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scrat rat

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  1. [OLd mans hat alos has one of mine I reckon their must be over 100 anchors down their over the years cheers Peter
  2. thanks Netic very informative cheers Peter
  3. Hi Guys, I have 150 Hp etec and downrigger only once so far and had engine in idle and troll about less then 2 knotts which I though was fine. I had the motor trimmed all the way down as it did make steering a but easier. mind you I am only a very beginner so may have been doing wrong. The idle speed is the speed I use to drive on and off my trailer. If you check past threads over the years on this site you will notice alot of guys troll downriggers with "normal 2 strokes" and all seem fine and get a bucket load by some of the experienced guys. If you also look at the torgue curve of the etec it will produce more power down low and get onto the plane heaps quicker which is one of the reasons I went etec and what you experienced on demo day. enjoy Cheers Scrat Rat
  4. I have a 150 ETEC on signature 5.8m new May 2007 have about 50 hours (lucky guy you have 2 times what I have) what you are getting sounds about very right to me 3500 is about 25+ knots about same fuel burn maybe a bit less for me but depends on trim and conditions. I have lighter boat and smaller engine but is very similar and If you asked me to extrapoloate from my boat to yours I would have those figures as well. Yeap once you go over 40 hours did also notice drop in fuel consumption and oil usage has dropped off from the early part. the soot is normal and is easliy washed off at the end of the day. you will get more if you troll. I get no smell. Cheers Peter
  5. HI Guys Help me out but can you still set traps for snapper? or is this illegal as well? but then why would you put a snapper trap on the surface? Have a nice day
  6. Hi All, SP,s tossing lures, jigging, bottom bouncing (less bow in line) I go braid like it heaps better for reason listed above. Trolling and after tuna etc or cubing (sometimes) go the mono, as find strech in mono is nice in these applications. so chose what you want to fish for and chose your option mono or braid. thats my experience
  7. I have 5.8m cabin and will sit and stand, when offshore pretty much stand all the time find better visibility, whilst trolling sit. Friend asked me question if seat was able to be adjusted up and down would you still stand. That is an interesting question? thus for me also the height of the seat (ie adjustable) would be nice this would give you the best of both worlds. Also a seat that is well paddy and easy to get in an out of because I find as you troll you sit, line goes off you stand. then probably all hell breaks lose but you get the picture.
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