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jaybez last won the day on November 1 2023

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  1. Thanks Derek, yeah I was wondering if I should service the mirage drive to start with before using it too much? It appears to be well greased, and didn't have any issues on Saturday, but worthwhile looking at as a preventative measure? Jay
  2. Thanks Pete, found that cleat this evening when I knew what to look for. This should fix my only issue with the Hobie now. Cheers, Jay
  3. Hello all, recently bought this 2018 hobie outback from a gent that was moving overseas, so didn't need it any more: Got it for 1700 delivered from Yamba to Goulburn, which I thought was a great deal. The above image is from pejar on Saturday, a session which I donutted on. However, the reason for the post is an issue with the rudder. When I pull the down lever, the rudder goes down, but withing a couple of minutes, it is lifting, and turning me to the left. This is obviously annoying, as I can't concentrate on the fishing. I need to readjust the rudder every few minutes. This may because the strings aren't tight enough, which should be an easy repair, but should the rudder click into place or anything like that? Cheers for reading and appreciate any advice. Jay
  4. Thanks Dave! Yeah they're one of the better fish aesthetically. Great to have them local too. Thanks Bob, nice relaxing session even if only for 30 minutes in the cold😅
  5. Also is this good for 2nd place redfin on lures?
  6. Haven't had much time for fishing, but have gotten out a couple of times in the last two days. Went to the Wollondilly in some farmland yesterday afternoon, and my suspicion that it was rarely fished was proven right. First cast with a medium sized spinnerbaits and it was fish on! Maybe went 33-34. Had another one chase the spinnerbaits next cast, but no hookup. Would have been about the same size. Today I ran down to the river after work, and got another about 7 minutes into the quick sesh. Went 38 on the tape. In all, a win! Glad to get some fish on the board. Also some beautiful scenery on the way, especially the sunset tonight: Jay
  7. When I got home and filleted them, I looked in the guts. The big one had eaten a couple of feathers from a bird, and a largish yabby, that I was surprised it could eat. Plan to pan fry them with a little butter, salt and maybe garlic.
  8. Went to the Tarlo this afternoon, trying to get a trout or two for tea. The fish we ate a few months back from the river was way nicer than any of the dam fish we've ever caught. Started with a Rapala minnow, but nothing. Swapped to a mepps size 1 in copper colour, and saw a 35ish trout follow it, but the lure snagged on some weed and the fish spooked. Walked downstream to another pool I hadn't fished which you can approach from a awhile back, so as not to spook the fish. Saw a couple of trout jumping, and had a hit, but no hookup. In the last couple of minutes before I had to leave, moved even further downstream, and about 5th cast, hooked a 28cm rainbow. Great! One for tea. Came back and cast from exactly the same spot, about 5th cast again, spraying them around the pool, and most of the way retrieved, hooked up to a bigger one. Actually saw it eat. Oh well, we have a few in and I decided to keep it too. Went 39.5 cm long, so a good stream trout. Packed up and left after the last few casts.
  9. I went to Humes Creek to try catch trout which I know is stocked with browns. Was pushed out of there by two other gents who turned up to bait fish. Moved on to Kialla Creek right in some farmland. I know this spot is stocked with rainbows. No closed gates and the road is on Google maps 🤷 assume that was fine to do. Fished for and hour and a half, only saw one trout ~40cm chase my spinner. Last few minutes there, came back to the starting spot, which was occupied by cows when I arrived, and saw a large, dead rainbow 45+ cm long. Cast up from here, and first cast hooked up on the Rapala. Fought very hard, harder than I expected/remembered, but perhaps a result of a lack of fish in the past two months. Released because I wasn't sure whether it would be safe to eat due to being a cow watering hole. Maybe I'm a bit too scared. 3 minutes later, I cast up to the exact same spot again, and whack, another hit at exactly the same spot as the first fish hit. It felt a bit bigger, but this one didn't hook up and didn't come back for the subsequent casts. On the way into town, hit up the Sooley Creek which is stocked with browns, and and saw a dead brown snake on the road. Only caught a 20-25cm redfin. In all, a successful outing, and a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Seems the fish might be biting again!
  10. Thanks bessell, it was a great fight, too. Thanks Pete, it is. I am too young to recall it being empty, but it is definitely beginning to fire! The other mate said when we were there on Saturday that you can at least expect a bass to bite every time you are out there targeting them. Thanks Kantong Cheers bn, he was. The smile on his face was quite the sight.
  11. Went fishing with two mates, one from Canberra, specifically to target Aussie Bass for a first for the Canberra mate. Not a particularly early start, fishing from about 8am. About and hour in, he gets a hit and a big run from a fish on his chatterbait. It snagged him, but a quick scramble along the rocks on the wall, and he managed to get him in. The fish went a very chunky 50cm long. No hits thereafter, though did try getting a large 45+ cm rainbow trout out of the spillway from above, but spooked it with my chatterbait and then it wouldn't take the small soft plastic I threw down afterwards.
  12. Hello all, it seems that most people here are having a relatively slow start of the year fishing-wise. I was approached by the DPI at the end of last year and they asked if I would subscribe to a survey of the fishing that I do. I agreed and now put details onto a diary to report to the surveyor when he calls me once a month. The details aren't very in-depth, just the date, location, what time of the day, and whether I caught any fish. The guy who calls me to take down my data from the DPI has said that this has been one of the slowest years that he has ever seen in all his years of taking the data. I think he mentioned he may have been doing it for 10 years? So there is slow fishing across the board it seems. I went 12 straight trips at the end of January without a fish which looks like poor reading. 😅 The bloke who calls doesn't really have any solid reasoning why the fishing is slow, but he believes it may have to do with the weather patterns so far this year being very inconsistent, which impacts the barometer and an array of other factors. He mentioned that it was the same for both salt and fresh water fishers. Thought it might be of interest.
  13. That was just locally at a spot I know for viewing them. Not a minute out of town.
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