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Posts posted by JamoDamo

  1. Thanks heaps everyone! I think if I go fishing again on a holiday i'll buy a travel rod so I can transport it easily, She said 1m was the most I could have it so I guess I just buy a cheapie jarvis walker rod for the week should suffice as I have done it before when I went up there before.


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  2. Hey Raiders, 

    In the near future I am heading up to qld on a holiday to the sunshine coast where I know has pretty good fishing option available. I am flying on Virgin Australia and I have looked the requirements to take them up: They say I have to take it in a pvc tube with two screwable caps on both ends and the max length for my tube must be 3m. I rang the customer support number just to clarify what it had to be just to double check and the woman said it had to be 1m long (the rods that I am taking are longer than 1m halved into two pieces)  contradicting what it said on the site. I am lost on what to do and just need some advice on what to do. I have read the other posts on fishraider but I still have no idea what to do. I know that I have to have the rest of my baggage such as terminal tackle and reels have to be in my bag with my clothes in it. Sorry if this question is a bit vague but I am just absolutely clueless on what to do.

    Thanks heaps guys 


  3. Thank you so much for the help guys I was completely clueless on where to start. The guys at a shop said that as long as it was in sellable condition and had no faults and was as good as new they said I could take it back!

    I would most likely be going for Bream, Whiting and Flathead even Talior or Salmon if I am lucky enough to catch them. I just need to learn how to catch beach worms and pipis ( have no idea how to do ). I have no idea how to get the pipis but i'll watch some videos on it. I also need to buy more swivels, hooks and sinkers so I can have a go at it. I was using ball sinkers at first but they were very small, I have some nice sized star sinkers and barrel sinkers I could use for it and I know I can also hit ball sinkers on both sides to make them flat so they don't move around as much.

    Thanks so much,


  4. Hi Raiders,

    I have recently found an interest in buying a beach rod for beach fishing. I bought an 8ft Shakespeare 4-8kg combo for $67.75 from a shop just yesterday, the conditions were hard to get any bites as I used a small sinker, which I later upgraded to a heavier one but I couldn't keep it from drifting over the beach hence I couldn't feel bites and couldn't fish. The conditions were 2-4 ft waves with 15 kn winds. I think the rod will suffice but I just need some input on if I should take the rod back (called to see if I could they said yes) to see if I should buy a shimano 12ft 6-8 kg rod with an fx 4000 size reel.

    Thanks for the help sorry if my question isn't very clear.

    Thanks JamoDamo

  5. 19 minutes ago, SaltyGreek said:

    So I’ve had all my runs on rods with 8lb mainline but I set the drag a little looser than usual to avoid I popping off and to tire the fish out. However yesterday the fish made a run for cover and me gently palming the spool was enough to snap the line. I’m rigging a baitrunner that I have with 12kg line and I will be fishing a 30lb trace with a double snell rig 4/0 and 5/0 hooks. Hopefully that will be better for the bigger livies which were a little harder to cast on the lighter rods and I hope I can land a fish

    Oh that will be epic hopefully we get as good at catching herring  as old mate is xD he is a beast and pulls them in so quickly! Btw I am getting the sabiki rigs soon

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  6. 47 minutes ago, SaltyGreek said:

    Just took a 10 second run out into the bay and then popped off. Amazing feeling that now has me hooked on live baiting 🤙🏽🎣

    I hope next time we go we get into some good fish. Man that run was insane! I looked over at your rod was bent heaps and the drag peeling off. We have to some sabikis for next time need to get more very small hooks for them. We can put them in a keep net or in a bucket but they die quickly in a bucket apparently even if it is aerated. I might go tomorrow probably not but if I do i'll try get some more herring

    • Like 1
  7. Hi Raiders,

    Sorry that I haven't contributed much at all to this forum besides questions, my question is that is the Alvey 455BXL good or not. I have only used it once and had quite a bit of trouble getting the line not wrapped around the top half of the reel. Sorry if this isn't really relevant to anything or helpful I just need a little bit of input on the reel if any of you have it because I can't find anything like a review about sorry. I will try to contribute a fishing report soon as I am going for blackfish or whatever is around on Saturday. The reason I am asking is because it was a little strenuous to gather the sinken slack line to hook the fish and to reel in the rig after a 30-40 metre drift.

    Thanks heaps , JamoDamo

  8. 11 hours ago, SaltyGreek said:

    I use floats made out of straws for float fishing for anything. I cut the straw 1 third of the way down and then melt the ends together with a lighter. Then you put the hook through the melted part of the straw and add split shots or whatever else you need. Never tried it on blackfish but it works well on other species and it shows even the smallest bites. Just make sure there are no holes in the straw because if water gets in it will just sink. If water gets in you can just squeeze it out.

    I would say it would have too much resistance on the way down not weighted but I would try making a stick float by putting the straw over the kebab stick already cut and sealing both the ends and putting either cut wire fashioned into a runner or a cut safety pin. Should work good for blackfish because of the slim shape creating much less resistance comparative to a straw by itself, it might even be as sensitive.

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  9. 46 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    The medium j w floats are fine for estuary  i use bigger floats off the rocks but they still work in estuary  these are large rock and lge estuary  they are weighted with either sheet lead cut in strips and wrapped or a sinker split an clamped  the knife is 30cm




    I might weight the float. I made my first experimental float with what I could find around the house. I used an old bobby cork and cut off the end of it and put it on the kebab stick then I found and used some wire to make runners. At first I tried a nerf dart as it is buoyant foam but it would go sideways and not sit the way I wanted it to and it also didn't sit straight and I knew Blackfish are picky with their food so I tried the bobby cork and tested it in my dad's  bath pond weighted it down and it worked really well for a first diy float. I also secured it with a tiny bit of rope like string on to the runners and it works pretty well. I need to get the actual materials for it ie carbon rods 3mm, Balsa wood or foam and then I should be alright and epoxy that sets in 5 mins. I might give it a go today.

    Thanks JamoDamo

    • Like 2
  10. Hey Raiders, I have 3 Jarvis Walker Blackfish floats medium size for Blackfish. Does the size make much of a difference ie is a like a 28-30cm float way too big for the estuaries or as long as I weight it properly it doesn't really matter? Need help now as I am going for them soon. Also went fishing today and caught some little fish, I caught one little trumpeter and little fish that looked like a good live bait for Jewfish it kind of looked like a tarpon and had to medium to large pectoral fins on top and bottom of the fish. It swallowed the hook down quite a bit so I cut the line but it jumped around quite a lot and some of its scale came off and a little bit of slime hope it didn't die. Thanks for help.


  11. Hey SaltyGreek, here are some tips for your next outing around the general area and more so Oatley bay.

    For me the little floating wharf at Oatley bay has been producing for me some little fish. I use prawn (gun bait right now) and pillies later in the summer. If your using woolworths prawns use smallish pieces of it and put it on the hook like you would a cube of pilly. Then just simply cast out 10-15 metres and you should something if you are lucky. For me I think that the tide plays a huge role here in bringing fish in. You can also thread it on with the much smaller tweed bait prawns (preferably peeled) use a baitholder,cirlce,kirby,long shank hook to get into some fish.

    When my parents have been able to take me ( I am 15 also) I have sometimes been lucky enough to go on the incoming tide about a quarter to half way in. This brings the flatties in and I lost one right at the wharf approx 45cm, you can also get Talior, Bream and all the other bread and butter species. Burley might help but because of the current it might push fish to or from you which makes it a double edged sword.

    There is some cabbage weed for blackfish at the waterline of the wharf there as it get constantly flushed with wake from the boats moving around the main channel. I guess if there is bait for the blackfish there there has to be some with the shark nets ie structure and a wharf and some rocks to hide in and food.

    I have a good spot for massive muddies near my house if you want to come along some time bring your crab pots as I only have a lift net.... There are massive bully mullet in there all the time 50cm plus and some poddy mullet too might start making some bait traps so if you are looking for live bait thats the place or mullet strips. Pm me if you need the info or I can pm you.  If you need anymore help I will give you more tips.

    I am self taught and have no one in my family who likes fishing so I do some research about my local area (free periods or bludging) which is also a lot of trial and error whilst testing new methods. As I have said in other posts you want to roll you bait back to you so the bait is moving, sometimes when the fish are on the bite or hungry there will just engulf your bait. I just roll it back to me every so often to get the fish interested ie using movement to attract them the same way you would a lure (need to invest in some as I have none). This should get you a few if you aren't getting much or maybe its just there is nothing around. 

    When setting your rod on the wharf put it in the little notch where the main pylon sits and you push the butt of your rod ( It has to be long) and it will sit straight up allowing you to register bites. Oatley bay seems to be dependent on the no run no fun motto/rule and if the tide is running you might hopefully get something. If you walk along the bush walk along around the headland at Oatley park is gives you an idea of the run and you will see some of the little sandstone rocks that dot the shore. I thought it might hold a few jewies in your case or flathead and other ambush predators etc with all the current. Look for slack water where it becomes sort of still and this might indicate a hole or deeper water where the fish can hold up in the current waiting for something to come past ( your bait). Hope this helps and if you want to fish sometime if I can I would be happy to have a fish. Good luck mate.


  12. 1 hour ago, savit said:

    Do you see the difference in catches between garlic and soy/oyster sauce?

    I haven't had much of a chance with minced garlic but I have heard its a gun bait for big bream. It usually works quite good and stay on the hook forever good for murky places. Also remember as I said in another post work you bait back to you every so often with a crank of the handle as the fish might think it is plastic etc but the scent should increase your chances of getting a fish. Hope this helps.


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