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Posts posted by Jigholio

  1. We smacked them on Friday before sunset in MH, in only 20ft of very green water. squid strips proved irresistible. They all looked pretty lean, those we kept had empty stomachs despite masses of bait on the sounder??

  2. Anyone else able to expand on this???

    It's the tree in the desert. Ocean wanderers are drawn to it simply because it's something to cling on to in an otherwise featureless expanse.

    An 'old boy' trick was to drop a large sheet of newspaper or dan buoy when a dollie was hooked in open water. His schoolmates would hang around it just because it's "something". Then cast metals and such at the paper/dan buoy for multiple hookups. This was in the days before FADs

  3. Slinky you'll definitely want a chart if you're planning on fishing the 'Pin. it's like motorkhana for boats there and will test any skippers navigation skills. Plenty of hard running pelagics are found inside the Southport seaway which is a better proposition from a trailerboat than Moreton, no sweat. Queenies, GT's, Bigeyes, big Tailor & kingis are regulars along the breakwall there

  4. Hi all Raiders,

    Does anyone have any suggestions about where in Moreton Bay to start looking for Longtail Tuna. I'm told they start appearing from around now and I'll be up there in a couple of weeks and want to get Little Slinky onto one. Any advice on where to start/where to launch from would be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, Slinky

    We used to get amongst them from between Peel island & Nth Straddie/Moreton Island, which is a vast stretch of water a long way from any ramp, our boat was moored at RQYC in Manly. They will 'blow up' anywhere anytime. Binoculars are essential, just look for the birds working and tuna free-jumping. Spotties are often found deeper under the tuna and always welcome. Hi speed metals/HSS gear are the ticket as they can move incredibly fast. They're typically feeding on juvenile gar.

    It's been a long time since I've fished the bay, hope that helps you.


  5. Hit the harbour with Corny today, an expat Italian/Brit who claimed to be a gun angler...hmmmm. "Tie that 7 gram metal on the ultralight" sez the skipper to be met with a blank stare...hmmmm for a moment I swear he thought he was in for flying lessons...hmmmm.

    So it's off to beginner school, the mackerel grounds where fish hook themselves. They're fatboys too, around the footlong mark. Corny is very excited - the Italian in him loves fresh grilled mackerel whereas all I see is live & strip baits. He won that round, all the macks went in the esky but I had 4x 9" cowanyoung in the livewell for something a 'bit special'. These guys would eat Balmoral yakkas for breakfast! We stuck around the mack grounds for some time, catching 20 & dropping just as many. Also picked up this ornery varmint:


    Y'all don't belong in these parts Yankee!

    Other bycatch was a flattie & Sergeant Baker. Sarge is one of General Lee's confederates, but he don't fight like that damn Yankee! Corny has now perfected his rodcraft, jigging techniques, pump & wind and landing. Moved to colours & all we found was juvie kings on the jigs, 'mouse' size. Lots of fun & great for a brother on his angling L plates but not very satisfying for me. Corny had to go so...dropped him off at Watson's bay, time to find something in the worthy category.post-6106-1207006606_thumb.jpg

    Located a very large school of large Kahawai right in close to south head, just milling & flipping around, not feeding at all. Incredibly frustrating :mad3: 100 follows for 1 hookup on a clear 1" Ma Ma soft plastic. This one gave me serious curry on 2kg gear but was landed after about 20 mins. 59.999cm, the school was all the same size and in only 5m of gin clear water.post-6106-1207006523_thumb.jpg

    not 5 seconds after boating it the Cowanyoung with a 9/0 behind it's head goes nuts & bolts for the hull, pursued by a metre plus kingi zig-zagging at speed trying to grab it - no doubt attracted by all the commotion & flash. :thumbup:

    The little bugger made it to safety & mr hoodlum promptly headed back to NZ, never to be seen again. :1crybaby: The afternoon sun was telling me 'time to get to shore' so I did.

    Tight Lines all,


  6. Chin up Bro, you did better than me. All I scored in MH was a relic! One slightly used throttle lever, confirming what I was told last week; Spot Q is a wreck!! The temp has dropped more than 4 deg in the last 2 days and the kings & bonito seem to have moved out of MH :1crybaby:



    Admins, can I submit this in the Records section??

  7. They're the same thing Bro. Western manufacturers call it graphite w/ modulus rating Asian manufacturers say carbon with % rating. There are many variables such as weave & pitch, & whether the fibres are thermally fused under pressure or bonded with resin, wall thickness, taper etc, etc, etc.

    Hope that's added to the confusion :1prop:

    Really the only way to compare rods is a test drive.

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