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Posts posted by slinkymalinky

  1. Cheers Tony for fixing that up. I should have a couple more up in the coming weeks.

    Great... keep 'em coming. I've got one to put together too... just waiting of some parts for an ABU 6500 then I'll get the camera out.

    Really nice work on the Soron too. The way you posted worked fine.

    Cheers, Slinky

  2. From the pic is does look like it could use a bit more backing but the way it's spooled it won't give you any problems. The issue with overfilling spools with braid is that it allows loose loops of line to fall off the spool during casting much more easily, creating a tangled casting knot. Every reel is a little different but leaving the line around 1-2mm shy of the spool rim is usually about right. It's easy enough to take a bit of line off if you overfill at first and have problems.

    If you're not too experienced I'd probably start with 4lb braid. 2lb would be fine but doesn't give you much margin for error.

    Cheers, Slinky

  3. Great work, Daniel. :thumbup:

    I've got 3 Sorons now so this will come in very handy. Thanks for taking the time to put the tutorial together... I know how much time they take.

    I've edited your original posts into a single post now, so you might want to just give it a quick look and make sure I haven't missed anything.

    Cheers, Slinky

  4. Thanks Mr Malinky ,

    I guess I am after something that i can also fish with livebait or troll with also too . I haven't seen the ones you mentioned but have heard good reports about the t-curves . Do you use your t-curves for other fishing styles ?

    Cheers fellow Slink


    Absolutely... my ambitions towards jigging always last about half a dozen drops before I decide there are more fun ways to catch fish... :074:

    Cheers, Malinky

  5. G'day Slink,

    I'm not into jigging but I love jig rods for heavy live bait work. I've been using a Strudwick Sic Stick 24-37kg bluewater recently and for a cheap rod, it's performed great. I've put enough pressure on it to literally have me pulled around a boat (and I'm no featherweight) and to bust 80lb leader through the rod.

    I've also got a couple of Shimano T-Curves which work great for me (but like I said, I'm no jig man)

    Cheers, Slinky

  6. I found this YouTube link...


    I have absolutely no idea what this guy is saying but I guess he's trying to show how a great reel (Shimano Stella) can still perform after a dunking. :thumbdown:

    He may not have noticed but I did... bubbles coming out means water going in! A little bit of time and he's going to be sending that reel back to Shimano and trying to explain how it got crud and water inside it.

    It doesn't matter how good your reel is or how much its advertising says it's waterproof. If you dunk your reel ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have it completely stripped, cleaned and serviced IMMEDIATELY (don't even keep using it for the rest of the fishing session).

    Cheers, Slinky

  7. Hahahaha, well done slinky. Maybe we need to set up a support group? Loved the photo of all the reels in your other post!

    What is number 13?



    10000CL... new, never used, still in box!! Couldn't resist and as much as part of me thinks it should be tucked away, I'm a fisho not a collector so I'm sure that just like my other reels, it will see the water

    Slinky :biggrin2:

  8. Thanks Slinky, how do you use the bomber, troll, spin, jig?



    Gold bombers can be trolled but not too fast... they're really at home casting to structure in mangrove creeks.

    Cheers, Slinky

  9. (soft plastic) 3" Atomic Prong (pearl core colour) - flathead, jacks, bream and reef fish love them

    (soft plastic) 145mm Squidgie Flick Bait (blue pilchard colour) - snapper, mackerel, cobia and pelagics

    (soft plastic) 4" Powerbait Power Minnow (pearl watermelon) - flathead, flathead and more flathead.

    Bomber long 14A (Gold) - anything that lives in water north of Bundaberg eats them... I'm told that impoundment barra do too but I'm still to prove it

    Spanyid Raider 40g & 20g - for throwing at tuna, tailor, salmon, kingfish, queenfish and almost any other pelagic that swims

    Cheers, Slinky

  10. G'day Ceph,

    I mostly use singles on all my metals... Decoy or Gamakatsu lure singles with the in-line eye.

    I actually find a very slightly lower hook-up rate but a huge improvement in keeping fish hooked... particularly on erratic fighters like tailor.

    Cheers, Slinky

  11. Nice work BC. It's a shame that we Fishraiders have to share the water with other boaters :074: One of the reasons I'm so jealous of Swordfisherman is that he gets to fish through the week a lot so misses the worst of it.

    Some nice looking fish and it must feel good to have your boat back under you.

    Cheers, Slinky

  12. The invasion of Schoolies on the Gold Coast has seen the migration north of at least one Fishraider.

    Browney1 is on the Gold Coast for a few days and got in touch to see if we could grab some water time... So I met him outside his hotel in Surfer's Paradise before heading to the nearby boatramp.

    We only had an hour or two between me finishing work and dark but we scooted out the the rock walls inside the Seaway armed with a couple of plastics outfits. I'd respooled one of my reels the night before and sure enough, had made the beginners mistake of overfilling the spool with braid. Scratch my Jack outfit for a while until I could remove the bunch of grapes in the line.

    On about my 3rd cast with my lighter outfit, I pinned a nice bream of around 31cm. It took a 2" Atomic Prong and had me calling it for a Jack as it bolted for the rocks. A quick photo and back in the water.

    post-6175-032126300 1291027067_thumb.jpg

    We worked over the rock walls for nothing more for a while until I hooked a nice Flattie of around 50ish... it hit my plastic as soon as it touched down, then hit it again, then again, until it finally hooked up. Not solidly enough. It spat the lure at the net. Oh well.

    I was keen to get Brownie onto a fish so we worked over a number of spots until just on last light I took us over to a barge that I'd always thought looked good... old, cruddy and a bottom chocka with weed.

    Sure enough after working over the barge for a few minutes, Brownie hooked into a neat bream of around 25cm.

    post-6175-078922700 1291027068_thumb.jpg

    Not a great haul but a nice way to kick back after work.

    After dropping B1 back at the hotel I passed a group of Schoolies, schooling around a very sorry looking blonde in a white party dress... tossing her cookies into the gutter... at 7.30 in the evening. It's going to be a long week on the Gold Coast for some people.

    Stay safe, B1.

    Cheers, Slinky

  13. Hi McDougal Gail,

    We have a few members from around the area. Send a PM (personal message) to RayR... He's an Avoca local and will give you a heap of help. Doing a search on his post topics will also give you plenty of reading around Avoca fishing sessions and what to expect.

    Cheers, Slinky

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