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Everything posted by cpanag

  1. Hey all, With all this rain and dirty water about I'm thinking of going after any jewies that may be about. Just after a bit of advice if anyone has any about where would be the best place to look for them. I want to have a go at them with SP's but in this dirty water would it be best to use weighted jigheads or use stick baits, keeping the lures up closer to the surface? I'm shore based and thinking of finding a spot with some structure, maybe one of the bridges such as Roseville. Any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers
  2. Hey all, does anyone know how the flattie fishing is in the upper reaches of Middle Harbour at this point in time? ... thinking of heading up there on the weekend now that water would have cleared a little after all the rain we've had. If anyone's had a go at them up that way on SP's lately I'd love to hear how you went. Cheers
  3. I did go out today and I had mixed results. Spent the first 2 hours after daybreak trying to catch myself a flattie on SP's without any luck. The puffer fish were ripping apart every SP I put in the water!! I gave up on the flatties and pumped some nippers and fished the flats for about 3 hours or so until high tide. Got 3 good whiting all well over legal size (with one real big one) and plenty more that were borderline legal which went back in. Not too bad a result in the end although I would have liked a couple more fish. Taking into account that it was a Sunday and the Port was choc-full of boats, waverunners etc I was happy enough with the catch.
  4. I'll give it a go anyway. Hopefully I can snag myself a fish or two.
  5. Hey all, was thinking of heading out to Maianbar tomorrow morning to fish the flats. Does anyone know how that area is currently fishing? I'm looking to target the flatties with soft plastics and to also pump a few nippers to target the whiting as the tide rises over the flats.
  6. Hey guys, I wanted to go out and do some land-based squidding tonight. Has anyone got any fairly reliable spots in either the Harbour or Port Hacking they could suggest? I have a few in mind but they're not really regular producers of squid. And should I fish around the high time which is at around 12.45am? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. I'm thinking of heading out on Sat morning to Maianbar to do a bit of flattie fishing myself. Good to hear the fish are about. Were you fishing the Maianbar flats or one of the other flats in the Port? I've caught plenty of fish on yabbies around Maianbar but I've never spent serious time targeting the flatties with SP's so hopefully I'll have a bit of success.
  8. I was about 1km further upstream from Fig Tree Bridge, at Sugarloaf Point, near Buffalo Park. First time I'd fished there and it really does look like perfect flattie water. I'm gonna persist with this spot over the next month or two as I'm sure it will eventually produce the goods. I work nearby too so as the days get longer I'll get down there more often after work.
  9. Hey all, Went for a fish this morning land-based on the Lane Cove River targetting flatties. I fished an area of parkland on the western shore near where Buffalo Ck runs into the river, fishing most of the runout tide. Unfortunately for me the flathead weren't co-operating at all. I tried 3 or 4 different SP's (including 3 inch Berkley minnows in pumpkinseed, 5 inch Berkley shads in pearl watermelon and Squidgy wrigglers of the Gary Glitter variety) all to no avail. Has anyone had any luck up that way yet this Spring? Just wondering if it's still a little too cold for the flatties to be too active upstream in these estuaries. I spent nearly 4 hours working these lures hard for on decent hits, just the odd puffer fish chewing on them. I had never fished this area before but it really does look like prime flathead territory. Cheers Bulldog
  10. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I didn't manage to get out there today so I'm hoping to on the weekend. I'll let you know if I hook up to anything worthwhile.
  11. Hey all, I'm thinking of tossing a few Berkley minnows tomorrow afternoon in the Lane Cove River in the stretch between Figtree Bridge and the Epping Rd Bridge. Does anyone know if the flathead and bream are on the bite up that way? Got a couple of land based spots up that way that were producing last summer but I haven't given it a go so far this year. Any info would be appreciated. Cheers Bulldog
  12. Thanks for the posts! I'm planning on heading down there tomorrow after work and giving it another possible this weekend so if I have anything to report I'll be sure to let you all know.
  13. Thanks for the tip! I fished from the end of Davidson Park (upstream of Roseville Bridge) and a few spots about 10-15 minutes walk upstream from there for not much really. Caught a little whiting and barely legal bream but that was about it, very quiet. Water may still be a little cold up that way and there wasn't any sign of any flatties. I'll give it a go again in a few weeks time, hopefully things would've improved by then.
  14. Hey all, I'm heading out tomorrow morning to fish the Upper sections of Middle harbour (landbased). I generally start upstream from Roseville Bridge in Davidson Park and head upstream fishing any fishy looking locations. I've caught a few bream and flathead on SP's in this area but just wondering if anyone has any specific spots that might be worth a try. Also have heard of school jew being caught up this way on lures but without knowing exactly which holes/banks to target I've never really given it a serious go. If anyone has any info/tips that'd help me out I'd really appreciate it. Cheers
  15. I'm not that desperate just yet .... just kidding!! Targeting the blackfish is definitely something I'll do in the future.
  16. Hey all, this is my first post here ... actually more of a question. Going to head out early tomorrow morning to do some fishing and just after any advice of where would be the best place to try my luck either in the Parramatta River or Middle Harbour after all the rain we've had? I'm land-based and after bream and/or flatties on sp's and baits. I've got a few ideas, just hoping for some more!
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