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Everything posted by Maniac

  1. Thanks mate. Honestly on and off for years but for the last 6 months I have dedicated 90% of our fishing to Jews and I generally would fish once or twice a week, got plenty of by catch in those times. Happy with the result last night though and i have learnt every trip. Been using live and fresh bait for about 2 months, made all the difference.
  2. Yakka was whole, i have tried butterflied off the beach but they always end up a mess.
  3. Nice mate, cant beat fishing with kids, we haven't fished that spot yet might have to give it a crack.
  4. Me and my son have been chasing a jew for a while now and last night it all came together. A good high tide was at 8:45pm so we planned to be on the beach at 7pm, collected fresh Yakkas from Kiama harbour and headed up to the beach. Using 30 pound fluorocarbon leader with 2 snelled hook rig, we threw a whole yakka out and boom first cast my son nailed his first jew, great fight too. This will be a night we will never forget, we have both spent many nights chasing a jew coming home empty handed, but now all feels worth it.
  5. Yes that's North beach, was a heap of weed out which made things difficult. good luck mate.
  6. Had a quick fish with the kids yesterday at my local Shellharbour beach using worms, ended up with a few nice bream for the table, cant beat fishing with the kids!
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