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Ben Hall

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Posts posted by Ben Hall

  1. If your thinking about getting into fly fishing or want to take your fly casting to the next level.

    Peter Morse is doing a casting clinic at Lake St Clair, Hunter Valley. For those that don't know, Peter Morse is a Master Casting Instructor.

    30th October, the day goes from around 8am to 4pm.  There's only 8 students in a class, so you'll get plenty of one on one with Morsie. Doesn't matter what level from beginner to advanced.

    It cost a $150 for the day, once I fill the class I send a group email off to Morsie and you will then be dealing direct with Morsie.  There will be a $50 deposit required paid directly to Morsie which he will give details to make payment.

    This is the second clinic that I've been part of organising, there a great day that will take your fly fishing to the next level. I have only advertised this with in the Huntervalleyflyfishingclub for members and their friends.

    Just message me if your interested, first in gets the spots, it will fill up.

    Cheers Ben

    Screenshot_20220330-075253_Samsung Internet.jpg


  2. On 12/9/2021 at 1:16 PM, flycamp said:

    Cheers Ben. That’s very helpful. I will try to get a hold of Peter.

    I’ve heard Justin is great too but he’s usually out on charters I think.

    Thanks for all the tips mate and keep killing it!

    Hey Flycamp  if you can't get into a casting day with the likes of Peter or Justin, i would happily meet you in a park for some casting practice if your in the Hunter Valley area, might be able to help improve your casting until you get with the professionals.

    Cheers Ben

  3. 2 hours ago, Hoods said:

    The best way to learn is to leave the other gear at home & then you have to make it work. Like when we were learning SP's for snapper.

    How do you go casting from a boat with the flyrod? - I am proposing to build a casting deck for the front of my tinny to help with casting SP's & flies etc outside.

    No problem casting out of the boat, I do have a casting deck up the front but will fish from anywhere in the boat, the main thing you need is to have a clear deck as fly line seems to tangle around everything and anything.

    I still go and practise down the park from time to time, and don't just practice in nice conditions do it when it's windy also.

  4. 7 hours ago, flycamp said:

    Makes total sense mate. Thanks for the guidance. I’ve heard Peter is hard to get into.

    I’m the same - don’t really know anyone who fly fishes so the learning curve is pretty steep  

    Did you reach out to him directly?

    Pretty sure you can get some one on tuition with Peter. Central coast fly rodders advertised 2 of the days I went to over the years, but the other 2 day tuition I done with him was the CCI tuition I contacted him directly when I seen he advertised he was running the course. There's couple of others I would consider and that's Justin Duggan who is a guide in Sydney who is meant to be an incredible caster also Chris Adams who is up on the Sunshine Coast.

  5. 17 hours ago, flycamp said:

    Seriously impressive flies. How long have you been tying for Ben? I’d like to get started and interested in the learning curve. 


    Took up tying about 2 years ago in the first of the covid lockdowns.

    There's a couple of suppliers that I buy my materials from that also make videos that can help you tie some of the different patterns, so look up Beastbrushes.com or BWC flies.

    I wouldn't start with the likes of a Gamechanger, the first fly most start with is a Clouser. 

    Just want to let you know it can be highly addictive especially when you start catching fishing on flies you've tied yourself.

  6. 18 hours ago, flycamp said:

    Totally agree with this Ben. Have recently taken up fly fishing and love it but still have days where I think I should just break out the spinning gear and save some headaches…

    But just forcing myself to keep going!


    Hey Flycamp,

    It's been a long hard journey for me especially since I didn't know anyone that fly fished, so I had to no one to show me. Eventually I got into a fly casting tuition day with Peter Morse, since then I've been to a few days casting with him. I highly recommend to anybody to do a day with someone like him. Once you get a few different casts that you can use it helps to overcome the challenges you have while fishing, especially dealing with the wind.

    Goodluck on your fly fishing journey.

  7. On 12/1/2021 at 6:19 PM, Hoods said:

    You have raised the bar Ben Hall... In 1994 I took the wand out & caught Dollies and Striped Tuna on the 5 weight but that Snapper of yours is a step up - Well Done. Don't stop there.

    Thanks Hoods,

    Theres a few fish I'm working hard to tick off the bucket list, and the Longtail Tuna is very high on that list. Unfortunately the last 2 years with covid travel restrictions I couldn't fish the peak times when they come down the coast. This new year it's going to happen. Dollies are also up there.

    I fished Fraser Island last year and switched a Black Marlin onto the fly but didn't set the hooks, I was meant to be up there a few weeks ago. Crossing the border was out of the question with isolation requirements.

    I just love fly fishing just can't put it down, yeah there's some tough days when you know there's better  more productive ways to fish. But I normally just push on, knowing that the next trip out could just be the best day fly fishing yet to be had.

    Cheers Ben

    • Like 1
  8. Kingie chaser, they have plenty of movement and really come to life in the water, but I've only had the chance to water test in my pool till we are let loose. Main target is the Longtail Tuna but I reckon Kingys will jump out of the water for them.


  9. These patterns are known as a "Gamechanger". They are very time consuming to tie but so worth it. As for flies I don't think there's many patterns that look and swim as close to the real thing as a Gamechanger. Most in pictures are the 5 inch size with one being 6 inch.

    If you haven't seen this pattern they will blow you mind, and for me a must have in your box.






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  10. Kingie chaser it's stainless wire, 80mm big game shank made by Fishkull is the brand if I remember.

    The hook is attached to the wire shank with a spit ring, so if the head or tenticles get chewed off I can just tie a new head and the whole fly isn't wrecked

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