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Posts posted by Yarraone

  1. What a great day and great weather down at Parsley Bay..

    Headed off towards Juno..Well we had fun hear but no keepers..Just 10 Port Jakson sharks and 3 cat fish.

    Next we headed to the bridge and Bar point..(Between 1am and 5am) Got a few good bites but the only thing landed was cat fish once again.. What to do? So we pulled up at Broklyn to get some more bait from the antique shop. Now with somw great squid we headed to Lion island.

    This was worth it.... :1fishing1:

    From 6am till 10am we didnt stop between 3 of us we landed 30 fish of all good size butnot all were keepers and most were released..But it was a blast as james (the young bloke with us ) had never fished salt water before.. About 11am things got quite so we tried cowan,juno,broklyn and gunya point...with no luck. :mad3:

    About 3pm we went back to the car to cook a feed and restock with bait and stretch our legs and headed back to Lion Island about 5pm.

    :1fishing1::thumbup: Once again things were hot with a few more keepers and 25 landed..most were released as we didnt have much more room in esky or were the smaller ones..(under 35 to 40cm) our smallest fish was the great Bream at 42cm :thumbup:

    Kingfish ranged from about 45 cm to 75cm

    Flat headed started at 40cm up to 70cm

    also landed some pan size travaley, salmon,yellow tail and one leather jaket :yahoo:

    Weather was great fish were great on my new boat first trip......

  2. Hey Lyn ,you know me :biggrin2: I dont mind you and Geoff following me one bit.

    Just make sure you are looking over your shoulder at Jindabyne as I may sneek up on you in stealth mode :1yikes:

    We would be looking at late April to very early May ,around now would be ok as it isnt too cold yet :frozen:

    Cheers Stewy

    well as far as the cold goes the snow has started already...roads were shut on monday due to snow :1yikes:

  3. hi all, i have'nt posted any repots yet so i thought i would report yesterdays trip, however unfortunate the weather may have been.

    Headed out from Apple Tree Bay around 6:30 and drifted Patonga beach for some flatty which we didnt get however we did land a tailor, a medium sized bream and a squid.

    Then headed over to Juno point in search for something bigger.

    After butchering the squid into some bait strips we put a couple of lines out and cast 2 light rigs towards the shorline and let them drift with the current.

    One of the lighter rigs went of fairly quickly and we landed a nice 39cm bream at the same moment an octopus had taken hold of the other rig, a half hour later the same rod went off with something decent but the leader must have snagged on something sharp as i reeled up a piece of shredded line.

    All in all a good morning.

    As im fairly new to fishing i was wondering if anyone could give me advise on where (around the hawkesbury, pittwater, cowan region) to catch some sort of live bait (squid or anything else), and what would be the most effective methods to do so? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    i have been told at westhead near the box that is on the sure berly up for yakka's and at barrenjoey for squid..Good catch by the way I was out there as well .. where about around Juno do you go ? I have tried Juno before with no luck at all.. Should I go close to shore? stay out from shore? and what direction from the point? :1fishing1:




  4. Put myself and 1 mate.. very interested in meeting other fishraiders as well as having a go at hairtail.

    Also wat is involved with these socials? is there a membership fee? or entry fee? Where about on the Hawksberry?

    Is threre a site you may know that I can look at for more information on Hairtails and the socials?

  5. 3rd runway Botany Bay

    NOW Is a good time to mention that I could not find the net in the chop..IT IS FREE TO GOOD HOME..

    It is at the or near the end of the 3rd runway.. It is a orange box net with a 2lt milk bottle with my name and number.. At least who ever gets it I hope that it has some crab? Please let me know? PM me or post a message or you can ring 0413196591

    What a shitty night

  6. sorry no pic's didnt take the camera :mad3:

    Well I headed down from Bathurst on thursday afternoon..Weather was great a little cloudy but, I had nothing but hope. :05: Did the family visits and headed to Port Botany.

    Got to the ramp about 9:15pm. Most were going home already and weather had got a little worse. The wind had picked up, the light rain had started..I had not came this way for nothing so I was going to give it a good go. I also had my 12 year old son that wanted a fish no matter what.. I headed to the 3rd runway dropped a crab net, and anchored about 50 to 60 m from the marker. We did get some hits but landed nothing.

    It is now going onto midnight and it is just getting worse. So we got it together and decided to grab the car and head for Tom Ugly's bridge... :05:

    NOW Is a good time to mention that I could not find the net in the chop..IT IS FREE TO GOOD HOME..

    It is at the or near the end of the 3rd runway.. It is a orange box net with a 2lt milk bottle with my name and number.. At least who ever gets it I hope that it has some crab? Please let me know? :05::beersmile:

    so we are at TOM UGLY"S we fished the bridge and down in the bays near the bridge untill 9am..Had 2 real good runs but nothing to the boat.


    We start at cowan creek near apple tree bay and work up. anchored at one of the bays just up from the ramp and BANG, BANG we were getting bites and fish..I landed 2 good 35cm snapper. It was getting close to the 5:30pm gate time so we loaded the boat to go to Parsley Bay. Put the boat in and tried the bridge(nothing) So we went back to the pilons just near the Broklyn marina as I have had luck here before. about 20min later the bites started and about an hour 1 flounder and 1 good 45 cm flattie.

    We got wet and gave it a good hard go.. we went home with some fish at least... :05:

  7. :1fishing1: I am traveling to Botany This thursday and will be in the water about 9pm right through to saturday evening. Mainly around the runways, Kurnell and Tom ugly's bridge. I have attached a pic of my boat , If you see me around I would love to say hi and see how the other fishraiders are going..Good luck to all out there this Easter and be safe.. :1fishing1:
  8. Hi all I will traveling down from Bathurst to botany bay at Easter. I will be going through liverpool the rest of the trip i will be on the M7 & M5.. Just woundering If there are any good Bait shops in Liverpool area, or Servo's that sell bait? The only one that I know of is the little shop on the corner near or just before the bridge at Bankstown airport ( on the chippy norton side).. I have to visit family in Liverpool and they are not fisho's..... :1fishing1:

  9. Im heading to Botany for the first time this Easter..I plan to be there from Thursday night untill saturday noon..I'm traveling from Bathurst and would like any tips for flatties, bream or snapper and jewies if they are around.. i will try around the runways, but will also try outside just off the heads..

    Any help at all would be greatfull.. Also I will be traveling through Liverpool and the only bait shop that I know of is the the one near the bridge just before Bankstown airport.. I then will be going on down the M5..Is there anyothers that might be one my way that I could buy bait over easter and at early and late hours. :1fishing1: Good luck to all...

  10. Hi everyone, Just thought I would ask about Botany Bay.. I am from Bathurst and usualy go to the Hawksberry near broklyn..Haven't had much luck there of late so I thought I would try Botany bay..

    I dont know the area all that well.. haven't fished there for some years now.. i would put the boat in at Port Botany and head out I guess...If there is any good spots or infomation people would like to share with me, I would be very greatfull...I would like to fish in the bay as well as out at the heads just offshore..Flathead, snapper and bream would be my perfered fish... I would love to hook up to smoething with a bit of size though... :1fishing1:

  11. With the recent flood of reality TV shows I was thinking last night (after a :beersmile: )

    How good would a show on fishing be? we could call it 'So you think you can fish'

    We have a bunch auditions for prospective contestants who then each week compete in different styles of fishing for a different species.

    The one with the worst catch gets eliminated finally leaving us with the top fisherman in all categories.

    What do you think?

    I would watch it! what the heck I would audition for it!

    Ps: in case any networks are reading this...

    Conceived and written by Paul Aka Gone Wishin, all rights reserved royalties expected.

    Regards Paul

    Sounds blody good to me ....Get to it mate lets put it to them...TOP idea :1clap:

  12. Not a very good trip to the hawksberry this week...River was pretty mudy at times, So the catfish were plenty...I tried the river at Bar point, The rail bridge, Gunya point, drifting between the road bridge and the rail bridge. Then went out on the tide to Flint & Steel and Juno point. I put in at Parsley Bay at about 9pm on wedensday night and stayed on the water untill 7pm Thursday night.

    The only hook ups were 2x 40cm flatties and a 20cm flounder which we caught near Broklyn Marina. about 30min before we headed home..

    We tried live sauid, fresh frozen squid, pilchards and prawns.. I noticed that there were not many others out on the water either ?? But, those that were and i talked to said they had no luck either..

    As far as Juno point goes, I have herd alot about this place but, never even got a bite there... Maybe I am not in the right spot.. Can anybody help me please.. I dont have a sounder as yet so I can only go off directions and guess..Were is the best spot and direction from juno to get good fish and jewies?

    I have also added a pic of the flatties

    This stranger beauty was caught about 500m from Juno towards Flint & Steel? DOES ANYONE HAVE AN IDEA WHAT IT IS??? Are they any good? :1fishing1:

  13. Hi people, I will be hiting the H'berry this week . i will put in at Parsley bay and head out.. I will be fishing from Gunnya Point out to Lion Island.. Just woundering what the conditions have been like? Have the fish been biting? I will be there for 3 days. any feedback would be great.. Thanks :1fishing1::beersmile:

    I have added a pic of my boat just incase someone would like to say hi

  14. Hi, I live in Bathurst and haven't been to the lake for awhile.. It has only been about 2%... But with the recent rains it may be up a bit..better fishing over at windermere. and there has been a few red fin caught at Ben chifley dam :1fishing1::beersmile:

  15. Gday there,

    Try metho for the finger marks, if there is a sticky substance you can try eucalyptus oil, but be sure to take the oil off after cleaning .. metho will do

    Thanks for that,, I don't know why I have never thought of metho as I use it on and in the car for just the same thing....

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