bottom bashing business, but rest assured i'll get there
  3. nice work there. gotta love it when the kingies bite their heads off, even if it is for such a short time. with eating the kingies, dont cook em. if u catch a couple cut one up into really thin slices (sorta like mini cutlets - without any bone of course) grab some wasabi and soy and go nuts. having said that though, u can only really do that for super super fresh stuff. i wouldnt bother eating any defrosted fish raw (although some people will)
  4. awesome effort there a lot of guys were out there on the w/e (including us) for nuthin'. what liveys did u use for the tuna? can't wait for the pics
  5. thanks heaps for the tips guys but i was thinking more along the lines of reef queen vs massive o/h vs whatever else any of you guys might use. the biggest problem i have now i just getting the rig to the bottom (oh and hopefully getting them back to the top too!!) i'll give those rigs a go IFS, and will try and call tony some time soon. thanks for the tip on line too big-banana my old man has the seriously old skool bent butt monstrosity that he's thinking of using. problem is its rated for 15 kg line and i just dont think it has the balls to handle all the heavy gear. any thoughts?
  6. hi everyone, im new to posting on these forums but have been reading them for some time now. from what i can ascertain there are quite a few members that seem to on a regular basis catch blue eye out wide. i'm really keen to give this a go but am pretty clueless as to the tackle i need to get the job done. can i just get some tips for this whole deepwater bottom bouncing business. any help would be appreciated. btw . . . cubed and trolled at browns on the w/e for zip - thats why im thinking that a few kilos of blue eye fillets would make the trip out worth it.
  7. hey shak, i dont have the exact marks on me but you'll find em easily enough if youve got one of them gps marks book. otherwise just search the net. i reckon though that in the coming weekends throughout the yft season, if you just headed dead east out from botany bay heads and looked for the boats you'd find it. its a bit of a run though - bout 20ish nm. another thing too - the tuna aren't always right on top of browns (though that is often the case). u should try and find some good water (temp change, stuff in the water etc) and work that spot. good luck, nath
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